~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Is anyone else having a mw appt at home in the next few weeks? I was offered one as a way to discuss my birth plan but declined as I know my hospital just ignores it anyway, but are any of you ladies having one? Do you have an idea of what you're hoping for in labour?

I'm desperately hoping for a proper water birth, we tried one with DS1 but I had to get out at the end as he got stuck, and was induced with DS2 so wasn't allowed one. Now I'm back under mw led instead of consultant led (pleeeeeeeeease stay down BP!!), I'm hoping that I'll get to have one where the baby's actually born in the water!

Also, how is everyone doing name-wise? We had a name chosen but now going off it as I don't like how it flows with the bigger boys' names. Thinking of seeing what he looks like when he arrives? It's hard not to call him the name we originally decided, as it's been that long it's stuck :eh: stressing over it far more than I should, please say I'm not the only one stressing??

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I'm.having my at home midwife appointment on Friday! :/ were discussing my birth plan... don't know what the point is yet because I want a water birth and stuff and next week the consultant might say I'm.being induced so I can't have what I want... because if I can't have a water birth I want all the pain relief I can .. whereas if I can I just want gas and air so completely useless imo.

We've had a name.picked since before she was conceived aha. Scarlett. Second name is summer because it's cute and it's summer! Aha.
What name was you going to use? And what are your other boys names? X
Can you rearrange your mw appt for after consultant appt PB?

Those are very pretty names!

We had Lorcan, but I prefer Ruari or Finlay. Middle name will be Joseph with any option. My boys are Riley and Malachy so I need something that flows with them when I'm shouting :lol: I prefer Ruari, but my 2nd cousin's wee boy is Ruari and I have her on Facebook so I feel awkward using it. My August mummy friend has a little boy called Finlay so I don't want to nick her name either. Argh!

Nah I cba tbh I'm just gonna go along with what ever happens I think now fed up of things changing.

My fave boys names are Riley, finley and miles! And they're the ones I wold have suggested aha! Ah I'm not bothered about friends kids having the same name nor family if I don't see them!
Others names ... Miles, Zack, Cody, Wyatt, Marshall, Ben. X
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I haven't been told anything about a home visit yet - my next appointment is the 36 weeks one next Wednesday (wrongly booked with the midwife instead of GP but nevermind) so I don't know if it'll be mentioned/arranged then.

I'm stressing over names too! We can't seem to agree on one but I'm sure we will. I think I've read every list online so far lol

After the birthing class/tour of the hospital I'm so overwhelmed with options for labour that I don't know what to do. The idea of a water birth sounds great, as does going to the birthing centre instead of the labour ward, but I have it in my head that I won't cope on just gas & air, and not sure if I want any opiate pain relief as I'd rather not be dopey for the labour. I think I might plan to go to the birthing centre and try the pool if it's appropriate for the circumstances and see how I go with the contractions...

I'm glad I'm not the only one slightly stressed about names and birth options! OH keeps telling me to not worry and go with it but I deal with anxiety by making plans and goals! Haha

PB I love Wyatt, and it's an ancestral surname on my mum's side, but OH doesn't want it!

Kumber I think Lorcan and Finlay go quite well with your other boys! And both go well with Joseph for a middle name too.
Also, is anyone else getting really bloody irritable with their OH?!
He's pretty perfect but recently I can't stand the sound of him eating, or the fact that I have to nag him to move stuff, or that he's always playing this game on his phone (even though I'm always playing Pokemon on my DS!)

I'm just so irritated by everything right now. The sound of the tv in the background, my own breathing?! Jeez.
I'm horrible >.<
Thanks ladies, I'm gonna see what he looks like I think. I just can't decide at the moment and it'll just irritate me :wall2:

Ffo, you'd be surprised at how effective gas and air is. I am a total pain wuss, can't cope with anything, and gas and air was phenomenal. It just stopped the pain dead. Can they move you from the birthing centre to the hospital bit if needs be? I think if it's something you want to try, put down the birthing centre and then when you're in labour, you can see how you feel just breathing through them. If you're finding them too much, you can always switch to the hospital then maybe?

Also feeling you on the irritableness. My breathing also pissing me off because it's so heavy! I've banned visitors coming round cus I'm stroppy in the evenings and can't do people at the moment. Such a mare

My baby has broken his leg :( going to be Ina. Cast for 4-6 weeks I'm devastated:( this baby can't come for a while I have a 13 month old who needs all my attention :(
Lmao! My moodiness isn't bad tbh. I did get pissed off at hubby the other day and when he asked why I couldn't remember xD

Awhh elfs :( hope he gets better before baby comes! How horrible for a tiny toddler. Xx
Ohh poor baby Elfs! I hope he's ok, sending love

Just ordered new car seats for all three boys, and a bath support, as well as two more nursing bras. Eeeeeeep it's feeling very real now :shock::shock:

Elfs hope your little ones feels better soon :(

Kumber you've given me some hope about the gas and air!

30 days until my due date now - still haven't packed the hospital bags or gotten everything ready!
With nursing bras, do you go a size up in advance or get what fits now? I'm really really struggling to find bras and I find nursing bras aren't supportive enough for my size 38D so they just get swallowed underneath my boobies :(
And sports bras are so hard to find. Apparently only ladies with small boobs play sports because a size L is like a B cup....
Hotmilk, ffo! Hotmilk aaaaaall the way. I am a 36DD at the moment and got these being really sceptical cus they're non-wired and nursing.

My boobs are currently under my chin :lol: I feel really supported and they're super comfy. They're massive things that literally cover your whole boob, and the back strap is really chunky so it's got loads of support for big boobages. I won't need to get another bra now when nursing with these as the cups stretch as you grow. I am actually in love! M&S and mothercare bras have gone into clothes recycling!

They've also got a sale on too, so you can get two for less than £30 (so 2 for 1 basically) and then you get 15% off for your second order to split the cost. I'm converted, can you tell? :lol:

Haha your enthusiasm has me intrigued! They all look pretty comfy to be fair.
Mind if I ask which style you bought? :P
I'm currently wearing a bra from hot milk it's so comfy ! Best to get fitted for a nursing bra. X
Haha your enthusiasm has me intrigued! They all look pretty comfy to be fair.
Mind if I ask which style you bought? :P

I got four of the first one on here as they were the cheapest. From reading up, the wired ones are recommended for a few months after you've had baby and your supply is established, which is usually 14-16 weeks post birth.

I'm currently wearing a bra from hot milk it's so comfy ! Best to get fitted for a nursing bra. X

Jinx! :)

I bought a nursing bra that apparently grows with your boobies... was only 15 quids. I don't wanna buy more than one yet incase I can't BF. X
Got it from kiddiecare. My boobs are tiny... so in doubt they'll grow massive! X

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