~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

So it looks like things are moving on for us here.

Midwife said it was perfectly normal for baby to wriggle a lot during contraction. Also had a check and my cervix is 100% effaced with almost 1 finger dilated so midwife gave it a gentle massage, showed me the plug lol and said she lays money baby will come within next 48hrs. Also baby head is lying incredibly low and couldnt go down any further, also perfect position for birth. Adviced me to get some sleep while I can which Im going to try to do now despite painful back.

FFO, I know what you mean I'm Having weird thoughts as well cant believe Im going to have a little person. I cant stop thinking what my reaction will be when I first see her. I mean is this really MY CHILD? Will I feel it straight away?
Lmao ffo. Scarlett is 3 weeks old today and I still can't believe she came out of me. Like she's really mine? Aha. When she lay on my belly is can't believe she fitted in there!
Still waiting for birth announcements... keep checking. I don't know how your coping being overdue!!! So glad she wanted to come early... although i miss being preg.
Hoping these babies aren't keeping you waiting much longer. Xx
Agnessa, eeeeeep things are starting for you! Hope baby makes an appearance soon, we're in need of another birth announcement!

Haha yep it's even weirder when that person is actually here!!

I'm really worried I'll just break down in tears lol which is a silly thing to worry about! I'm a very emotional person!

Got my 40 week MW appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping that they'll be able to explain the process of induction (because this midwife from yesterday sure didn't explain shit to me), and that they say I'm dilated a little further...
I've just been left with so little confidence after yesterday, and the unit losing all my notes...
Waiting for more baby announcements:)
Finding today quite hard as I now know three people who were due after me have now had there babies xx
Waiting for more baby announcements:)
Finding today quite hard as I now know three people who were due after me have now had there babies xx

Don't worry, I'm with you on the waiting! nothing seems to be happening naturally anyway. Other than the stabby pains and painful kicking.
I'm going in tomorrow for a scan because of static growth which could lead to a sweep but we'll see.
Try to relax and enjoy some rest (as much as you can) before than demands of a newborn. Xx
Waiting for more baby announcements:)
Finding today quite hard as I now know three people who were due after me have now had there babies xx

I understand completely how you feel, Elfs. I feel like I should have been done ages ago considering the pre-term scare I had at 36 weeks!
We'll get there :hug:
Ah this thread moves too fast for me! Can't keep up. I'm hoping baby is gonna arrive before due date. I've 2 weeks left at home and still SO much to do. I feel like my world is gonna change even more massively this time round which seems bizarre considering this is baby number 2!
Right there with you ladies, we can do this!! We've got an influx of babies set to come this week so if we could get them all here by Sunday, that would be ace :D

Ah this thread moves too fast for me! Can't keep up. I'm hoping baby is gonna arrive before due date. I've 2 weeks left at home and still SO much to do. I feel like my world is gonna change even more massively this time round which seems bizarre considering this is baby number 2!

I feel the same! Baby number two and I can't seem to wrap my head around the change that's coming! I feel like it's going to be massive! Can't wait for them to be together though Xx
I'm so confused... after contracting all day with regular contractions 10 mins apartm I had a shower went to bed and everything stopped, not even a twinge or any discomfort in the night, on the contrary, I've slept like a baby since 10pm woke up now and feeling so frustrated cause nothing is happening.... midwife convinced me I was going in labour yesterday :(
I feel so stuck now dont know what to do :(
aw sorry agnessa, sounds so frustrating! not much advice here sorry but I hope it starts back up again for you.
Just try and relax Xx
Agnessa I really thought we'd see your announcement this morning. At least a good nights sleep puts you on a good place to have a baby today. I'd probably snuggle on the sofa, watch a funny film and relax because you'll be pushing a baby out very soon.
On another note it's officially my due date ! ..
Ohh no Agnessa, I'm gutted for you. I agree with Elfs, take as much time to chill out as you can as baby will be here soon!

Feeling it today, soooooo hoping baby gets a wriggle on today but it's looking unlikely. Just hoping they don't send me home with no induction tomorrow if delivery ward is full

I think we're all feeling the same now. I'm now 4 days overdue and have my 40 week appointment today with the midwife and I'm hoping they're not as useless as the last one I saw. Feeling very disheartened and not confident they'll even find time to induce me on Friday given my last two experiences at he maternity ward.

I'm still pregnant, still got that damn headache, still in pain everywhere. Le sigh

(I'm sorry you guys are feeling this too - it's horrible :( ) x
Hi All,

I am due Oct 4th but I wanted to wish you all the luck and love with your impending deliveries! I have been nosey and keeping a tab on this thread to see how you are all doing, you are on the home stretch now and sounds like some babies may be arriving in the next few days! Am excited for you! I am 36 weeks and I am desperate to get this baby out so I can't comprehend how some of you are feeling having gone over!

Good luck with all the impending births, can't wait to read about them and see the pictures xx
So I've left my midwife appointment feeling completely defeated and sad.

Baby isn't quite as low as I'd hoped and my cervix is still slightly posterior, long and only dilated to about 1cm. So nothing's changed there since Saturday. She did another sweep but it hurt a lot and said that given the condition of the cervix it's unlikely to do anything at all between now and Friday and it's unlikely I'll go into labour on my own before then.

So it's looking like it's the induction for me. I have to call the ward on Friday morning to confirm a time to go in but I'm actually quite upset by this. I feel like I was cheated out of a positive pregnancy experience already by having back pain etc and having to be signed off work early and not being able to move around and enjoy being Mrs mother fucking nature lol, but now I don't get to go into labour on my own and do it my way.

The midwife explained that it can take up to 3 days for the pessary/gels/IV to actually start labour, and with the labour itself and recovery I could be looking at up to 5 days in hospital. And I know that being induced carries an increase chance of being a longer labour, more painful and needing intervention such as forceps etc, and I'm actually terrified of having to go through all of that to have it end in a C section... I've struggled so much with the idea of ever going through being pregnant again with a second child, that I'm scared this will be the final straw if it's traumatic.

I also don't want to be left alone overnight, and although I know OH can stay with, we have a kitty that needs to be taken care of and I'm gonna need him to be rested because I won't sleep in hospital.. I always said that I wanted to labour at home as long as possible and not be in hospital any longer than I needed to be, but the idea of being there for DAYS is really upsetting for me. That and not being able to go into the birth centre and being stuck on a ward for most of it?

I guess I just wanted the experience of spontaneously going into labour and doing it myself, not being forced to have contractions/dilate by medicine. Which probably sounds a bit spoiled out loud :wall2: I know it's best for baby not to be in there any longer than he has to be, though my observation checks today were all normal despite feeling so poorly.

Sorry for the long ramble!
Can anyone offer any support/advice/positivity regarding an induction? :(

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