~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Still in hospital as baby isn't feeding well and vomiting a lot so they can't discharge us. I'm really struggling with my emotions so I'm a mess but my OH is wonderful. This is now my fourth night in hospital and I'm going insane climbing the walls and in so much pain as I had to have an episiotomy during delivery and these hospital beds are not helping my back so I'm in agony.
Will update with more when I'm hopefully home tomorrow with the kiddo, who's name is Logan by the way!

I'm absolutely terrified of going home without him :(
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Ohh gosh, that's so worrying for you. Come on Logan, keep that food down and sort yourself out! Sending you both lots of love and gentle squeezes, I hope you both get to go home together soon :hugs:

Hello ladies I'm back!
FFO congratulations! I hope you and your baby will get discharged soon!

I'd like to share my birth story and it went like this:

So after a few days of random contractions and frustrastions I woke up at 3am for a wee and felt a gush of waters, called the hospital, was told to come in but might be send home if there weren't any contractions. They started 30mins later in the car every 5 mins and the pain was managable. I thought yupi I can do this! arrived at the hospital at about 5am and was asked to walk around for a bit and see how my contractions were going to develop. Ok, so I did. They were still 5 mins apart but grew in intensity and had to stop and breathe, pain was getting bad. After two hours got checked and I was only 1cm dilated at which point I decided to abandon my original plan of waterbirth and get epidural instead. Midwife said ok but only when I am minimum 4cm dilated. I was in great pain...she offered me some codeine and paracetamol and said will be checked again in 2hrs. I asked for g&a and this was a no also. The following 2hrs were painfull, I was punching the walls, crying, vomiting and having nasty bowel clearing. I was so looking forward to get checked again and be 4cm. After those 2hrs of agony asked the midwife to check me again and she said THERE WAS NO PROGRESS AT ALL - still at 1cm!!!! Gutted. i started crying and beggining for some kind of pain relief, she said she would speak to the dr nicely and ask for some pethedine for me to send me to sleep and relax mode. I was begging for epidural and the answer was still no. Got the pethidine injection and lied on a bed sleeping between the contractions which were somewhere between 2-3 mins apart and painful like hell, found it difficult to breathe. Oh my God I felt so stoned lying there, the pethinide didnt make the horrific pain go away but made me care less and relaxed me. 2 hours gone I was calling midwife and praying to be at 4cm so I could get the epidural. She checked and she went: ok you are 9,5cm dilated and I will be delivering your baby and you can still get the epidural if you want but it wont be much longer. I was shocked, my OH was shocked. I didnt know what to do but contraction came and I pushed and couldnt control it. I said to midwife to get me in the pool asap so I can have my water birth as planned. I begged her to hurry up. 5 mins later was in the pool it was lovely and I had gas and air as I was pushing with each contraction which werent painful any more, they just felt like lots of pressure. A few good pushes and the pressure was enormous as baby head was about to crown. Crowning wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, a little burning sensation but not bad at all, think water helped! After about 20-30 mins in the water Her head slowly emerged and she was born at 12:45 on Friday 8th of September. The feeling was surreal. I found it difficult to believe she was my child, my little person.

About 10 stitches internally and 3 small ones on the outside. Got discharged the next day. Enormous pain for a few days but starting to feel better down there already.

It feels like she's been with us for weeks already, but it's only been a few days. I am slowly growing to love her more and more everyday.

She's been a devil in the night and angel during the day so far. I am exhausted and had a breakdown last night thinking God what have we done. Midwife said it is just my milk coming and hormones are playing up.

Congrats to those who had September babies already and good luck to those who are still waiting.
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Well done Agnessa! I'm soooooo jealous you got your water birth but so pleased for you! Baby blues are pants but totally normal and they do pass. Just get the tears out and you'll feel much better

Agnessa, thank you for sharing your birth story, it's wonderful to hear your experience and sounds like you did an awesome job! Congratulations xx
Agnessa congratualtions again! Thanks for sharing your birth story, it's actually similar to mine to begin with involving the pain and pethadine

Just wanted to update that Logan and I are home now and although it's still up and down he's healthy and we're learning. I'll update with my birth story soon, promise! It's been a very surreal and struggling 4 days... I don't even know where to begin!
Baby news here! ⭐️ I had a perfect gorgeous little boy and we named him Henry. Very in love and his (little) big brother adores him already!! A lovely little 7lb 9oz. normal delivery with gas and air and a bit of pethidiene.
The hospital was closed so I had a rush to another one nearby so that was eventful! I also had a cancelled induction the day before, and was arranged for today but he decided to come himself this morning!
Good luck to other mummies waiting and congrats to all those newbie mum's Xx
Congratulations blueberry! What is his birthday please lovely so I can update the front page?

Yes it must be your turn by now Elfs!

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Surely my partner should be up with the baby and I should be resting ? Ds is teething really badly and I've been up with him since two. I'm being induced tomorrow surely I should be asleep ?
Yes he should be and you should be! Hope you managed to get some sleep and your induction has started. Good luck lovely, hope we hear baby news today!

Baby boy born 9.24 pm 10lb bunch of perfection. Very eventful labor went from 3cm-9cm in three hours sadly he was too big for me to push out myself and he was born via emcs xx
Congratulations elfs! xx

I have my induction today, not had much sleep so fingers crossed she arrives swiftly! xx
Congratulations Elfs!

Best of luck for today CG, hope she arrives soon

Keep looking out for more baby news. Hope we have some more announcements soon!

My poor boy is under scbu luckily with me at the moment waiting for results and to see if he needs a lumber puncture zz zz

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