~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

34 week mw appointment today and I came out feeling like I cold cry. Baby is fine but the mw made me feel shit. The usual lady is off with her son's birthday and the replacement is always horrid.

She didn't get my pubic bone correctly so I had to tell her. She remeasured and goes "ooooohh it's hard to get the right place under that bump". I have a massive overhang which is leftover weight and fat from previous pregnancies, I'm really self-conscious about it and she made me feel like a whale :cry: dug the doppler right in to hear baby so I was left with marks, and then offered me no help getting up off the bed.

Nasty, nasty woman.

Awh what an awful women :( don't know why she just didn't say anything... i have lots of flab at the bottom of my bump but no one's ever been rude about it, there's no point! Plus youve have babies what did she expect?! Ugh
Just ignore her, probably feels shit about herself so wants to make other people feel shit. Maybe put a complaint in? X
Oh kumber:( sorry she was such a monster! If you feel it was out of order maybe mention it at your next appointment so they're aware of her behaviour? No woman should ever leave their appointment feeling like that -hugs-

I had my 34 week this morning as well which was also a different midwife for the first time. Although she was nice and listened I still left feeling a little crap but I think that's just my mood tbh. Ive mentioned that I feel low and alone a lot but she just said that it would have been helpful to go to NCT classes before and just said that talking to the baby might help. I was expecting a little more considering I have a history of depression anyway ....

Also turns out that although baby is still head down he's back to back though shifted to side on but head down when using the Doppler. His heart rate was also the lowest I've seen it recorded but still above 110 so she didn't seem worried.

I don't know I just feel low today. Found out last night my family dog is riddled with cancer so will be put down in the next day or so :(
Thanks ladies, yeah I'll be mentioning it at the next appointment. I'm back every 2 weeks for BP so will be telling my usual mw. Can't understand the need to be so horrid :(

Ffo, you appt sounds awful too! Very blasé which is not providing the support you want! So sorry to hear about your family wuffer, there's nothing worse :hugs:

Thanks kumber x she's being put down at 8pm :( feel terrible for not being there for my family

The mw also made me feel a little judged when I said I wasn't sure if I wanted to breastfeed which sucked. She made me feel like it was going to fix all my emotional worries and seemed shocked when I said I was worried it'll have more emotional and physical strain!

Did anyone else have/had their whooping cough vaccination? I booked one for Friday but I'm gonna do some googling on it as I don't actually know much about it! I'm pro vaccination though so I'm all for getting them done just wondering the necessity of it, for example the flu jab is kinda useless for our pregnancies due to the time of year so I never got that.
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Sending so much love to your family :hugs:

I think you're doing right to take it as it comes - bfing is wonderful but it's so hard, so tiring, so emotionally draining. That's so wring of her not to be supportive of you being sensible!

I have never gotten the whooping cough jab, although I know I should. I can't stand needles and it makes your arm dead. I know I should have it but I'm a wimp :blush:

Will read through properly later but please please get the whooping cough vaccine it covers your baby until they are able to have the vaccine themselves. My partner had whopping cough as a baby he almost died and it took around two years for him to recover fully. X
I have the whooping cough booked for Friday morning, and I'm gonna try and book an appointment with the GP for the same morning. Mw today advised me to be referred back to physio for my back pain and get some stronger pain killers so I want to discuss that with the GP, and I'll also mention that my low moods were shrugged off when they really shouldn't have been and seen what support is available both now and when the baby is here.

I'm so so terrified of post natal depression and I voiced that to her, but no where in my notes does it say we discussed that...
Hopefully my normal midwife I'll see in two weeks will be more supportive..
I had the whopping cough vaccine when I was 24 weeks I think lol. It kills your arm lol... just feels like you've been punched hard when you try to move it.
Definitely talk to your dr about depression, your midwife shouldn't shrug it off. Mine are always asking me how I feel and if I'm.feeling down. I thought they was supposed to take it seriously.
I have noticed midwifes get funny when you say you don't wanna BF. It's not there boobies so shouldnt have an opinion!x
Just an update that I got the whooping cough jab today (lameeee) and also mentioned about my low moods and worries and the GP was actually super nice and reassuring and gave me info for a self referral to a therapy team that prioritise pregnant women/new mums. I have a telephone assessment with them next week.

She also prescribed me some co-codamol for my back pain, and reassured me that one dose as needed (which is usually once a day or every few days) isn't going to harm baby and isn't enough to worry about withdrawal. Still hesitant but feel less guilty about a lot of things are that appointment.

I even have a follow up with her for mid August to see how I'm doing.

Hope everyone's enjoying their Friday :)
Fantastic news ffo nice for someone to take you seriously.
Me and oh celebrated two years together yesterday, can't believe how much can change in two years we're weeks away from our second baby and getting closer than ever. This time next year we'll be married and he can adopt my daughter :)
And my 34 week whale bump for good measure xx


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Awh lovely bump, Elfs! Congrats on two years x

Our two year anniversary is on 11th september, so only a few days after my due date! I definitely know what you mean about a lot changing.

My bump, 34+4 weeks. Starting to get some tiny stretch marks by my appendix scar and the pre-existing ones on my hips are getting a little darker now, but so far, none on my tummy! Hoping it stays like this as I'm so freaking pale. I've also noticed that in the last few weeks my face and back has gotten a little chubbier. Such sexiness going on over here :P


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Lovely bumps!
Mines absolutely coverd in stretch marks... tried some cream but obviously did nothing so fked it off aha.
Glad you had your whopping cough vaccine :)
Congrats of 2 years.

Anyone else got a birth ball yet? Mine is hurting my bum! Lol.

Had my 35 weeks growth scan and baby is 7 and a half pounds already ... bye bye vagina :lol:
Lovely bump ffo mine started dropping this week so hoping baby will start to engage.
Pb I was told to expect a giant baby last time they estimated him to be around 10lbs he was born 7lb 2oz and my partner had to get tiny baby clothes. This time they've said to expect a big baby again but I've refused any more growth scans unless something goes wrong. I also know someone who had a two hour labour and gave birth to a 11lb baby at home with no issue. So don't worry too much. You're so close to the end now. Xx
Are growth scans a normal thing then, or for more consultant lead etc? I've never had them mentioned to me at all.

I got a birthing ball, PB (though just realised I threw the box out with the bloody pump in it so even though it's already pumped if it starts to go down I'm screwed!). I use it every now and again but find it makes the baby press on my bladder a lot haha
I'm unsure if mine has dropped ... how do you know ?

Hoping shes just a medium size baby aha. 11lbs at home oh my word. I bought lots of new born up to 7lbs clothes guess I can't use them aha.

Ffo people have growth scans for different reasons... I was only meant to have a couple because of my mcs, but because I keep having reduced movement they wanna keep checking and now she's over the 90th centile I gotta have more. Lol x
Ah I get it. I thought maybe I'd missed something!

We went to a 6 hour birthing and breastfeeding class yesterday at the hospital I'm going to give birth at, which included a tour of the labour ward and birthing centre (which are basically in the same place and down the hall from maternity theatre which is comforting).

Was given a lot to think about, such as the birthing centre looked really good (v similar to the pool rooms on one born every minute tbh) and I'm considering going there, however means I won't be able to have an epidural so I'm torn on pain relief options.

Also had a long discussion on breastfeeding which makes me feel like I should give it a go due to so many benefits, but worries me about the amount of demand it'll have on top of the already demanding taking care of a newborn!

So all in all, although it was a great and informative day, it's left me with so many options that I don't know the answers to!
Ffo bf is hard for the first six weeks but I can honestly say formula is 1000000000x harder. My lb refused breast from 8 months so we bottle fed and its a nightmare so much more work xx
I agree with Elfs, bf is hard to get into initially but then it's soooooooooo much more convenient and it's super quick (excepting the evening cluster feed). I found it far less stressful than bottle feeding, and DS2 was a flipping awful bfer due to tongue tie. I'm determined to avoid bottles this time as it really is far handier to bf if you can.


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