~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I would call your maternity unit chick, doesn't seem quite right to me. Could be BH but I think you're better to call and get proper advice

Hi ladies!

I was wondering whether I might join you? I'm not third tri yet, but I had a look at the second tri thread and it didn't seem as active as this one, so I thought I'd pop my head in here and say hello!

I'm due the 30th of September, but am expecting this baby early as my daughter was nearly a month early. My first was late though, so really, this baby could appear anywhere between early September and early October!

This is my third and final baby and I'm 24 weeks. Hoping to find some lovely ladies to spend the rest of my pregnancy chatting with.
FFO, i have what you have. Idk what it is! Ive been getting random 'bad belly' bursts for a few weeks now. I was in hosp with the cramping pain to. (I think you should go and get checked to) When i sit down normally i get bad pain in the bottom of my belly. Feel faint all the time and my nausea has come back. Feel worse than tri 1. Lol. I went shopping yday and my belly was so sore, kept needing to sit down!
Drs and midwives have all told me everything is fine and i have no problems so god knows whats going on. Gah.
Hope you feel better soon :)

Welcome Serendipity! Do you know what your having? :) x
Hi ladies!

I was wondering whether I might join you? I'm not third tri yet, but I had a look at the second tri thread and it didn't seem as active as this one, so I thought I'd pop my head in here and say hello!

I'm due the 30th of September, but am expecting this baby early as my daughter was nearly a month early. My first was late though, so really, this baby could appear anywhere between early September and early October!

This is my third and final baby and I'm 24 weeks. Hoping to find some lovely ladies to spend the rest of my pregnancy chatting with.

Hi lovely, and welcome! Very happy to have you with us :) What team are you please, blue, pink, or yellow? I think I remember you from my first pregnancy :)

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Thank you PeanutButter and Kumber!

I'm having a girl this time around if my three scans since 16 weeks are to be believed. I did suspect it was a girl as I had so many similarities to my daughter's pregnancy - though I know that's not always proof of same gender - and her 12-week-scan was so so similar to my daughter's too.

Kumber - your name certainly seems familiar too!
Congratulations on your pink bundle, I'll update the front page now :)
Sorry for the lack of reply yesterday. I didn't go to the hospital as the cramps didn't get worse or more frequent and actually died down after some breakfast the next morning and a short walk for a pub lunch lol

If it happens again I'll give the triage a call. I did ask the midwife about period like aches at my 28 week appointment but they appeared confused and couldn't explain why.

I've been feeling super tired for the last few days and I think I'm losing my appetite a little, which is why I think I've been nauseated because I've not been snacking as much as before!

Any pale mummas here suffering with broken capillaries/blood vessels appearing?! I had some on my hands show up a few months ago and yesterday I got slightly sunburnt on my chest and have had them come up there too :(
Thank you PeanutButter and Kumber!

I'm having a girl this time around if my three scans since 16 weeks are to be believed. I did suspect it was a girl as I had so many similarities to my daughter's pregnancy - though I know that's not always proof of same gender - and her 12-week-scan was so so similar to my daughter's too.

Kumber - your name certainly seems familiar too!

Congrats on team pink, and welcome to Tri 3! :)
Sorry for the lack of reply yesterday. I didn't go to the hospital as the cramps didn't get worse or more frequent and actually died down after some breakfast the next morning and a short walk for a pub lunch lol

If it happens again I'll give the triage a call. I did ask the midwife about period like aches at my 28 week appointment but they appeared confused and couldn't explain why.

I've been feeling super tired for the last few days and I think I'm losing my appetite a little, which is why I think I've been nauseated because I've not been snacking as much as before!

Any pale mummas here suffering with broken capillaries/blood vessels appearing?! I had some on my hands show up a few months ago and yesterday I got slightly sunburnt on my chest and have had them come up there too :(

Definitely snack, our tummies are starting to get smaller as we get closer to term so we need little and often. The weather probably isn't helping either, it's sooooooooo stuffy. I'm finding it's making me feel grotty and is giving me a headache. Not the same I know, but could be making you feel sick?

Kumber, my due date is correct on the front page, 9th September.
And we're team yellow...I think that's the right colour for a surprise! Xx
Thanks blueberrybaby, will update your colour for you now. This tri is filling up quite nicely!

Thanks blueberrybaby, will update your colour for you now. This tri is filling up quite nicely!

Yeah it's lovely to see so many of you.

How are you all doing in this warm sunshine?! I'm struggling walking with my little boy in the pushchair being this hot! especially as we're uphill!
Exhausting..I have to keep stopping!

Hope your all well Xx
80 days to go for me today!
Bump is coming along nicely. Excluding the excruciating back pain, it's now making every day tasks exhausting and difficult.

Had my urine retested today and all clear :)


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Really struggling with the heat, I'm currently sitting half in the nud in front of a big fan trying not to melt. Trying to stay indoors as much as I can now as I overheat assad get dizzy very quickly.

Getting quite worried about the size of my bump, I'm the only driver and can barely fit behind the wheel. I also have a cat show next weekend which is about 8 hours of nonstop walking after an early start. Luckily it's only 20 minutes away but it's still a very long day.

Lovely bump ffo! That back pain sounds shit but yay for clear urine!

28 weeks for me tomorrow, and 28 week mw appt next week. I'll be having fortnightly bp checks from next week which is great but also a monstrous pain in the arse.

Good luck with your appointment, Kumber.
I couldn't imagine driving - I can barely get in and out of the car efficiently haha.
I've never found driving to bad in pregnancy it's the walking with a huge bump. 11 month old has been so grumpy today and
I have a very short fuse due to the heat. I wish there was a local
Pool where we could go after school. I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow and they take
Blood :(
Elfs just make sure you drink lots and lots of water during the night and before your appointment! I get so easily dehydrated that they can't find a vein in the usual place sometimes. Once they had to use a paesds needle and ultrasound machine just to find a vein, and twice since getting pregnant (including 28 week appointment) they had to use a syringe at a vein on my upper arm instead of the crease.

I hate blood tests so much as they make me incredibly dizzy and sick afterwards, but they can be so quick and painless as long as you're not dehydrated. So much advice to everyone would be drink drink drink, and during the test focus on baby - I like to put my other hand on my tummy and sorta poke him to see if he moves lol Keeps my brain off of thinking about the test.

Good luck tomorrow x
I wouldn't be surprised if I get sent to the hospital tomorrow. Not felt baby move today (which can be normal in this pregnancy ) but the mw I have is quite often over cautious. I'm also ridiculously itchy mostly on my bump and legs xx
Oh :( fingers crossed everything is fine with baby xx
Always better to be over cautious though, though I understand it must be exhausting
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