Kumber glad you had a good day and feeling happier
OH can only take one week paid paternity, but then has some annual leave instead as unpaid leave isn't an option as it'll work out at about a £500 pay cut that month just for the unpaid week.
I'm feeling alright. So hard to get comfortable and can't sit still for longer than a few minutes because baby is hurting my pelvis or my stomach starts hurting.. he was super active while watching the last LoTR which is probably because of the loud noises! Just a wait and see game now I guess.. definitely not in labour yet or anything though!
Had a bit of a panic at 4am though when I thought I was leaking my waters because I'm so nervous about labour, and although so read to meet my kiddo absolutely terrified of the changes it'll bring!
I've been having some very uncomfortable and strong BH with a lower back pain for an hour or two constantly but just had a shower and things eased off completely. Baby has been hurting my pelvis a lot as well, I almost screamed on a few occasions Also had a regular and then loose nr 2 this morning and it got me thinking if this was diarhea yet or just a random funny nr 2 lol am I the only one who is praying for diarrhea so it could mean that things are about to happen?
Agnessa (TMI) but I have been loose every day this week, I've gone past hoping it's labour. I've been trying to eat high fibre but I have had awful joint paint for well over a week so I think it's all due to hormones which is a good sign my body is getting ready for labour but doesn't mean Baby will appear straight away.
I haven't had any painful contractions or back pain so maybe that's a sign for you x
I had a show this morning ladies!!! It was massive, I would say about half the size of what my plug would be hoping this child arrives before 11:59pm tonight
Eek hope things start moving for you kumber I'm getting on the trampoline tomorrow! Going to have a clary sage bath tonight want this baby out at 12.01
Ooooh that's so exciting Kumber! Hope all goes well for you! Dont forget to keep us updated! Fingers crossed!
I didnt sleep in the night from 1.30 till 4 am had a few random contractions with back pain and felt very anxious (Thinking maybe labour starting?)but went back to sleep and got up this morning with no more back pain feeling exhausted because of the lack of sleep. Oh and again 1 regular followed by 1 loose nr 2, so confused now, feeling quite nervous and anxious and just took some paracetamol for headache. No signs of any contractions today, not even BH
Agnessa if it's any consolation I've been having on and off loose bowel movements for about a month now. I don't think they're an indication of much anymore!
I think a lot of us are in the same boat with this is it isn't it stop and start crap hopefully it's not too much longer a wait.
FFO ok thanks I think I just start ignoring these, no much point worrying about bowel movements at this stage lol
I've just been feeling weird since last night and I hope I wont be feeling like that for another 2 weeks or so and get induced at the end anyway
i feel you. I've been feeling off and sickly and crampy for a few days now with nothing progressing yet and I'm hoping it doesn't go on until an induction it's horrible just waiting around, especially when I already have existing anxieties!
So I just had my 38 week MW apt and she's sending me to the day unit. Trust it to be when my husband is away for work. I have traces of protein and high BP so just in for monitoring. Just gutted it means making my Mum drive an hour to take me. But fingers crossed we're both okay x
My back is absolutely killing me right now and my stomach feels heavy and tense, with pains across my hips so I'm no fun to anyone right now. Keep having upset tummy all day and struggling to move around. This is not fun and I have to wait until Wednesday for a potential sweep.
Argh for waiting for a sweep! I need to ring my mw tomorrow and see if I can arrange another one over the weekend. Looks like a September baby for me and I am gutted. Ohh well, at least there will be a payday in between DS2 and DS3 birthdays!
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