~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I keep getting told it is then it isn't :(
Usually get it worst at night time! Specially after peeing.
Plus labor pains get much worse than that? :shock: oh my word!!

They're a different kind of pain, it's hard to describe but you'll know when you're in it alright!

Oh FFO you poor thing! So glad you are home though but sorry to hear it was such an experience:(

I had my growth scan today, great sonographer. Apparently baby has lots of hair! She is in the 35th percentile for my current 34 weeks but he didn't seem overly concerned but said I may have to come back in a few weeks to have another growth scan. I have my consultant appointment next week so hopefully that will give me reassurance. I am going to blitz the nursery this weekend to try and ensure that is ready in case she makes an early appearance.

Take care all,
Glad your scan was reassuring for you :) Hopefully the consultant will be the same!

I just repacked my hospital bag/baby bag tonight. Going to organise the nursery tomorrow if I have the energy.

Keep finding little tiny ants near/in the cat food which is bugging me because I can't seem to figure out where they're coming from, and we need a plumber as both bathrooms have started leaking. Good thing the kiddo didn't arrive this week after all!
Misskth, glad all went well with the scan. Hope nursery blitz doesn't take too much out of you, take it easy!

Ffo, no help with the ants here but that sounds grooooooss. Any idea where they're coming from?

I am fooking knackered. Been out all morning shopping, DS1 needed the next size up so that was a full new wardrobe after only just forking out for 3-4 in March! I blame hubby for giving him massive genes, DS1 has just turned 3 a month ago and is already in size 4-5 and size 9.5 shoes! My heart can't cope with it :cry:

Got DS2's birthday presents so all set for that thankfully, and bought extra nappies for baby so hopefully we're all set with everything.

Then visited family to see how the house build is going - they are building a house in their garden!

Ready to go back to bed now! Hope you're all enjoying your weekends

Will properly catch up later I gave my dog a full groom today she's a rescue and is a nightmare at being groomed as she full ion panics. I take her as short as possible each time but she still needs doing every four weeks ! It's completely exhausted me now so she won't be done again until after baby is here
kumber and Elfs Mummy- busy time! Hope you have managed to rest:)

We had friends and their children over for a BBQ which was lovely. I am now resting on the sofa and the Mr is putting up shelves after he spent 15 minutes soaking and washing my feet. This pregnancy lark is alright lol!
Hopefully we'"" start seeing some new arrivals in here before too long !
Ffs we bought some ant traps which they walk through and then bring the poison back to the nest think my oh got them in Robert Dyer's they were fantastic and worked wishing he day. They're also pet safe.
Lumber kids are so expensive Charlie has such a big head that 12-18 is way too small but 18-24 drowns him I've been buying bigger for him through as it saves money.
We have a packet of micro. Nappies as both previous babies have been in them for at least a month if not longer and I'm pretty sure we have a packet of size one and size two around somewhere I should probably check.
Shoved a few things into my bag on Saturday got a lovely 0-3 set from one of my sisters friends that's cream with a yellow duck on its perfect as Charlie loves ducks so hopefully the new baby will be an instant hit with him if they're in duck clothes.
We're really struggling with names and the girls name me and my daughter love my oh doesn't like it anymore and I've gone of the name he likes it's a bit annoying.
I think if it's a boy it'll remain nameless for a while but we have a middle name now but both the ther children have two it's so hard !
Sounds silly but I feel bad about using any poisons or traps because I hate killing things :( I'm hoping that by not leaving food out (the ants only want her wet food not her biscuits?!) they'll get bored and sod off. They have no interest in people food or the counters - I've only found them in the cat bowl when the food has been there for 12+ hours. (kitty doesn't like to finish her food annoyingly)

We're struggling with names too. I have the most PERFECT girls name but obvs that doesn't help! I'm really settled on Logan but OH doesn't seem to like it as much as he has. I think it'll be a matter of waiting until he's here before we decide.

What kind of girls names were you thinking? There are so many pretty ones that I wish this dude was a girl just because it would be so much easier to name him!

I'm hoping this kiddo is early. I'm so ready to have him out and smoosh him. I'm still get the cramping, backaches and tight tummy, so hoping it's leading up to something soon!
Aaargh desperate to do the smooshing!! Love newborn smooshes and the mill drunk face :cloud9:

Lost more of my plug today... Still clear and still getting random period aches and intense backache.
It's a horrible feeling when you feel like there's a timer with an unknown number ticking down...
Ohh ffo I think it's starting for you! Sounds really promising :dance:

Ah but it's been nearly a week of this to be fair! 19 days until my due date so really is unknown at this stage

The female body is a glorious thing, but man is it also disgusting! The things I've learned throughout this pregnancy hah
There's never any rush with a first baby! Arrrrrhh I'm so excited for you!

Yeah it really is quite disgusting :lol: if you fancy sending some of that my way so I can start getting things moving with this baby that would be great!

Ffo, hope it's starting for you.

I've had back back cramps and period cramps since yday now... They're so painful I cry. Not as bad atm but when I wiped I had brown gooey discharge. Gonna go in with reduced movement later on though so they'll be able to tell me what's happening.
Also they think I have GD and they want me to carry on doing blood monitoring till Wednesday now... my bloods are all over the place! So they said they'll probably put me on medication ... wtf is the point? X
PB sorry you're having a difficult time with the GD and pain :( you're so close though and you've done so well hang in there.

My plug has been clear jelly so far but I've read/heard it can be somewhat bloody so it may be yours coming away! We're in the home stretch now x
It won't be long ffo.
I really like old fashioned girls names my favourite is Betsy for this baby.
It's the first day that oh is away and of course the baby has chronic diarrhoea and I've got an awful cold and high temperature going well here xx

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