~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I feel the same as you, I've been at the hospital today where I've been given Monday as my induction date.
I need to be monitored so no water birth either. absolutely gutted.
I've had static growth so that's why they don't want to leave me any longer than then. I've had a sweep today to help things along but I'm 1cm too.
Hopefully I go into labour naturally before then but who knows..I've been told I still have to be monitored and still the possibility of needing the drugs.

Think we need to try and stay positive and keep the end goal in sight..our babies :)
Don't feel defeated, you'll still do an amazing job and be a mummy at the end of it all, I know from personal experience that as soon as little one is here that none of this matters anymore and you just enjoy them being there Xx
I'm sad about leaving my little boy at home too, I know I'll be worrying about him night and day whilst being stuck in hospital. his daddy and family are amazing but I already feel emotional about being away from him x
Oh blueberry sorry you're not able to have your water birth :( You're right about the goal of it all though, and I'm sure once I've slept on it and organised some things tomorrow I'll feel better about it all and realise that it's only a means to an end - of getting our kiddos here safely.

You LO will be okay, because you're off making a baby for him to smoosh! Can you facetime/skype him at all while at hospital to feel a little closer to home?
Yeah that's a nice idea, thank you I hadn't thought of that. will definitely do that. Just worried me as I'm the one that does his sleeps and he doesn't settle with anyone else.

But your right, means to an end. Good luck with everything, I hope it all goes well for you.
We need to relax now and trust that things will happen how it's supposed to happen :) xx
When I stayed in the ward a couple of weeks ago a lot of mums were facetiming their kiddos at home that evening and it was really sweet. Hopefully you won't be in for too long and he settles.
Thank you & good luck for Monday, if things don't kick off before then for you! ;)
Totally with you there ladies. Feel like shit about tomorrow, convinced I will be sent home with no induction. Also gutted about no water birth, but I'm so glad he's going to be here soon. My skin is so sore from fast growing stretch marks.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh what a shit end to my last pregnancy.

Sorry it's not been ideal :( But he'll be the super cutest kid so it'll make up for it I'm sure! Hopefully in the next few days you can close that chapter and focus on the fun part of having a newborn and making the most of that.

I'm worried too that they won't have room/staff to induce me, and that they'll either keep me waiting for ages in hospital or send me home. I guess you can ask them first thing in the morning what their day looks like so you have an idea? When I stayed on the ward a few weeks ago a few women did have to wait a day or two for their induction to start because of emergency sections... But that's something they should be able to tell you by the time you get there.
Looks like most of you will have your babies in your arms in the next few days. Ultimately you will barely remember the birth once that baby is in your arms x
Good luck ladies! Kumber I'm stalking you as I want to see if your labour is as quick as your others lol! X

Thanks for the luck ladies, definitely being induced today. Waiting to be examined and have the pessary. They have g&a on the ward ready for me, thank goodness! Hopefully my body responds and he's here by this evening
Good luck kumber.
I've just got back from the mw she did a sweep and I'm 3cm dilated having milks contractions and waiting on a call back to put a plan in place for being overdue but the mw is hopeful that things will kick off baby is very active cx
Everything's stopped again !! Come on baby I want to meet you !
My bump and pelvis feels really sore today, almost a bruised like feeling? And my belly button is really warm to the touch but my bump is usually cold. Also really dizzy and still have that damn headache!
Booked in to be induced tomorrow and a bit worried they'll be so full I'll be left hanging over the weekend!

Kinda hoping labour starts tonight naturally but even my midwife said it was a long shot >.<
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Good luck Kumber and Elfs!!!

Here I am stuck with some cramping pains and mild random contractions. Booked for a sweep on Sunday. Gutted. Keep getting texts from people if baby is here. Just want to cry cause nothing's been happening :-(
Just lost some more of my plug (it's been a few weeks since I last did) and it was tinged with blood.. Not sure if that counts as a bloody show as I've been having brown discharge since my sweeps this week?
Sounds good ffo.
Nothing more to report here baby feels incredibly low though. Waiting for my oh to cook me a curry then will have an early
Night my daughters at my parents tonight so would be good to go into labour xx

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