~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~


I'm getting so fed up!

We had friends round for my birthday this weekend. Red wine was spilled all over my beautiful sofa and carpet oh and the wall. I'm having to repaint and try to get covers to go over the arms.

In the same night someone broke my glider chair. My husband fixed it and it broke immediately again afterwards.

My husband's sister came today. I found out at 9 and had to change all my plans. I completely forgot my antenatal class so I missed week 2, which is all about birth ( the one I most wanted to attend). I'd washed the floors before my sister in law came round, she even asked why they were wet. At 12 I had to pop to do the food shop and when I came back, she'd washed all the floors again!

I was so annoyed I refused to thank her. It meant me sliding around the kitchen trying to unload everything.

My BP went up so high with stress on my birthday at one point it was at 'crisis' point (after the wine incident) and now I'm back to normal but constantly stage 1 or prehypertension. My legs are constantly swelling but I don't feel my midwife cares as it's usually just pregypertension when she checks manually.

I've had a cold for nearly 5 weeks which now only starts at night when I'm trying to sleep. In the mornings my joint are agony and my thumbs seem to dislocate briefly.

I feel like screaming at people to just go away but I'm swallowing it up as I don't want to be branded 'hormonal'.

Anyone else getting to the end of their tether? X

Sorry I needed to moan
Ohh Pemsy, that's rubbish! I would be screaming too, sod what people think about hormones, you need a break!

Oh pemsy, I'm feeling so fed up with everything at the minute and would love to be left alone until baby is here. It's a shame you don't have a more caring midwife - it makes all the Difference!
Pemsy:( so sorry you're going through that. If it will help you and your blood pressure to rage and tell people where to go then do it - did what people think. Besides you'll get a free pass to do so because no one can blame a pregnant woman. You need to take care of yourself.
Hope things calm down a little for you soon x
I'm sooooooooo ready to have this baby now. Willing labour pains to arrive, utterly fed up. I'm so limited with my toddlers and what I can do with them, I can't play with them on the floor with their toys, I can't have them up on me it's so painful on the bump and the hips, can't bend over, waddling everywhere, struggling to cook without overheating. Fed up of weeing 50 million times a night, fed up of randomly falling asleep and snoring myself awake. Fed up of thrush and sweaty boobs.

Fed. Up.

Think this is the first time I've been in a group on this with no preterm babies as well, what is going on :shock: hurry up September babies!!

Also ladies, as there are so few of us in here now it would be a shame to lose contact after we've had babies. I know there was a group started yonks ago but how about doing our own little one?

Kumber I'm right there with you. I was just saying today that I don't know how you ladies with toddlers do it I can barely look after the cat!

This group has been so helpful and comforting to me I would love to keep in touch.

I'm willing labour too. After being in hospital last week with them worried about pre term labour I am so ready to go!
Shall I start a Facebook group maybe? And can send yous all a link to join if you fancy it? Think it would be good to keep on here going too for any ladies that don't want to join

Where are our babies?! :wall:

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I'd be willing to join a Facebook group if it's a closed group :)

Considering ordering a really hot curry as I love spicy food and super constipated but then at the same time don't fancy being on the toilet lol
It'll be closed initially and then secret once everyone's been added in that wants to be :) I'll set it up now and anyone who wants in just pop me a pm and I'll send you the link.

Curry makes me laugh - curry and sex for starting labour. No prizes for guessing who came up with those ideas :lol:

I tried so much with ds2 and naff all worked so I'm (im)patiently waiting for it to start on its own now. I suspect though it will be a botch job of childcare thanks to my mother dearest booked 5 weekends in a row as holidays away right at the lead up to my due date!

I'd like
Join a fb group I'm still in my July mummy one from last year and it's
Lovely. Kumber I'm really struggling as well now but I neeed to make it to September as it'll make buying school uniform
More affordable and it also means that I've had a year at home with just this baby on its own.before I start working. 1st at 12.01 will do me fabulously. I've felt exhausted today luckily my lovely boy had a nice
Long nap so I joined him from 11.15-2pm and he's snoring away in his cot now. Xx
See I never imagine curry and sex going together .... gross!

OH doesn't like curries and he's working until midnight so perfect opportunity and excuse and if it makes me poop at the least its a bonus!
Will message you now Elfs. Ohhhh that's fab you were able to snooze, it makes such a difference doesn't it?

Omg ffo I am crying at if it makes you poop :rofl:

I still don't feel like I had enough I'm just glad Oli's back tomorrow and he can take some of the slack. Even though the house is tidier without him here ! My mums going to come and help me sort the kids rooms out on Thursday which will be very useful x
That's great she's coming to help, and yay for Oli coming home. The extra pairs of hands make such a difference and give you a chance to breathe a bit instead of going pedal to the metal all the time.

On second thoughts, I don't think baby likes curry... I now feel really sickly and hot.
Oh dear!
Ohh no! Poor you and poor baby. Let's hope he voices his annoyance by making an appearance to tell you off :December

Lol yes. He was wriggling lots while I was eating I think he just made me feel a bit sick. Gonna have a warm bath for my back and wait to OH to finish work.

Haven't heard anything from PB - I have a feeling she may have had her little one in that case!
Ohhhh I hope so, that would be wonderful for her!


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