~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

My baby turned back to back within the last 24 hours before he was born, so I wasn't expecting it! The contractions were all in my back and were awful (but I'm sure they would have been in the front as well). I dilated to 8-9cm very quickly (that was the first time I was examined) but it then took 6 hours to get to 10 and push him out because he had to turn right way up, which he did partially. There are higher risks of forceps etc (which I avoided) and tearing/episiotomy (which I didn't - I had both!). But at the end of the day it doesn't mean you can't do it, and actually I had a good labour imo :)

Sounds like a traumatic experience, but I'm glad you have your little one in your arms now and everything's okay.
I hope to have a more pleasant labour, I'm terrified! Xx
My baby turned back to back within the last 24 hours before he was born, so I wasn't expecting it! The contractions were all in my back and were awful (but I'm sure they would have been in the front as well). I dilated to 8-9cm very quickly (that was the first time I was examined) but it then took 6 hours to get to 10 and push him out because he had to turn right way up, which he did partially. There are higher risks of forceps etc (which I avoided) and tearing/episiotomy (which I didn't - I had both!). But at the end of the day it doesn't mean you can't do it, and actually I had a good labour imo :)

Sounds like a traumatic experience, but I'm glad you have your little one in your arms now and everything's okay.
I hope to have a more pleasant labour, I'm terrified! Xx

Honestly it wasn't traumatic at all :) I had gas and air, and diamorphine which helped a lot while they were waiting for him to turn. The only thing that bothers me actually is that the diamorphine affected my memory of it, so the whole day kinda feels hazy and I can only remember details rather than the whole thing. Time passed very quickly, and I was in labour for less than 12 hrs in total. Try not to worry too much, most people's bodies cope just fine and if not then you are in good hands :)

Regarding the tearing and episiotomy I didn't feel either at all, they did numb the area but by that point I would have been more than happy for them to pull him out by his ears :P I healed really quickly too.
Thanks for sharing that, MissCharli. My kiddo is back to back as well and I'm a bit worried about labour now given the above update from me and already being in some horrible discomfort for a while now, so that's reassuring to hear that although it wasn't straightforward it wasn't traumatic for you. Gives a different perspective on it! x
No worries :) I think your state of mind makes a huge difference, being worried will tense all of the wrong muscles etc so I just tried to relax and go with the flow. But at the same time everything happened quite quickly mostly, so I didn't have much time or energy to dwell on things not being as straightforward as planned. As it was he came a whole week before I was due to be induced, so I totally wasn't prepared! I had no warning signs or symptoms at all, went to bed at 1, first contraction at 245!! x
I am very jealous of how quick that happened, because I seem to have been stuck in this prelabour stage for a lifetime :(
Ladies am I in labour? I've been having painful but managable contractions back+belly from the late afternoon, had a long hot shower which was lovely but didnt stop them so I started timing them and so far timed 8 of them each exactly 9 mins apart and they are painful squishing sensation from back to front plus baby's head is hurting me a lot while moving. Gosh I hope I didnt just jinx it....
Sounds like it if having a shower didn't help, they sound regular too. Keep timing them and see how they go :) Good luck!
Thank you, I will keep timing them I am all buzzed up now and dont know if can go to sleep. Another one just came this time 7,5 mins after previous one, I am lying down now but will move and sit on the ball and see if anything changes. Ooooo is this happening Im scared now lol
Well babies do seem to like coming at night, so fingers crossed for you! :) But try and get some rest if you can, labouring on no sleep is no fun at all, cos you won't get any sleep after either!
Fingers crossed for you Agnessa. It sounds very similar to what I'm getting but mine aren't doing anything as still stuck at 1cm!
Can always call the midwife if they get too painful or if you're not sure or worried at all, remember.
Good luck and try and rest inbetween if you can :)
Thank you, they are still coming, about 10 mins apart and the baby is moving quite vigorously as if she didnt like the contractions at all, her moves are causing me enormous pains and I have to 'quietly' scream into the pillow, is this normal baby moving so much during contractions? I think I'll try to rest now but if it gets worse will call for advise.

Good luck to you too FFO ! Xx
So... I managed to get a few hrs sleep, just woken up and contractions seemed to ease off for now, all I am left with now is crampy period pain, nausea and hunger . Got my usual midwife appoitment at 12pm anyway and see what she says about my eventful night. Not sure if I should tell my OH not to bother going to work, on the other hand it is his second day at a new job so not ideal really lol
Good luck agnessa, hope things are happening for you.

I've been up most the night (mainly with my little boy who doesn't sleep ggrrr)
But then with backache and the most aggressive, hard baby kicking ever!
Is this normal? It's honestly like they're practising the 100 metres in there haha kicking kicking kicking and arms going constantly...wow it feels odd and painful! it's so tight against my skin.
Do you think they're in distress or something?! I've had reduced movements but this is increase majorly..is that something or am I being paranoid now?! Xx
Good luck agnessa, hope things are happening for you.

I've been up most the night (mainly with my little boy who doesn't sleep ggrrr)
But then with backache and the most aggressive, hard baby kicking ever!
Is this normal? It's honestly like they're practising the 100 metres in there haha kicking kicking kicking and arms going constantly...wow it feels odd and painful! it's so tight against my skin.
Do you think they're in distress or something?! I've had reduced movements but this is increase majorly..is that something or am I being paranoid now?! Xx

I've been wondering that myself as my baby was going mental during the contractions last night to the point I had to punch the wall it was so painful. I'm seeing my midwife in couple of hours and will ask her if this is normak. It felt like baby wasnt happy with contravtions and wanted to fight it or sth :eh:
Sounds like this could be it for you Agnessa! Let us know what the midwife says, how exciting!

I'm not long back from my scan, baby is fine but she's concerned about size so I'm being induced on Thursday :shock: happy but also gutted I won't get my water birth. She gave me a sweep but baby is very high up so she couldn't get a decent one done which is frustrating. Hopefully he arrives under his own steam between now and then!

Ladies, can anyone check to see if this link is working please, I'm a bit worried that Blueberry can't get in the group! Anyone else who wants to join feel free, just send me a message on here with what your profile name is so we can keep it to September Mummies :)

Hope everything goes well for you Thursday Kumber or before if he makes a sneaky appearance, how exciting! Dangle your legs in to the bath if your able to its still more relaxing than not at all, I've been doing that because I can't get out if I submerge myself hahaha. Just think your lil babe will have arrived before the weekend :)

Agnessa - the contractions sound promising that your body has made a start.My baby feels like she's having a little party in there too :cheer:

I've decided to get a sweep on Friday so I'm a bit nervous :roll: as I don't know what to expect, what's it like ladies? It's something to look forward to though I suppose, at least I have another date to aim for.. x
I attempted a bath last night, yeah not doing that again :lol: I ended up swelling like a balloon, and got my bum stuck :whistle: but at least my legs are shaved ready for Thursday, because such things are obviously very important :roll:

Sweeps are erm...uncomfortable. The best thing to do is to remember to make your body relax as if you tense up it becomes much more painful. Deep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth will help. Bring something to squeeze too

CGI - Sweeps are uncomfortable but super quick and over before you know it. As Kumber said just breathe normally and focus on something else for a couple of seconds :) Good luck with it, I hope it gets things moving for you! We're both sat waiting now..

Agnessa - you sound very similar to what I was going through yesterday, and they have eased today for me too. I found that baby was moving for me during some of them as well, making the pain worse. I read somewhere that contractions are basically your uterus squishing the baby down and out, so it's understandable that they'd be uncomfortable and may wriggle a bit to get back into a comfortable position. And I find movements super uncomfortable anyway because he's back to back and pushes his limbs and bum out and I can feel it lots. If you're worried though I hope the midwife gives you some reassurance/answers today.

Kumber yay for having a date for induction though! At least you know when your bubba will be here. I find I get stuck getting in and out of the bath too and am super paranoid about slipping! I also shaved my legs yesterday.. looked like a weird acrobatic stunt I'm sure.

Further update from my update last night after getting home from the hospital, I got a call from the midwife today who has booked me in for an induction on Friday too! I'm super nervous and hope that I start off naturally in the next two days but if not I'll have my kiddo by the end of the weekend and can move on from being this uncomfortable and start the next chapter.. OH has also taken the rest of the week off from work so I feel more relaxed not being left home alone all day and night. He did make me go shopping with him though in hopes of waddling the contractions back!
Yay for your induction date ffo, we'll have babies by the weekend! :dance:


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