I'm getting so fed up!
We had friends round for my birthday this weekend. Red wine was spilled all over my beautiful sofa and carpet oh and the wall. I'm having to repaint and try to get covers to go over the arms.
In the same night someone broke my glider chair. My husband fixed it and it broke immediately again afterwards.
My husband's sister came today. I found out at 9 and had to change all my plans. I completely forgot my antenatal class so I missed week 2, which is all about birth ( the one I most wanted to attend). I'd washed the floors before my sister in law came round, she even asked why they were wet. At 12 I had to pop to do the food shop and when I came back, she'd washed all the floors again!
I was so annoyed I refused to thank her. It meant me sliding around the kitchen trying to unload everything.
My BP went up so high with stress on my birthday at one point it was at 'crisis' point (after the wine incident) and now I'm back to normal but constantly stage 1 or prehypertension. My legs are constantly swelling but I don't feel my midwife cares as it's usually just pregypertension when she checks manually.
I've had a cold for nearly 5 weeks which now only starts at night when I'm trying to sleep. In the mornings my joint are agony and my thumbs seem to dislocate briefly.
I feel like screaming at people to just go away but I'm swallowing it up as I don't want to be branded 'hormonal'.
Anyone else getting to the end of their tether? X
Sorry I needed to moan
I'm getting so fed up!
We had friends round for my birthday this weekend. Red wine was spilled all over my beautiful sofa and carpet oh and the wall. I'm having to repaint and try to get covers to go over the arms.
In the same night someone broke my glider chair. My husband fixed it and it broke immediately again afterwards.
My husband's sister came today. I found out at 9 and had to change all my plans. I completely forgot my antenatal class so I missed week 2, which is all about birth ( the one I most wanted to attend). I'd washed the floors before my sister in law came round, she even asked why they were wet. At 12 I had to pop to do the food shop and when I came back, she'd washed all the floors again!
I was so annoyed I refused to thank her. It meant me sliding around the kitchen trying to unload everything.
My BP went up so high with stress on my birthday at one point it was at 'crisis' point (after the wine incident) and now I'm back to normal but constantly stage 1 or prehypertension. My legs are constantly swelling but I don't feel my midwife cares as it's usually just pregypertension when she checks manually.
I've had a cold for nearly 5 weeks which now only starts at night when I'm trying to sleep. In the mornings my joint are agony and my thumbs seem to dislocate briefly.
I feel like screaming at people to just go away but I'm swallowing it up as I don't want to be branded 'hormonal'.
Anyone else getting to the end of their tether? X
Sorry I needed to moan