~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Your right haha. Scarlett Summer born 15th Aug 14:41. Will update more when I'm home x
I always feel iffy after a curry.
I really hope she's had her baby I know how hard it is when you e had so many episodes of reduced movements x
Congratulations pb so pleased for you hope you and lo are home soon xx
Hello all, I would love to join the FB group :)

I had my consultant appointment today, they are suggesting I give birth in the delivery unit and not the birthing suite because of several factors which is slightly disappointing but as long as everything is ok for Junior. I have been trying out the name we have potentially chosen- Ida- and I am starting to get used to it. I love Madison but the Mr isn't keen lol!

I cannot believe we are so close. Some of you are so much closer, I am 35 weeks tomorrow. Thinking of you all who are struggling and ever closer. xx
Your right haha. Scarlett Summer born 15th Aug 14:41. Will update more when I'm home x

congratulations! I'm so pleased for you - you've done amazing. I can't imagine the relief and happiness you must be feeling right now, PB.
I hope all went well and you get some well deserved rest xx
Congratulations PB! So happy for you, looking forward to hearing what happened! Hope you're both doing well. Will message you with the fb link

Misskth have messaged you with the link :)

I've officially started my bag! The babies bag just needs a blanket but I have realised we
Only have three newborn baby grows ! ,
I've just ordered some more reusable breast pads and a new wash bag. X
Yay baby bags! Mine is annoying me as it's been sat ready for so long and now I want to change it all up :wall2:

I took a load of baby clothes down to the boys' nursery today, all winter bits that this one probably won't be in. Felt quite sad not having the clothes the bigger boys were in. I've kept about half, just gave them the ones I either didn't like or wouldn't be weather suitable but my poor heart :( don't know how I will cope when this one moves out of the teeny baby stuff :cry:

Who do we think will be the next baby to pop? I reckon ffo seems well on the way

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I'm pretty sure I'll be last to go ! Baby is too happy in there x
Yay baby bags! Mine is annoying me as it's been sat ready for so long and now I want to change it all up :wall2:

I took a load of baby clothes down to the boys' nursery today, all winter bits that this one probably won't be in. Felt quite sad not having the clothes the bigger boys were in. I've kept about half, just gave them the ones I either didn't like or wouldn't be weather suitable but my poor heart :( don't know how I will cope when this one moves out of the teeny baby stuff :cry:

Who do we think will be the next baby to pop? I reckon ffo seems well on the way

Well now you've said it I'll end up being late :)
Period type pains are less frequent now but for the last 24 hours I've had an upSet tummy, achey backache and what I believe is acid reflux? (Never had it before yesterday?! Weird)
I can't wait for baby to be here. I'm sick of complaining and being uncomfortable and unable to do anything. I just want to feel healthy again and hug my squish :(
.it won't be long ffo I've had no signs apart from loosing plug but I've been loosing that since 28 weeks ! Would like to get to September rhoughx
Bless you FFO!

I seem to be growing every day at the moment!
I've only lost part of my plug on the 8th (twice while wiping) then again on the 14th (after hot shower). It was super clear and thick but I don't know if it was all of it as no 'bloody show'.

I think I'd prefer an August baby because of childcare (I'm right in saying it means he's the year ahead but younger?! My brain is so confused lol), but I know OH and his family want him to be a September baby because they're all super intellectual and think it'll be better for him to be in a big fish in a big pond scenario, whereas coming from working in a teaching background I've known some super dumb 'older children' and don't think it's all that different as all children are different!
Yep the year ahead but younger. So my cousin had her son in October last year, if this baby comes in August then they will be in the same school year, even though they're almost a year apart in age. I don't think it makes a difference either.

I didn't have a bloody show with either baby ffo, so doesn't always need to have blood in it

Ah well we will see!

Does anyone else feel scared that something could still go wrong and after all of this they might not get their baby? Like until they're here it's all still uncertain? It's been a worry of mine the last week or so... :(

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