~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

FFO sorry I am not help is offering any more advice than what has been given but just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hope you manage to get in touch with someone.

kumber glad you got some more movement.

Hello Rose!

Today I have had a lazy day as feeling quite uncomfortable and in a bit of pain. Thinking of getting a pregnancy band to support by bump but don't know whether it's too late with 4 and a half weeks to go.
Any joy ffo?

I'm just back from hospital after more reduced movement, back in again tomorrow evening and might be kept in for 24 hours monitoring and then have a scan on Monday afternoon. Might as well move in!

No joy getting through to anyone but the pains have somewhat subsided just back pain at the moment. Going to ride it out through the night and see as baby is moving fine and I'm able to get on with things so not in too much pain. Haven't even taken any painkillers though considering some cocodamol as my back is super sore now.

Hoping my waters randomly break and baby will be here and yayyyy. But I doubt that'll happen lol

Kumber glad they're taking you more seriously though and hope it all goes well. I'm sure he's just being a silly and everything is fine!
Glad your pains have eased off, sounds like an early night is called for? Am crossing my fingers for water breakage for you!

Hoping he picks up over the next 20 hours so I don't have to stay in. I really don't want to be induced again :shock:

FFO that all sounds fairly positive for a possible early labour will keep my fingers crossed for you! Nothing really of any note with me today, but crampy and really bad back but that's just normal for me as I have bad sciatica. Sure I'm going to end up being induced, not that that worries me, I just wish he'd come out now! X
You must be thoroughly fed up Rose, here's hoping baby puts in an appearance for you soon! Sounds like you're struggling too, these third babies are monkeys!

Rose I'm 38 weeks today so not far behind you and feel your frustration! Fingers crossed it's soon for you too!

I've taken some cocodamol for my back and had some noodles for dinner (YUM) so hoping I can get some sleep later. I've been up until 5am most mornings as OH has been on nights and I haven't been able to sleep, but only getting a few hours sleep each morning without being tired during the day. Assuming this is nature's way of getting me ready for disrupted sleep lol

I have a mw appointment on Wednesday - does anyone know if they start doing any pelvic exams or sweeps before due date? Or does it vary from practice to practice?
All after 40 weeks here, across two different trusts but both in West Midlands but I dunno if it's a WM thing or not. Hopefully you get a bit more sleep tonight chicken

FFO what I've been told by my midwife (in Scotland) and what I've seen online is that NHS policy is you can't have a sweep until 40 weeks with your first baby and 41 weeks with your second/third. And that's what mine is sticking to but in the August thread there were women who were getting sweeps at 38 weeks on so I think some of them ignore it. Baby has to be engaged for a sweep though which is why I've never had one as mine have never engaged until labour started! X
I didn't know that Rose, you are a font of information. How do you know all these things?

Haha I'm a teacher (well I was before I stopped to have all the babies) and I blame that, I just read up on everything and ask too many questions. Last time I was scanned the sonographer couldn't believe the stuff I knew, like she was scanning babies leg for the femur length and my partner asked what is was and I just answered thinking she was busy any way and she was like 'I think you want my job' lol. They explained with my second baby that they couldn't perform a sweep if baby wasn't engaged because it risks cord prolapse - if the head is firmly in the pelvis then them poking around is perfectly safe but if the head is free and they poke around and your waters broke then the cord could slip into the pelvis before the head and obviously cause a lot of problems for safety of baby.

Although I wish I could retain knowledge about other things - feel like I must have forced out other information I should know in favour of baby stuff over the last few years!!! X
I'm the same rose - I've been trying to learn as much about pregnancy as possible.

In other news baby is still snug in there but I may have the start of a urine infection. Urine is super dark today but it's hard to tell if the pains in my pelvis are baby, constipation or UTI oops

Never had a UTI before
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Oh no ffo that's awful !
I read a lot in first and second pregnancy this time I'm just going with the flow.
The bag is pretty much packed just need to add a towel as the hospital ones are awful and tiny.
Hope everyone's had a good weekend and we start getting baby announcements soon xx
Morning ladies, was back at hospital yesterday to check his movements - he's picked up which is good. Still not 100% normal but feeling much better. Back in this afternoon for a scan to see what's going on in there, hopefully all is ok and they can leave me to go naturally. Still clinging on to the hope of a proper water birth where baby is born in the water this time!

Fingers crossed all is okay!

So TMI but -

I woke up several times last night feeling paranoid and wet down there and basically I'm having a pretty big increase in very watery discharge. Like so watery I wouldn't even calll it discharge and doubted whether or not I had peed a little hah. Still feeling it now but not enough to soak a liner? Definitely not urine either.
I'm confused. No pains or cramps with it or anything just feel drippy.
Ring your maternity assessment unit and put a pad in, could be you've got a slow waters leak

Weird but nothing is really coming out on to a pad or liner. No more than usual anyway. I'm starting to think its just discharge. Gross >.<
Had about 5 hours of regular cramps today then nothing :(
My daughters looking forward to plan evict baby next Friday when I'll finally go on her trampoline with her.
Hope his movements pick up I've got all my hopes on a water birth as well especially after two sections I'm desperate for this last baby to be the best delivery.
Ffo I would probably call and be checked as you never know it could be waters. X
Elfs hope it picks back up for you again soon :)

It's kind of slowed back down to feeling like it has the last few days with being discharge so I think it was that. I did wake up this morning feeling weird and he first thing I said to OH was I think I might go into labour soon, so we will see what happens. Been getting period aches this afternoon again so looks like braxton hicks might be back again!

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