~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

So during the heat wave my feet and toes swelled a little in the evening, but went down after keeping them up for a while and after the heat wave went down significantly. Although they are a little more swollen than when I wasn't pregnant it wasn't really an issue. Until yesterday when I noticed that my right foot is significanlty more swollen than my left, and is so swollen I'm struggling to move my toes?

It's got worse as the day has gone on, assuming because I was cleaning the bathrooms and went for a short walk so haven't rested much.
When do we worry about swelling, as I know it can be normal?
Firstfreakout I've got same crib as you and since I dont have any pets mine has a mountain of washing instead waiting to be ironed haha I am being sooo lazy. With that swelling thing I noticed maybe a week ago my feet swelling up during the day when I walk and also in the evenings. Yesterday my left hand felt more swollen than the right one which was a bit weird, but it went away later. I suppose it is normal during last weeks of pregnancy...

Firstfreakout is it your first baby? Are you freaking out about labour pain etc or you are rather calm? I used to be freaked out at the beginning of my pregnancy but I read a great book about pain management (juju sundin - birth skills) and I can honestly say it helped a lot and I am so looking forward to labour now and not worrying about pain much.

Oh not long let's hope!!
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Wish we could sleep through labour that would be amazing x

I've seen plenty of labour stories on youtube and actually a few women slept thru their labours after having an epidural and were woken up for the pushing stage

So it is possible lol
Firstfreakout I've got same crib as you and since I dont have any pets mine has a mountain of washing instead waiting to be ironed haha I am being sooo lazy. With that swelling thing I noticed maybe a week ago my feet swelling up during the day when I walk and also in the evenings. Yesterday my left hand felt more swollen than the right one which was a bit weird, but it went away later. I suppose it is normal during last weeks of pregnancy...

Firstfreakout is it your first baby? Are you freaking out about labour pain etc or you are rather calm? I used to be freaked out at the beginning of my pregnancy but I read a great book about pain management (juju sundin - birth skills) and I can honestly say it helped a lot and I am so looking forward to labour now and not worrying about pain much.

Oh not long let's hope!!

Haha I've put things in it as we were moving some furniture around - going to organise the nursery this weekend if I can be bothered!

This is my first baby and I'm a bit worried about labour because I suffer with anxiety which tends to get worse when I don't know what to expect or what's going to happen, but I'm trying to relax about it. I don't have a birth plan per se, but want to go to the birthing centre and attempt to go in the water and see how I go. If I can't handle the contractions or pain then I may opt for an epidural. I'd rather not have opiate pain relief as it makes me stoned and I want to be in the moment for it all! I also know I'll need my OH there. He calms me so much and he's my superhero - I couldn't do it without him.

I'm looking forward to meeting my little buddy though, and I can't wait for him to be here. My chest actually aches with longing to even think about what it'll be like to hold him for the first time.
I'm so excited for you ladies going through this for the first time. There's nothing like seeing that little face for the first time, to have that tiny person snuggled up into your chest :cloud9:

We've been painting this weekend and I had a sweep today. Had loads of braxton hicks but naff all else. Cervix was long but forward and soft so something has been progressing in the right direction. Think this will almost certainly be a September baby though now

FFO another one worries about labour here! I think it is just the not knowing when and how I will cope!

I think I have been having Braxton Hicks all day so feeling very worn out.
I need this baby out. I'm so fat and hot and swollen and uncomfortable and can't move or walk or get up without wanting to cry. Now the weather has gone all hot and sunny again and my right foot has swollen up to twice it's size.

7 days to go with a potential of being late so making it anything up to 3 more weeks?! I just need my body back and that sounds so selfish :(
Ffo have you had your bp etc checked with the swelling ?
I'm getting to the fed up stage but we still have so much to do before baby gets here x
I need this baby out. I'm so fat and hot and swollen and uncomfortable and can't move or walk or get up without wanting to cry. Now the weather has gone all hot and sunny again and my right foot has swollen up to twice it's size.

7 days to go with a potential of being late so making it anything up to 3 more weeks?! I just need my body back and that sounds so selfish :(

Ohhh I feel for you and for myself ... can barely walk in the morning - feeling so sore down there. Today I squatted down to go through what's inside bottom freezer drawer and had to call out for help to get me up and almost cried as my legs and feet were so much in pain

Also thinking it could potentially be 3 more weeks... my parents in law who live in France are staying with us waiting for me to go in labour so they can open up that bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge - no pressure at all !!:wall2:
FFO I feel you're pain. I'm just staying house bound now except for antenatal classes. I am also having awful problems with my right foot, my BP is high but not too high.

I find all my joints hurts and now even my gums seem swollen.

We can do this!!!
My BP was last checked on Wednesday (23rd) at my mw appointment and was fine. It's been perfect throughout the pregnancy and no proteins in urine etc. The swelling goes down by morning and then comes back by evening so I think it's to do with being hot and trying to do too much during the day :(

I'm housebound too. I went out last weekend for lunch but that was only 10 minutes away from home, and the only place I do go to now is Sainsburys which is a 2 minute waddle around the corner, when OH is on late shifts and I have nothing for dinner!

I sucks being in all the time and I feel like Rapunzel, but I just can't manage anything else.

How is everyone enjoying their bank holiday weekend?
It's just to hot for me today I'm all swollen going to go to my parents in a bit to sit in a freezing pool and hope I feel a bit better xx
Feeling you on the heat, swelling and being housebound ladies, my feet are permanently swollen now and it's so horribly warm. We've spent the weekend painting and the pair of us are shattered but the living room is finally finished! Now just to tidy up and have an evening of chill before the kiddies come home tomorrow.

Still nothing from my sweep but apparently it can take up to 48 hours to effect you?

Ah hopefully something happens soon for you, Kumber

I'm now convinced baby is gonna be in here until October at this rate. Nothing is really happening for me anymore...

In other news, I am turning into soup. It's too hot in this damn flat.
Awhh I feel for you ladies :( especially with the heat now! Hoping you're babies come soon xx
I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up two weeks over with a csection :( getting the odd period pain but nothing exciting even by have pretty much stopped x
I'm amazed we haven't had a queue jumper yet, it's a very quiet month for early babies in here. These little pickles are far too comfortable :wall2:

I'm amazed my dude has stayed in given how promising it looked a few weeks ago! I think you guys will pop before I do at this rate!
I don't know how I'm going to cope when I go overdue ! I just want to be able to sit up normally and get of the sofa with no issues ! We must be due a birth announcement soon x
Ha I keep thinking about how if I go until my due date I will be so far after you all and waiting on my lonesome ;) But seriously I hope it comes soon for those of you who are due :)

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