~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Hope he measures okay on the scan!

I personally think it's more than braxton hicks but not yet labour because it hasn't let up in over two days. But who knows. Apparently no one!
Hope they let you know soon ffo it's awful being in hospital. Oh has gone to pick up our new car today and it involves and overnight stop so I'm on my own with the kids. It's actually not been awful but I'm enjoying making him feel guilty. Got the mw for my 36 week appointment tomorrow and baby is still not engaged grr I'm really praying for natural labour as it's a vba2c so they won't induce and if I don't labour well it'll be straight to section which I want to avoid.
I wouldn't worry too much about stomach measurements I've had people measure me on the same day before and come out with something completely different xx
If it's any consolation ffo, my BH are still constant and now I've got the runs but nothing is on the move :wall2: I think misskth was sending big hugs

Elfs, #2 babies onwards don't tend to engage as it's easier for them to pop in and out with everything already being stretched. Really hope you get your vba2c, that would be amazing for you!

Ooo sounds like things are starting up in here already!
Hope things are getting better for you ffo.
Kumber sounds like you could be having him soon?!

Consultant thinks I have GD so monitoring my bloods... they seem pretty high so guessing I have it. If I do I'm being induced in the next few weeks.
Scan showed baby is engaged and have been getting lots of period pain the last week. Even peeing is agony hoping she pops out soon aha x
PB, I doubt it for me - I get this in every pregnancy although I am noticing it more in this one so who knows!

Booooo for GD! But yay for being induced, when will you know for sure either way?

Oh :( hopefully because your having more means he'll come sooner tho!

I have an appointment on Wednesday and we will go from there. Hoping they're just like yeah come back tomorrow and we'll induce you ahahaha. Doubt it but hopefully at some point that week. X
They did that to me tbf :lol: went in for growth and had had a third episode of reduced movement so she said we want you induced today or tomorrow. I was like erm can we do tomorrow? :shock: so they can sometimes be quite quick.

I'm convinced I'll go over, I've no faith in these tightenings at all. 36 weeks today so could be anytime from now but I suspect it'll be later than sooner!

Sorry just saw this about how quick they can decide to induce and had to comment.
I had been in for reduced movements several times up to 7 or 8 I believe over 3 weeks. I went in on Sat, trace was OK and sent home, went back in the evening as still hadn't felt baby, trace ok again. Went in on Sunday for reduced movements again, had a growth scan on the Monday at 4pm and had a ctg after. Scans were because he was measuring below the 5th centile. After the ctg I was told I was being kept in. 12noon on Tuesday I was told I was being induced and was on labour ward having my waters broken by 2pm!! I was 37+5wks so yeah they can sometimes get you in quick :)

Good luck ladies, I have a Sept 2014 baby :) xx

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Had my 36 week appointment today all good only grown 1 cm in three weeks but as baby is a wriggly monster they weren't worried. Can't believe that at my next appointment I'll be 38 weeks ! Lost more plug today but I'm not wanting this baby out any time soon x
Nearly 33 weeks now and I'm on countdown to mat leave... 2 weeks to go! Jake starts pre5 next week too so I'm hoping for a chilled couple of weeks although I doubt that will happen as I'm very disorganised and still need to get everything down from the loft and pack my hospital bag. Plus need to pack up the house as we're moving after baby is born!
Just an update.

After 3 days in hospital with the worst care ever, I finally came home at 11pm last night and baby is definitely still in here. Long story short, I went to triage to get checked because constant headaches and nausea and they found on the trace machine that I was having what they described as "tightenings". On checking my cervix they saw my mucus plug was coming away. Due to being what was technically pre-term, they sent me over to the antenatal unit to keep an eye on me to ensure labour wasn't starting.

While there I lost what I believe was or part of my mucus plug and kept having tightenings that got stronger over those 24 hours. They were coming every 10 minutes or so but I could barely feel them. I probably would never have noticed 60% of them if I hadn't been put on the monitor. My cervix was checked again and was still closed but I couldn't go home because of a mistake the doctor made with paperwork.

Yesterday I was still there and while waiting for one further cervix check I had what I consider to be a stronger contraction where my entire uterus tensed up for a short while and I had to stand up and get moving to deal with the discomfort. That was the only one I had though, the rest of the tightenings just felt like period aches. Although when I was on the monitor last night it showed the tightenings/contractions had pretty much stopped. They checked again and saw my cervix was still closed but the Dr couldn't say if all of my plug had gone (I think he was new...) Then they let me go home FINALLY.

Basically no idea what that was about. The midwives weren't allowed to do any physical examinations as I was pre term but both them and the doctors weren't sure what was happening tbh. They said it could have been a period of strong braxton hicks or could have been a start and stop prelabour phase but ultimately I'm to just wait it out.

Today my butt and back is killing me from sitting in a hospital bed for 3 days (stupid sciatica!) but I'm still get period aches and the baby is pressing on my cervix/pelvis which is very very uncomfortable and painful to walk. Baby is also STILL back to back, which isn't ideal.

Needless to say I will be ensuring this weekend that EVERYTHING is ready because there was a moment in the last 3 days where we were told "something's definitely happening" and it made me panic about having the baby 3 weeks early! So the car seat is now in the car and I've picked up a few 'tiny baby' size sleepsuits just incase.
OH is adamant I'll have him within the next week, but I'm not so sure.

Hope everyone is doing well.
37 weeks tomorrow so hopefully if any more scares the midwives themselves can deal because the doctors were absolutely useless! 10+ hour waits for checks and assessments is unacceptable tbh.

It also made me absolutely terrified when 3 women on the antenatal ward went into active labour at 3am and I was sitting alone in the dark listening to them crying and wincing and shouting in pain, and it made me panic that I won't be able to do it when it's my turn :(
One of the women was in labour with her 10th child and she couldn't cope at 1cm dilated!

Attached photo is 36+6 weeks today so full term tomorrow.
Kinda disappointed we drove home with an empty car seat in the back of the car last night, but good to know he's still in there all safe and getting plump!


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Ohh ffo, what a farce. I'm sorry they kept you in that long but glad baby has stayed put and is cooking that wee bit longer. Great idea about getting everything ready, hopefully you're not waiting too long before you meet your bubba

As for pain, please don't worry over it. Some women have it more intense than others, and different women have different pain thresholds. I am a total and utter wimp, but I've managed to get through natural labour on G&A, and induced on nothing! What so, so many women forget to do is breathe, the panic takes over so it takes a lot of focus. Have a look into hypnotherapy, I think that's what I ended up doing without intended to and it works a charm!

Awh ffo I'd be disappointed to! Sorry you were in so long for no reason but best to be safe than sorry!

I've been getting period pain really badly for the last week aswell. I don't know if i mentioned already on here I thought I was in labor with my back pain and period pain! But went away. But baby was engaged after the pain so think it was that ... so maybe baby is trying to engage? X
Period pain and back pain is braxton hicks chick :)

I keep getting told it is then it isn't :(
Usually get it worst at night time! Specially after peeing.
Plus labor pains get much worse than that? :shock: oh my word!!
Ohh FirstFreakOut hopefully it's a sign that things are gonna happen soon and you're not uncomfortable for too much longer!
Thanks for the support ladies!
It was horrible and I got so homesick as I sent OH home each night to get rest and look after our kitty

If I was over 37 weeks they would have sent me home the day I went in to wait it out but they had to cover their own due to me being technically pre term.

PB I've been checking the August thread now and again and seen you've been a bit up and down. Hopefully not too much more a wait for you and the doctors make a decision regarding inducing you etc. You've done so well and I bet you're so excited to meet her!

Everyone seems to think I'll have him within the next week but I think that after this he'll end up being late just to be stubborn! Lol

I wonder if any of ours really will be August babies after all!
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