~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Hello all! So baby arrived this morning at 4.30 am, 3 weeks early! Beautiful baby girl, quick labour and all doing well. Still in the hospital. Full update soon! Hugs to you all!
Hello mummy's to be! so sorry I've been so absent on the forum, busy busy but still bumping along!!
Can't believe it's September tomorrow! bring on the babies!
How are you all doing?! Any tips for bringing these little ones on the way?! Can't wait to hear all the arrivals! So exciting Xx
Misskth congratulations! Hope all is well with you both and can't wait to hear the update x

Kumber the midwife I saw at 38+4 weeks was a bit weird, but basically she said she'll book me in for the 40 week appointment, which as my due date is a Saturday makes me over at 40+4 and they'll think of a sweep. Nothing was written in stone, she's not a midwife I've seen before either so I don't know. She said they wouldn't consider doing it this week as it's before 40 :(

Everyone was going on about a September baby being better because of oldest in class etc, but I actually wanted him to come early, just avoid the bank holiday weekend because of work issues. But September is lovely because it'll be Autumn and it'll be nice for your LO's to have a little gap between birthdays :)
Congratulations misskth can't help but be a little jealous enjoy your little girl :) xx
Congratulations misskth, hope you're both doing well!

Blueberry, we have a fb group on the go if you'd like the link?

Ffo, I didn't want to have to keep wee one home an extra year from school as he'd be bored but not much I can do about it now! Realistically I just need him here safe, the rest is just silliness on my part :x

Congratulations misskth, hope you're both doing well!

Blueberry, we have a fb group on the go if you'd like the link?

Ffo, I didn't want to have to keep wee one home an extra year from school as he'd be bored but not much I can do about it now! Realistically I just need him here safe, the rest is just silliness on my part :x

Nah not silliness. I thought the same, as I would prefer him to go to nursery earlier because it would have helped with childcare issues. But like you said - not much we can do now.
I'm worried about every little thing possible so you're definitely not being silly!

Anyone have any formula opinions, as I'm not sure if I want to breastfeed and want to have some here incase it doesn't work/I change my mind?
I'm a bit worried about milk allergies as I can't digest cow's milk well and when I was a baby was a bit weird with formula milk for a while...
Congratulations misskth, hope you're both doing well!

Blueberry, we have a fb group on the go if you'd like the link?

Ffo, I didn't want to have to keep wee one home an extra year from school as he'd be bored but not much I can do about it now! Realistically I just need him here safe, the rest is just silliness on my part :x

Oh yes please (the fb link) that would be lovely Xx
I'm in a foul mood ! Eating chocolate for breakfast and feeling sorry for myself ! Can't believe I still have potentially 2 1/2 weeks of this x
Ffo, I used HiPP Organic, I found it was much gentler on his tum and the colic wasn't as bad. A bit more pricey but much nicer.

Blueberry, I'll message it to you :)

Elfs booooooooo for feeling poop. Hope you feel better after your chocolate, it's the universal fixer!

It didn't help:( my
Daughter opened the back door and whilst I was eating my sneaky chocolate the baby escaped and went paddling in a bucket that got filled by the rain last night !
I'm ready to not be pregnant now.
We've always used aptimil but bf is so much easier and I don't plan on introducing bottles this time xx
I'm in a foul mood ! Eating chocolate for breakfast and feeling sorry for myself ! Can't believe I still have potentially 2 1/2 weeks of this x

Elfs Mummy I feel you, eating crossaints with nutella for breakfast :) woke up at 5am for an hour thinking there might still be over 2 weeks wait and cried a little feeling sorry for myself. :wall2:
The worst part for me is that Im not the only one anxiously waiting, my OH's parents are staying with us untill baby is born (came all the way from France) bless them, they are nice and doing some cooking&cleaning for me BUT...I feel this pressure from them that I need to pop soon so they can pop that Champagne they put in the fridge when they arrived a week ago...
my mother in law came in my bedroom this morning to check if I was all right and went: anything happening? Any sign of a show etc? And I was like OMG please dont ask me that! I feel like I want to run away from the flat. My father in law has been jokingly saying to me every night before going to bed: remember to wake us up in case you going to the hospital etc etc etc and I smile but in my head I just want to cry...

Gosh anyone else under pressure from relatives&friends?
Thanks Kumber - I was looking at HiPP actually.
I'm still so on the fence about breastfeeding and still want to bottle feed despite all the incredible facts I was told about bfing at our birthing class, so I don't think I'll make a decision until baby is here to be honest. Gonna go with the wait and see how I feel about it approach, so want some formula at home just incase.

Agnessa I've got my mum who is so excited, but she's not so much pressuring as much as just waiting. She's trying really really hard to take a step back as when she had me her MIL was really controlling and obssessive and she felt like she couldn't learn on her own.
My OH's mum is messaging me almost every day for updates though, and they live in Devon (we're in London) so ready to come up when needed. They're just waiting for the phone call. I was under a bit of pressure from them saying he needs to be a September baby but now he's in the clear with that I'm just trying not to let anyone's nagging get to me. I think I'm the most impatient out of everything though obv!

So the back pains/stomach pains I was having last night have eased, making me think either baby was pinching a nerve or perhaps v bad BH, or maybe a stop start I'm not sure. I struggled to sleep because I felt so ill and today I feel poorly with an upset tummy and uncomfortable middle section. OH went back to work this morning for a set of 7 shifts and the first thing he said when he woke up at 5am was 'Sure you don't wanna go into labour today?' I WISH

Elfs - I had nutella and banana on toast at 6am for breakfast. I think chocolate is a must right now!
Getting the pressure here too, my mom keeps telling me to have him now. If only it were that simple! I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself too, my induction is looming and I really don't want one so praying desperately that he arrives before I have to have one.

Ffo, yes definitely don't pressure yourself either way. With DS1 I refused to entertain bf but then when he arrived it's all I wanted to do, which completely shocked me as we had stocked up with formula. The same thing can happen the other way, you want to bf and for whatever reason you can't. So it's a good idea to see how you feel once he's here.

Up again with v&d this isn't fair I just want my baby now. Babies very quiet and it's starting to worry me giving it an hour and will ring in if not had any movement I'm hoping it's just because I'm being so poorly x
Elfs I hope baby started moving.

This is now day 3 of feeling like this for me with back and stomach pain, upset stomach and now I feel like vomiting this morning. I just don't feel right so I think I'm gonna call the hospital. I haven't slept but I'm not having contractions that I know of because my stomach isn't getting hard and I can't really time anything but every few minutes I'm getting waves of pain across my tummy that's making me feel sick.

I just don't understand.
Called the triage unit and they said it's all normal and to expect it to go on until labour starts. And now I can't stop crying because I'm so tired
Oh FFO bless you, you keep hanging in there and try to save as much energy as you can, it is so exciting, isnt it?! I wish I was in pain too !!! Had back pain again with contractions Last night for a good few hours but woke up this morning and all cleared up! :(
Ffo it's awful isn't it I stopped being sick at 4 am by the time I'd sorted myself out it was 5 and then ds woke up. My lovely oh handed him to me and fell asleep whilst I muttered rude words under my breath. This end bit is horrible I'm glad I've never got this far before as it's so hard ! Baby was a little wriggly this morning will see how it goes today xx
Ffo, those slow starts are balls. I really hope it kicks up a gear for you and you get your baby soon!!

Elfs how is baby moving now?

Agnessa I'm getting the same, pains in my back going right up to my lungs but no more progress.

These last few weeks are always the worst of pregnancy!


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