~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Seems we're all struggling, we're so close now ladies!! Can you believe our babies will be here in a few weeks?!

Misskth, sorry to hear you're feeling so big and sore. Is there anything that could help do you think?

Ffo, they do get bigger still I'm afraid!

Elfs, that's crazy! Starting the summer with your daughter and ending it with a baby, that's going to fly in hopefully

PB, glad baby was ok on Friday but what a little pickle that she's not moving now! Great news on having everything ready, thats a few weeks less things to worry about for you

Glad she was okay on Friday, PB.
Any more news on potentially inducing you as it seems she's being a little nugget and making you worry lots!
I have my consultant appointment on Wednesday, hoping they'll say then! I can't keep spending days in hospital. I'm say crying cos I'm probably gonna end up in there tonight. Can't deal with it, I had a few movements now but i was getting like at least 5 an hour. Now it's 1 movement like every 4/5 hours if that. Her most active times is when I wake up and last 2 days had nothing at all in the mornings... I even went swimming yday, hoping she'll love it and have a wiggle but she didn't. X
I really hope they induce you for so many reduced movement episodes, you're doing the right thing by going in as much as it's so frustrating for you. Maybe really push for going early as you've had so many episodes?

Oh PB I'm sorry you've had to have so many episodes in hospital :(
But just think about how close you are to holding your little girl!

Push to get her here as soon as is safe <3

Oh and for what it's worth, the doc thinks I have sciatica as well and I'm in pain after having sex too. It's horrific :(
(The pain, not the sex. ha)
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PB- ouch for pain after fun times and good luck for tonight, I agree with kumber you are doing the right thing going in. xx

kumber thanks- I am off to an spd clinic tomorrow so will hopefully get some tips. I was sent home from work today feeling very emotional and in pain so a day at home has done me good. Read baby magazines all day and tried to destress.
I was in with reduced movements constantly with Charlie it was tough but it's for the best xx
Fair play to you ladies still having sex. I've told him he can stay away from me until baby's 6 months old and he's had the snip, I'm far to fat and heavy to entertain him :lol: you are better women that I!

I didn't go in, in the end. She started moving a little more and I was happy with it :/ she's a bit more active today aswell & have my consultant appointment tomorrow so should be OK.
Oh god no to the sex! Aha we just do other stuff now, my belly is just to big no matter what position xD last time we did it my belly hurts so bad after, from being squished lol.
We're still having sex and will up to baby being here we just can't go mad. We had sex two weeks after Charlie was born I doubt that'll happen this one
We still have sex, but tend to keep it to third base the majority of the time as I find sex really tiring! Although in the second trimester my sex drive and orgasms were incredible, I can't wait for non-pregnant sex again! Hahah

I don't know if anyone will know what I mean but I noticed yesterday that my bump seems to have pointed towards the front but under the belly button and across horizontally is quite flat? Does this make sense to anybody?
OH said he can't see it, but it could be because I'm at a different angle so can see it easier?

I think baby might have flipped? I do remember feeling a really really big movement the other day that caught me off guard. He was head down but not engaged when I went to triage a few days ago, and there was no mention of him being back to back or anything.
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He could have moved to transverse? I'm not sure but it was the only thing I could think of

Ffo, my belly had been like that all the way through. I don't think it's anything to worry about, scan showed her head down to.

Had my consultant appointment today. They're not worried about her anymore and have said I don't need to be induced anymore :/ Also told me no more growth scans even though she's over 90th centile with a belly measuring 37 weeks. Fed up meh x
PB I do find that a bit strange, that they're not too worried. Did they explain why they're not going to induce you?

I ordered a birthing ball today because my sofa is killing my back! And bf has gone off to buy the paint we need this morning for the nursery so we can at least get that done this weekend I hope.

How is everyone else doing?
Hope the birthing ball gives you more comfort FFO.

Well, term finished yesterday and now I am finished work! Well technically Maternity Leave starts 1st September but it's the summer holidays and I worked my bottom off the last month to get everything finished so I didn't have stuff to do over the holiday. I feel like a new woman! The Mr is taking next week off so we can blitz the house.
Yay for birthing ball!

Double yay for your last day misskth! Bet you're well chuffed, yay for freedoooooooom!

My bump has dropped massively, really pleased! Feel like it's down by knees but it means he's stayed head down and is moving down! Still possible he could still pop in and out, or turn, but I'm just so grateful that he's that way round now. Been an utterly ridiculous week but hubby's first week on the job is over, kids are at their granny's tonight and tomorrow, so I can vegetate all weekend! Relief :nap:

Enjoy your weekend, kumber. And misskth- it must be a relief to not worry about work :)

I'm 34 weeks today and me and the OH are painting the nursery. I am in so much discomfort that I'm not much help and I can feel him getting a little stressy bless him :(
Why the hell did we leave it this long? I'm too fat to do iiiit
Glad you had a good weekend!

OH painted the nursery on his own this weekend (because I'm useless and no help as I'm too short to reach high enough to paint and too sore to bend down and help with the skirting boards ha). So now the room is painted and the wooden furniture is built, tomorrow I start organising and packing the hospital bags and tidying the flat as it's a mess right now!

Then it's just getting the pram/car seat/next to me crib set up, and continue to wash and sterilise things.
I have no idea if we'll get the rest of the flat painted to be honest, if it's just OH...

How was everyone else's weekend?

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