~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Yay for curry. I LOVE curry but OH doesn't... I'm having veggie pasta with chillies though.
Hopefully you get your wish Elfs, but if not try and have a relaxing night with OH :)

I've resigned myself to the induction tomorrow (if the wards aren't full!) just uncomfortable now and running out of paracetamol!
I can't wait until everyone starts to announce their lil arrivals!

Great news elfs, shouldn't be too long now. I hope kumber is getting on okay today. Good luck with yours tomorrow FFO. I'm going to order a lovely curry tomorrow, save me cooking too hehe! Do you think a madras will be hot enough? I don't think I could handle a vindaloo! Everyone keeps messaging me every day saying, is the baby here yet, honestly it's driving me insane, I know they are all excited but I don't need constantly reminding she's overdue, I sound terrible don't i!

I keep getting just one big cramp in the night and baby feeling really low then it passes so I'm not sure if I'll be ready for my sweep tomorrow, here's hoping they can do something, a progress report would be good though.. Sleep well everyone! :) x
Thanks CGI :)
If you're not a big spicy person I think a madras will be fine. I think it's an old wives tale because curries aggravate your digestive system which some believe help start contractions/labour. So it's basically eating something that's hot to you!

As we haven't heard from kumber I'm hoping it's a good sign that her little one is here or well On the way of being here!

I'm so scared about tomorrow I don't think I'll sleep much. I'm restless and feel a little sad too that it's gonna be over and have no idea how to be a parent! Lol. Is scary because now it feels like I'm actively walking into being in pain whereas with spontaneous labour you have no choice and build up to it.. eep!
I still can't get my head around being a parent, I think I've blocked it out as I can't imagine what it will be really like, I've only just got used to my bump :)

Just think you'll have all your bits with you from home & you won't have to rush about to get to the hospital whilst in pain, I'm sure you'll be fine once you get there and settle into your room, hope you get a bit of rest tonight, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! x
Good luck today ffo hope induction goes well. Kumber I hope you're holding your little boy in your arms.
Lost a tonne of plug throughout the night but had a nice sleep which I needed. Hopefully things will kick of properly at some point but I've kind of resigned myself to waiting forever xx
Morning ladies, induction went well and he was born last night

Sorry to hear things have slowed down for everyone, these lazy babies!
Congratulations kumber. looking forward to hearing about the induction and about your little one.
Enjoy this time Xx
Yay kumber! Can't wait to hear more and hope you're both doing well this morning!

Well I called the ward this morning and they had no beds so I'm just stuck waiting...
Yay kumber! Can't wait to hear more and hope you're both doing well this morning!

Well I called the ward this morning and they had no beds so I'm just stuck waiting...

Is that how it works? I've just been told to go in at a certain time to the ward for my induction..? If they've given you a date and time, how come they're now making you wait? X
They didn't give me a time. Told me to call first thing today to see if any space was available to accommodate the induction .. so I'm stuck waiting until they move someone on basically as I'll be going to the antenatal ward before the labour ward so they have to make sure there's beds in both.
They didn't give me a time. Told me to call first thing today to see if any space was available to accommodate the induction .. so I'm stuck waiting until they move someone on basically as I'll be going to the antenatal ward before the labour ward so they have to make sure there's beds in both.

Ahh okay, I see. I suppose that makes sense but frustrating for you. The midwife gave me a time so I'll be there then with my bags but she did mention going home again and waiting for a call to go back which could be a ridiculous time during the night...odd.
I hope there's beds soon Xx
Thanks blueberry. Literally just got a call now telling me to come down and now I'm bricking it oh jeez
Congratulations Kumber :) x

Hope they find a bed for you soon FFO x

My sweep went surprisingly well, it didn't hurt at all which surprised me as I've heard some shocking stories! They said they would be very surprised if the baby wasn't here soon I.e. Before an induction next week so I'm super excited now :)
How is everyone today ladies? Hoping ffo has had her little one by now. Does anyone have any progress?

Ohh it's exciting to see some babies starting to arrive! I am still feeling so unorganised. I've just requested to join the Facebook group cos I find it hard to keep up with this thread.
Waiting for announcements!
I'm still here lost loads more plug today not holding out much hope on a weekend arrival tomorrow would be nice as it's my parents 29th wedding anniversary x

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