~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Hopefully they get you sorted ASAP ffo

Feeling you Elfs, I've had an awful day today with my two. 6 tantrums in an hour from DS2, and I'm 2 hours into getting them both to nap. DS1 took about an hour and 45, DS is still fighting although he's exhausted. I'm shaking with hunger and had already cried twice this morning. Was up 6 times in 9 hours last night, you don't even get up much to flipping feed them but I'm peeing like no tomorrow.

Absolutely exhausted, fed up of being in pain, fed up of tantrumming toddlers and fed up of my mom cancelling baby sitting plans last minute so I can't even sodding catch up on sleep!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaarrrggggghhhhhh. Sorry ladies, needed to get that out my system.

So I've been here since 10am and they're not sure if my cervix is open but given that I feel poorly and the monitor showed tightenings they are admitting me for further checks and monitoring. No idea what's happening to be honest :/
Ohh goodness, have they given you a time frame as to how long you'll be in for?

I honestly haven't been told anything apart from waiting for a bed. It's been appalling today!
Ohh flip that's rubbish. Is anyone with you?

Yeah OH is here but he was in a night shift last night so he been awake for over 24 hours now. Falling asleep in the chair bless.

I'm assuming they're admitting me because I'm 4 days before I'm considered full term and they're not sure if labour is starting? And because I have headaches and nausea they're cautious.
Okay so what I've gathered is that the monitor showed my stomach was having what they called tightenings and on examining my cervix could see my mucus plug was coming away and my cervix was less than a centimetre open. They've admitted me as not only am I feeling crap but to monitor if the tightenings turn into more as the plug has started coming away. And some anti nausea meds.

They don't seem worried about pre eclampsia or any swelling or my headaches at the moment just more keeping an eye that I don't start labour.

I'm getting some period type aches and cramps every now and again in my lower pelvis back and thighs but I can't tell if that is linked to sciatica or in my head if I'm honest!

Looks like I'm here overnight all alone though so that sucks :(
I hope they give you a better idea soon. I guess if you were 37 weeks they wouldn't be concerned. Xx
Lol 4 days difference.

Tmi but I went to the bathroom and when I wiped got massive bits of clear thick jelly... I'm assuming it's he plug coming away if they're saying that's what they saw happening when they used the speculum but I always thought it'd be more colourful but this was super clear!
Yep that's your plug coming away. It's gets thicker when there's more of it and can sometimes (but not always) have blood in it, it's like super thick discharge I think.

Sounds like the start of your plug Mines been coming away for weeks but it can reform. When I had Charlie there was loads
Of blood that came away after the sweep x
A monitor at 2am this morning showed regular tightenings every few minutes so they're still unsure about whether it'll go anywhere. I don't feel much different this morning to how I did last night so doubtful. Hoping they'll let me go home soon if it's not going anywhere.

How's everyone else doing?
Kumber are you feeling less stressed?
Agree with Elfs, could be early labour. Have they said anything else in the last 12 hours?

Yes, less stressed here now thanks lovely. Mw appt today for 36 weeks and all plodding along as it should be

Hi all, hope everyone is ok. FFO hope you are doing ok.

I haven't managed to get online much as we have been sorting the house out and trying to get rid of a lot of junk. Still not much further on the nursery front! Just been for my 34 week midwife appointment and she was a bit concerned as I am measuring 39. She has booked me in for a growth scan to check everything out but me being me am letting it play on my mind! Only until Friday to wait though. They also want me to see a consultant as well next week because of age and BMI.

Off to have a proper catch up on the thread. xx
How goes the clear out misskth, are you any closer to being sorted? Not long to wait at all, hopefully all is ok. I had a growth scan with DS2 as was measuring the similarly, 39 at 35. As it was it was because of his position and large backside :lol: was predicted to be over 10lb and was 8lb 12 in the end

Not really going anywhere at the moment. Still having what they're calling tightenings and pressure and pains in my vagina, as well as a feeling of upset tummy and headaches. The doctor saw me today and was talking about braxton hicks and that he'll ask a midwife to examine me again and make a plan from there. Four hours later and still nothing so spoke to midwife and she told me that as I'm under 37 weeks I'm a doctors case so they'll have to do it. So she now has to assign me to a doctor they have to examine me and then they make a decision. So lookalike I'm in overnight again.

Sent OH home to feed the cat but I'm so sad to be left alone and just want to shower in my own shower and sleep in my own bed if nothing is happening any time soon!

Hope everyone else is doing alright!
Well that takes the mickey a bit :( I wonder what's causing all of this

How goes the clear out misskth, are you any closer to being sorted? Not long to wait at all, hopefully all is ok. I had a growth scan with DS2 as was measuring the similarly, 39 at 35. As it was it was because of his position and large backside :lol: was predicted to be over 10lb and was 8lb 12 in the end

Oh my goodness we have so much stuff! It is going slowly and the DIY we are doing seems to then throw up new things but we are getting there.

Thanks for the reassurances about the growth scan, she did say it could be the position Junior is in so we will see :) I know my bump has grown massively in the past week!
Oh bless you FFO what a pain for you. I hope they can get it all sorted quickly tomorrow so you can go home and rest properly. xx

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