~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Congrats Kumber! Glad the induction went well. How long did you labour for?x

Thanks Belfa! I contracted for 6.5 hours, 2nd stage was 6 minutes and 3rd stage was 9 minutes :shock:

That's fab! Fingers crossed I'm the same!x

Just a quick one he was born yesterday on 09/09 at 22:22hrs weighing 8.8lbs, by suction cup delivery and epidural. Lost a lot of blood so being kept in to be monitored for now and feel like death warmed up but baby seems to be doing great. Still deciding on a name though!

It was honestly the hardest thing I've ever done and I need a spinal and epidural in the end as pethedine apparently doesn't work on me but he's here and I did it!

Hope everyone else is okay!
Congratulations lovely, and well done! What a little chunk! Take it easy and feel better soon :hugs:

Right ladies, who is next? Does anyone have any more progress? I'm cheering you all on, we need more babies in here!

Honestly, I'm getting tired of waiting now, I said I wouldn't mind but I'm so tired and I just want her here safe and sound.. everyone's saying the longer I wait the more risky it is for the baby and I'm 41 weeks now. Had a sweep Friday, had my show yesterday & it's all stopped, can't believe it. Everyone keeps ringing and texting too which isn't helping me stay calm lol. Another sweep on Tuesday if nothing happens & then an induction on Thursday but it seems like such a long time to wait.. :( xx
Going in tomorrow for my induction..proper nervous. don't know what to expect and I was hoping for such a different birth!
I'm 40 weeks now and one day, just passing a lot of show and hashing a few tightenings but nothing to make me think labour is around the corner happening naturally as it did with baby number 1.

hopefully a baby by the end of tomorrow or Tuesday at least..or is that just wishful thinking?! Fingers crossed and good luck everyone else, hope these babies get a wiggle on and are in our arms very soon Xx
Good luck blueberry ! I have a sweep tomorrow at 10 am a few tightnings today but nothing exciting can't seem to stay of the loo which is annoying. Hopefully the sweep will work 40+4 and I'm so ready now xx
Good luck blueberry!

How frustrating for you ladies, I've never known so many forum babies to be late!

Good luck blueberry ! I have a sweep tomorrow at 10 am a few tightnings today but nothing exciting can't seem to stay of the loo which is annoying. Hopefully the sweep will work 40+4 and I'm so ready now xx

Hope it works for you and gets things moving! Fingers crossed for you Xx
Aww Kumber they must be making up for the all August babies who came early! Congratulations to those of you who have your babies already and good luck to those still waiting. I'm just popping on occasionally to see how you're doing but not much time to do so now I have three under three! X
I'm getting so frustrated for you Elfs! Hurry up baby!


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