~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Yes really feeling this worry too, it's horrible. Will be glad when they're all here safely

Yes especially as my partner wasn't an only child his sisters both passed away one born at 34 weeks and lived for two and the other one stillborn at term. So no one relaxes tillbabirs here x
Back in MAU and on the monitor as bubs hasn't moved properly in 24 hours. Midwife is less than reassuring. Feel like shit, can't shake this really odd feeling. Hopefully he's ok in there

Kumber that's really weird as I'm considering going in for reduced movement too. For he last day or two he's readjusted but not been active or kicking. Considering he was back to back I felt everytime he he moved his limbs but not getting much at the moment. Adding that to the aches and pains I'm not convinced.
Lol as I typed that his legs are moving. I might have dinner and then see as I have been pretty lazy all day he might be following suit.

OH is on his way into a night shift so if I do go in I could be standed getting home ...

Hope everything's okay in here xx
Ffo, I would go in if I were you. I've been sent home but said I'm not happy with his movements so they've booked me in for a scan on Monday. I'm gonna keep an eye on him over the weekend and go back in again if I need to. Feeling a bit down as I thought things were starting and they haven't so in a right grump.

Oh no :( I hope he starts raving for you soon to put your mind at ease. After my experience last week I guess I'm hesitant to go in because the treatment in the antenatal ward was so awful from the doctors. Though I know now I'm past 37 it won't happen again.

Gonna call midwives now I guess.
Hey ladies, just having a quick look to see how you are all doing as there is hardly anyone chatting in my forum as almost all the August babies arrived really early and I'm still waiting around. I would say always go In with any movement worries. I went in for the third time at 37 weeks with worries so they scanned me to check all was ok and realised he had been breech for a few weeks and no one had been able to tell! I had a successful ECV (where they turn the baby the right way) but if I hadn't gone in for reduced movement I could easily have reached this stage when it would be much harder to turn before anyone noticed! I think we all just have a 6th sense when it comes to the health of our babies. Hope you are all feeling well x
He did a bit of raving after ice cream but nothing like what it would be normally. Im going to monitor tomorrow and ring again if I'm not happy, you have to push them sometimes I think.

Glad your ECV went well Rose, I feel for you having him turned so late. DS2 turned naturally at 40 weeks and it was rank! Amazing that most of the August mums popped early, you're very welcome in here :)

Glad he moved a bit at least though.
He's moved after I had dinner and ice cream too and every now and again I'm getting a stretch so I think it could have been because I hadn't eaten much today and was quite lazy.

Moomoo is getting some twinges though and we had pretty rough sex this afternoon (lol) so I'm keeping an eye on that but it seems kiddo is awake and happy I've eaten something!
Rose I saw your posts about the turning - glad they managed it! You're very welcome to hang out here if the August thread is quiet - I've been checking up in there too as I was convinced last week this guy would be born early and I'm due on the 2nd.

Midwives keep telling me he's back to back and head down but haven't really given anything else - no idea if he's engaged yet (last sheet in my notes says 3/5????)
3/5 is good! That means engaged which is better than me, mine is still free although my second baby never engaged until I was induced x
Ah I just remember one of the midwives saying she can still feel a lot of the head but is head down, and on the paper it says 3/5 palpable. This was Tuesday last week.

I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and would gladly welcome an appearance so I can stop over analysing everything my body does!
Although I am so so nervous about how I'll cope during labour... It's weird to even think about.
Sending labour vibes to all of you. Had some tightnings last night and felt generally weird but nothing came of it I'm not ion a rush for baby to be here but I would like my other children to sleep !
Glad the evc worked rose
Kumber don't let them fob you off if your worried keep going back xx
Get losing more of the plug ffo, we're all waiting on you to go now so if you could hurry up that would be great. There's a queue you know :lol: baby being engaged is good, mine is not but I'm relieved - it's a bit uncomfortable having a cannonball between your legs :shock:

I have DS2's 2nd birthday on Monday so I'm hoping baby doesn't put an appearance now over the next 7 days so I have a bit of time between birthdays! Hope he arrives on a weekend as we are all weekend babies so he can't be the odd one out!

Elfs, you're spot on. I'm gonna monitor him today and see. He is moving more now today which is good but keeping a very close eye just in case

Lol Kumber!
I'm trying my best..

For the last two nights I haven't slept as OH has been on night shifts but at about 3-4 am this morning and the day before I was getting cramps in my stomach that were so uncomfortable I had to keep changing position. On paying attention to them last night I don't think they were contractions but the baby moving? I would get this horrible pain in my tummy and on feeling it it wasn't hard by baby was wriggling and moving lots. At one point his butt was in the air and when I put my hand on it I felt him fall back to whatever position he was in before...

Could it be that he's trying to move from back to back to whatever the normal birthing position is called? hah
I almost called OH back because I was so uncomfortable for hours I thought it must be labour starting. Still uncomfortable this morning and feeling sick too :(
I always find a bath eases pains and if it's the real thing ithey stay !
Clearing out ds room today so he'all come out of our room next weekend hopeful going to give his week to play and get used to being in there x
So it's been about 12 hours and I'm still getting these slight stabbing type pains in my stomach that hurt more and constantly while lying down but come and go while sitting. They're more across the belly button and the baby moves with them but he's moving a lot. I also have an upset tummy so I'm unsure if this is a bug or pregnancy. No temp or anything else but like just hot flashes.

Don't really know what's going on to be honest and struggling to get through to midwives for advice
Did you manage to get through to them ffo? Labour pains are like a rolling pain for me, they start low down, and get higher up my tummy, stay there and then go back down again. Baby's movement can definitely make them worse! Is that in any way similar to what you're feeling?

Can't get through to anyone. It feels like a slight stabbing pain concentrated across the belly button area similar to when you have a stomach bug type feeling. They're worse when I'm lying down on my side and baby tends to move lots in that position.
Other than that I'm also feeling pressure and twinges in my pelvis bum and lady areas when moving around or sitting on the toilet which I'm assuming is him pressing down? They haven't gotten more painful but haven't gone away since this morning either.

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