Hi ladies!
I was wondering whether I might join you? I'm not third tri yet, but I had a look at the second tri thread and it didn't seem as active as this one, so I thought I'd pop my head in here and say hello!
I'm due the 30th of September, but am expecting this baby early as my daughter was nearly a month early. My first was late though, so really, this baby could appear anywhere between early September and early October!
This is my third and final baby and I'm 24 weeks. Hoping to find some lovely ladies to spend the rest of my pregnancy chatting with.
Thank you PeanutButter and Kumber!
I'm having a girl this time around if my three scans since 16 weeks are to be believed. I did suspect it was a girl as I had so many similarities to my daughter's pregnancy - though I know that's not always proof of same gender - and her 12-week-scan was so so similar to my daughter's too.
Kumber - your name certainly seems familiar too!
Sorry for the lack of reply yesterday. I didn't go to the hospital as the cramps didn't get worse or more frequent and actually died down after some breakfast the next morning and a short walk for a pub lunch lol
If it happens again I'll give the triage a call. I did ask the midwife about period like aches at my 28 week appointment but they appeared confused and couldn't explain why.
I've been feeling super tired for the last few days and I think I'm losing my appetite a little, which is why I think I've been nauseated because I've not been snacking as much as before!
Any pale mummas here suffering with broken capillaries/blood vessels appearing?! I had some on my hands show up a few months ago and yesterday I got slightly sunburnt on my chest and have had them come up there too![]()
Thanks blueberrybaby, will update your colour for you now. This tri is filling up quite nicely!