You've got a naughty baby in there ffo! Glad they're keeping a close eye on you and are planning an induction - you get two tries at the pessary before they put you on an IV and as you're already dilated I imagine the pessary will work like a charm. Sweeps are flipping yuck, I haven't booked another yet but I know I need to!
CG1, glad to hear from you but it's pants going over. Hope baby gets a shift on, don't know how you're eating dates but good on you!
Agnessa, that's frustrating your mw won't offer any sweeps, hopefully things start on their own for you soon.
Elfs, your baby is a right little monkey! Keeping you on the ball with these reduced movements, I hope they pick up and quick! Great idea making plans, baby is sure to scupper them!
Misskth, glad you and baby are doing well. It's hard getting the knack of breastfeeding, keep trying if you can but don't beat yourself up if you can't. Do what feels right for you and baby. Hope the jaundice goes soon and you can get home and settled, it's much easier then.
I have nowt to report beyond the usual, baby has very kindly let us get all the old furniture chucked and both bedrooms sorted so we are grabbing lunch and heading out to the tip. I clearly have a very considerate child which is lovely but really, hurry the flip up lazy bones