So I've left my midwife appointment feeling completely defeated and sad.
Baby isn't quite as low as I'd hoped and my cervix is still slightly posterior, long and only dilated to about 1cm. So nothing's changed there since Saturday. She did another sweep but it hurt a lot and said that given the condition of the cervix it's unlikely to do anything at all between now and Friday and it's unlikely I'll go into labour on my own before then.
So it's looking like it's the induction for me. I have to call the ward on Friday morning to confirm a time to go in but I'm actually quite upset by this. I feel like I was cheated out of a positive pregnancy experience already by having back pain etc and having to be signed off work early and not being able to move around and enjoy being Mrs mother fucking nature lol, but now I don't get to go into labour on my own and do it my way.
The midwife explained that it can take up to 3 days for the pessary/gels/IV to actually start labour, and with the labour itself and recovery I could be looking at up to 5 days in hospital. And I know that being induced carries an increase chance of being a longer labour, more painful and needing intervention such as forceps etc, and I'm actually terrified of having to go through all of that to have it end in a C section... I've struggled so much with the idea of ever going through being pregnant again with a second child, that I'm scared this will be the final straw if it's traumatic.
I also don't want to be left alone overnight, and although I know OH can stay with, we have a kitty that needs to be taken care of and I'm gonna need him to be rested because I won't sleep in hospital.. I always said that I wanted to labour at home as long as possible and not be in hospital any longer than I needed to be, but the idea of being there for DAYS is really upsetting for me. That and not being able to go into the birth centre and being stuck on a ward for most of it?
I guess I just wanted the experience of spontaneously going into labour and doing it myself, not being forced to have contractions/dilate by medicine. Which probably sounds a bit spoiled out loud

I know it's best for baby not to be in there any longer than he has to be, though my observation checks today were all normal despite feeling so poorly.
Sorry for the long ramble!
Can anyone offer any support/advice/positivity regarding an induction?