~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I'll get a list together of ladies who are happy being bump buddies and then I'll match everyone up depending on due dates and such :D

I'm in agony in the morning now in my pubic muscles, vile SPD. Can't wait for him to be here so this pain goes away

I've recently started suffering with SPD I didn't know what it was aha. But I get such bad pain in the night and rolling over.
Today I woke up like I've been kicked in the vag! Like a pulled muscle hurts to open and close my upper legs lol x
Yup it's agonising. Waking up to roll over and having to go it so carefully, I'm on the verge of tears most nights and mornings :( another reason why this is our last baby!

My back and pelvis kills me too, getting up and down from sitting/lying down and turning over in bed.
I'm so frustrated with not being able to go out and do things that it has me in tears. I went to get my hair cut and do some shopping today, was only out for 2 hours and I'm not stuck on the bed unable to move. Even when I pop next door to the supermarket (it's literally 2 mins away) when I get back I have to sit and not move.

It's making getting things clean and organised so so difficult :(
I feel for you too :(

I always thought I'd like being pregnant but this experience has really made me doubt whether or not I would go through it again. I feel like I have a disability more than anything and it's very hard to come to terms with.
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I'm hearing that ffo! I've done the bear minimum, haven't hoovered since hubby did it on Sunday so the floor is covered in cat litter bits and fur. I hate it but can't face the agony of hoovering.

There's definitely a lot of sitting down that gets done at this point but I'm reminding myself to enjoy it cus when he's here I won't be able to!

Guys my bras came today and oh my goodness they are so soft and comfortable! They're like a sports bra. I could actually see myself sleeping in these.
Thanks so much for the recommendations!

Also, I have absolutely no idea how I'm still able to shave my legs and bikini line by myself but it is no good for my back :P
Yay, glad you like them! They're designed for sleeping in too which you sooooooooo need during those first few weeks of milk coming in.

Good luck with the trimmings, I'm going all natural :lol:

I would but I get really irritated by it! I'm fair haired though so I can't leave me legs for about a week and still nothing shows, it's just prickly and annoying when I'm in bed :P
I have patchy hair on my legs at the moment!
Had three days as out patient at the hospital this week but they decided that after my poor boy had been in a cast for three days it wasn't actually broken !
Did a full day in London so I'm really feeling it now. The house is a tip so will need to do some of that tomorrow m.
Anyone not picked their hospital bag ?
Elfs glad the little one hasn't broken it! That's good news and hopefully will heal much quicker :)
I can't believe you did a full day in London... I can barely go to the shop without wanting to cry. Amazing.

I haven't packed hospital bags yet. That was going to be this weekend's mission and I got a lot of the things ready just haven't actually packed it.
I want to cry now my feet and legs are swelling and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sick but it's done now and I'm pretty amazed I've managed London twice this week for shows ! I've not made it past 38 +2 before so I guess I should have it done before 37 weeks but I just don't have the energy or motivation xx
It's nice that you've be able to go and do things though :) rest lots tomorrow and get those feet up!

I just threw up for the first time this pregnancy?!
Being sick is crap hope you're better today.
I feel like crap today was up all night with painful bh they calmed down at about 3 am ds woke at 3.10 and ended up in our bed. I'm beyond exhausted now currently lying on the sofa in pjs with soaking hair and my baby shower starting in an hour ! One month till due date and today for the first time this pregnancy I'm seriously praying this baby comes early
Elfs I hope you had a lovely baby shower :)
I feel exactly the same in hoping he comes early!

I've had on and off period type aches and cramps for the last few days and woke up this morning with intense aches that didn't go away (they didn't come and go just stayed there) but baby has been moving as normal today and the pains have lessened this afternoon so I'm waiting it out to see what happens.
Had another sicky turn this afternoon but ate some toast and felt a little better. Hoping it's not a regularly thing for the last few weeks!

Feeling lots of movement very low down in my pelvis just above my vagina so I'm hoping that when I got to my 36 week appointment on Wednesday they tell me he's engaged :)
Just catching up after a very busy weekend

Elfs, how are you feeling now? How's the swelling and your LO with his arm? Glad to hear it's not broken but surely they x-rayed when you went in?? Hope you enjoyed your baby shower?

Ffo how are you getting on? Have you been sick again since?

I've been getting horrific BH, they're radiating up my back and are absolute agony, but not getting enough of them to warrant me going in again. They're strong enough to wake me up in the night though :wall2:

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I haven't been sick again since but have had another "funny turn" yesterday where I felt the same and got really hot and nauseated and thought I was going to. I've also had a headache for a few days so I'm a little worried about my blood pressure. Got my next appointment on Wed so I'll mention it then. My urine wasn't checked at my last appointment so I'll make sure it's definitely done! Period type aches come and go now and again too.

Kumber, sorry you're still having BH and they're not giving you a break :(

That's a point, Elfs - Was his arm x-rayed to say for definite?
I wonder if it'll be your time soon ffo, they say sickness can indicate building up to labour as you do a clear out just before or during labour.

I've got a new hoover coming today, and I can't wait. It's lighter than the current beast, so I'm hopeful that it's not as painful to hoover for me, given that I have to hoover every day!

Urine should be checked every appointment in shocked they didn't do it before !
Yes he was xrayed and they thought they saw a fracture however after the specialist looked they said that they felt
It wasn't one. He's back to his normal self so I'm happy.
I'm just exhausted now having both the kids is shattering I was a bad mummy yesterday and we literally watched films all day apart from a supermarket trip and a swimming lesson. Going to go to town and get the stuff for my hospital bag today as I'm starting to worry I won't have it done and my partner will end up having to pack for me which would be a nightmare.
Bh are so annoying I think being pregnant already hard enough without having to deal with practise contractions. Hope your hoovers better kumber I need to start doing more housework but bending over is really tough now.
They asked for a sample but I couldn't go so she said not to worry. I'm on my way in to triage this morning anyway as I'm feeling so poorly and they're worried about the constant headache I've had for the last few days.
I also woke up and the carpal tunnel in my left hand means I can't actually make a fist or use my hand at all.

I can't handle this for another 3+ weeks. I feel so cheated because I've just spent my entire pregnancy moaning and being in pain and now I'm feeling poorly to boot?! Im so upset :(
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You're almost 37 weeks so hopefully they'll make a plan for delivery xx

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