~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Early this morning at 2:14am our baby arrived via c section. I had some complications with Fluids and BP and finally they decided to take her out safely themselves.

I will share more of the birth details shortly as it's quite a long story.

She weighs 7lb 4 and no name so far x
Congratulations Pemsy! Hope you're both doing ok, looking forward to hearing more

Ffo, that has cheered me right up :lol:

Congratulations pemsy. Make sure you take it easy even if you feel
ok xx
Ffo loved the gorilla and the cat at the end was adorable xx
Congrats Pemsy! All the best for you!

Gosh tomorrow my due date and I know only 5% of women have their babies on their due dates... so I might as well just forget about labour tomorrow... feeling like crap all day - no sign of any contractions, not even shooting pains when baby moves, she's been quieter today, dont know if I should worry or she is just quieter... I mean I felt her many times but today she's not been hurting me as usual by stretching het feet all over the place.
Also ate crap all day: bacon sandwich and glass off cocoa in the morning followed by KFC for lunch (first time since months) and then danish and ice cream and now about to have some stir fry and probably more icecream afterwards.I think I might be sick lol
Felt sorry for myself earlier and cried a little so my OH took me for a lovely walk. No signs of any contractions :/
All that food sounds amaaaaaaaaaazing Agnessa! I'm about to stick the kettle on, make a cuppa and get stuck into some chocolate cake :dance:

I had an oven pizza for dinner.
I haven't eaten healthily at all this pregnancy.. oops.

Well my due date is almost over and no sign of any changes besides what I've been feeling for a while now. Can barely sit up for too long without getting sweaty and nauseated but hey ho. I had myself a cry at 5am and then managed to sleep for 3 hours so that's something.

Baby has been quiet for me too today, but I haven't been doing anything apart from lying on the bed or sitting in the bath. If he hasn't perked up soon I'm going to worry because he's been so active in the evenings of late, but OH has to be up at 5am for work so going to get checked tonight would be a massive pain for him :(
Looks like the girls want to be early arrivals and the boys are going to keep us waiting xx
Very typical gender stereotypes these babies are conforming to.
I'm in the hospital waiting to speak to a doctor because it's the second time I've been in for reduced movement.
FFO I hope you are both fine, let us know how did you get on
Just got home. My blood pressure was slightly high for the first time this pregnancy, but didn't mention anything wrong with my urine sample. They put me on the monitor and said baby's heartbeat was fine and although he did a couple of movements I wasn't happy that it was normal for him to be this quiet. Usually the monitors go on and it's like he's trying to kick them off, and it gets uncomfortable with how much he's moving. That wasn't happening.

So they've said they want me to come back in every other day to go on the monitor, but if he's still not moving to his usual pattern tomorrow to go back in. They also gave me a sweep and said I was already 1cm dilated.

The doctor alsoooo said that if nothing has happened by the end of next week that they'll book me in for an induction, as it's the second period of reduced movement this pregnancy and I'm all ready to go and will be nearing 41 weeks by then.

I'm a bit scared of being induced to be honest as I get a bit funny with IVs and things going into my blood stream, but if it gets baby here safely then so be it. Fingers crossed the sweep kicks something off though. My god that was uncomfortable. OH waited in the car as it was getting busy and crowded in the unit and when I came out asked how it was and I basically said it was the same movements as when you try to screw in a lightbulb. He said that was exactly what someone at work told him it was like lol

The monitor did show I was having contractions but I guess they're just not strong enough yet. Maybe that explains why I've been feeling so shit the past few days? They didn't seem worried about me feeling poorly though...
Gonna take some paracetamol and try to get some sleep tonight.

Hope you ladies sleep well x
I hope you managed to get some sleep FFO and it's good news they are closely monitoring you and baby, we're both officially late now! I'm hoping our little ones decide to arrive swiftly and naturally sooner rather than later, the lil monkeys certainly know how to keep us on our toes. I'm now eating dates like there going out of fashion (although I think they already are, they taste awful) :) xx
Managed to get about two hours sleep so far. oH was meant to go to work today but had to take emergency leave as he's so tired from lack of sleep bless.
Fingers crossed it's not much longer for us!

Also I quite like dates?!
FFO glad you are ok. Sleepless nights are exhausting. You need to catch up on sleep just in case things start happening after that sweep. Gosh I wish I had one too just to see if anything happens and if anything is happening already dilation wise but my MW said no interventions untill 12 days overdue :( gutting
Ffo I hope the sweep works for you. I've got a sweep booked for Thursday so long as the mw will do it if not I'll call mau and get her to do it baby was quiet again last night so may go in today but I want to avoid intervention xx
Just made plans to see a friend who's flying in to London tomorrow I haven't seen her for three years what's the betting I don't get to see her ? X
Congrats Pemsy!

We are still in hospital, baby has jaundice and is not breastfeeding but we are getting there! Will do full update soon. Take care everyone X
You've got a naughty baby in there ffo! Glad they're keeping a close eye on you and are planning an induction - you get two tries at the pessary before they put you on an IV and as you're already dilated I imagine the pessary will work like a charm. Sweeps are flipping yuck, I haven't booked another yet but I know I need to!

CG1, glad to hear from you but it's pants going over. Hope baby gets a shift on, don't know how you're eating dates but good on you!

Agnessa, that's frustrating your mw won't offer any sweeps, hopefully things start on their own for you soon.

Elfs, your baby is a right little monkey! Keeping you on the ball with these reduced movements, I hope they pick up and quick! Great idea making plans, baby is sure to scupper them! :D

Misskth, glad you and baby are doing well. It's hard getting the knack of breastfeeding, keep trying if you can but don't beat yourself up if you can't. Do what feels right for you and baby. Hope the jaundice goes soon and you can get home and settled, it's much easier then.

I have nowt to report beyond the usual, baby has very kindly let us get all the old furniture chucked and both bedrooms sorted so we are grabbing lunch and heading out to the tip. I clearly have a very considerate child which is lovely but really, hurry the flip up lazy bones :wall2: :lol:

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Misskth glad you're both doing well; hope you get home soon!

Hope everyone is having a better day today now the weather is cooler.

The sweep gave me some pains in my vagina/pelvis last night that I'm assuming was irritation, and *TMI* I'm bleeding a little when I wipe (like the tail end of a period) but apart from feeling like I have more pressure on my pelvis when I sit on the toilet no change here. Baby is wriggling around lots today though!

Went for a walk to Wagamama and back for lunch (where they gave me chicken gyoza instead of vegetarian ones! GRR) and now I'm in pain with my back so I'm done for the day haha.

Kumber that's good to know about the pessary - they didn't explain anything to me at all or book an actual induction but said that's the plan if he hasn't arrive by the end of the week. But I'm back in to triage tomorrow afternoon for some monitoring so I'll get them to explain the plan again. They've also seemed to have lost a lot of the loose A4 notes from my file, including scan information, and have no idea what happened to it, and I have no discharge notes or updates in there from last night either. Oops! They said it wasn't a huge deal about the notes as they're all electronic on their system, the only thing they'd be concerned about would be the scan notes...
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