Just an update.
After 3 days in hospital with the worst care ever, I finally came home at 11pm last night and baby is definitely still in here. Long story short, I went to triage to get checked because constant headaches and nausea and they found on the trace machine that I was having what they described as "tightenings". On checking my cervix they saw my mucus plug was coming away. Due to being what was technically pre-term, they sent me over to the antenatal unit to keep an eye on me to ensure labour wasn't starting.
While there I lost what I believe was or part of my mucus plug and kept having tightenings that got stronger over those 24 hours. They were coming every 10 minutes or so but I could barely feel them. I probably would never have noticed 60% of them if I hadn't been put on the monitor. My cervix was checked again and was still closed but I couldn't go home because of a mistake the doctor made with paperwork.
Yesterday I was still there and while waiting for one further cervix check I had what I consider to be a stronger contraction where my entire uterus tensed up for a short while and I had to stand up and get moving to deal with the discomfort. That was the only one I had though, the rest of the tightenings just felt like period aches. Although when I was on the monitor last night it showed the tightenings/contractions had pretty much stopped. They checked again and saw my cervix was still closed but the Dr couldn't say if all of my plug had gone (I think he was new...) Then they let me go home FINALLY.
Basically no idea what that was about. The midwives weren't allowed to do any physical examinations as I was pre term but both them and the doctors weren't sure what was happening tbh. They said it could have been a period of strong braxton hicks or could have been a start and stop prelabour phase but ultimately I'm to just wait it out.
Today my butt and back is killing me from sitting in a hospital bed for 3 days (stupid sciatica!) but I'm still get period aches and the baby is pressing on my cervix/pelvis which is very very uncomfortable and painful to walk. Baby is also STILL back to back, which isn't ideal.
Needless to say I will be ensuring this weekend that EVERYTHING is ready because there was a moment in the last 3 days where we were told "something's definitely happening" and it made me panic about having the baby 3 weeks early! So the car seat is now in the car and I've picked up a few 'tiny baby' size sleepsuits just incase.
OH is adamant I'll have him within the next week, but I'm not so sure.
Hope everyone is doing well.
37 weeks tomorrow so hopefully if any more scares the midwives themselves can deal because the doctors were absolutely useless! 10+ hour waits for checks and assessments is unacceptable tbh.
It also made me absolutely terrified when 3 women on the antenatal ward went into active labour at 3am and I was sitting alone in the dark listening to them crying and wincing and shouting in pain, and it made me panic that I won't be able to do it when it's my turn

One of the women was in labour with her 10th child and she couldn't cope at 1cm dilated!
Attached photo is 36+6 weeks today so full term tomorrow.
Kinda disappointed we drove home with an empty car seat in the back of the car last night, but good to know he's still in there all safe and getting plump!