~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Yeah... I missed one of my iron tablets yday so I think it's that. Supposed to be on 3 a day but i can barely remember to eat most the time let alone take 3 tablets at certain times then my other stuff on top. Nearly at the end though :) x
So close! Have you tried setting alarms on your phone to remind you? Mine goes off for my vitamins every night :P
You should always go in if the pattern is different. I had reduced movements with my son and was monitored three times a week from 30 weeks and induced at 37 as he was having dips.
Pb please go and get checked if things aren't right it's so important xx
Ffo, glad all is ok for your bump!

PB, please go in. Worth staying in for baby's wellbeing, I know it's sometimes inconvenient but it's worth it.

Been a busy week here, he has turned!!! Head down, not engaged but that's normal for subsequent babies. He just needs to stay put now! Got the clothes from my mom's so a ton of washing to do this weekend and hubby starts new job on Monday!

Yay Kumber! Head down!
Thanks - he's been moving a lot today so I think he was just having a very lazy day yesterday. Little bugger!
I'm gonna start on washing the baby clothes and blankets etc this week, and then packing the hospital bags.
We were meant to paint the nursery on Tuesday so I could start organising it, but bf got called to work, so that's next week's mission.

I have no idea how we're gonna paint the whole flat though...
So much to do!
Feel so chuffed, hope he stays there now!

Naughty baby, glad he's wriggling away. Sounds like you've got lots to get through, take it easy with the painting and get it done bit by bit. Stick Netflix on, take regular breaks, and keep hydrated!

Glad he's finally turned kumber :)
I washed all my baby clothes while we had the heatwave so didn't have to tumble dry lol.

Went in yday, they said she seems fine... she usually goes crazy in the morning and she hasn't been :( they told me to come.for a scan today but there's no way I van get there without spending nearly 100 quid on taxi there and back & we haven't got spare money like that!
Got a coke chilling in the fridge gonna try and get her going with it. Think she might be having a growth spurt maybe :/ x
Keep us updated chick, even if you have to get hubby to take you in this evening again that would be better.

Been having an admin morning sorting out finances, soooooo boring but at least it's done. Just a couple of things to chase up next week which hopefully won't take too long.

On the hunt for slim car seats to try and squeeze the 3 boys in the back, otherwise we'll never be able to go out as a family and can't fork out for a new car just yet. Ohhh children have it so easy don't they! No responsibility, no lists of things to remember or endless jobs to do!

Had the weirdest vibration right down by my bladder this morning, very peculiar. Like my phone was vibrating against my bladder, but obviously it was himself. Has anyone else had that?

Pb, did you go in yesterday at all? How's the bubs now?

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed with how much I have left to do. 33 weeks today, with 49 days until my due date!
I've made a list of things that need to be done by then, but I'm struggling with getting through it. My bf's job means he's only around on his days off as he tends to work more evening/night shifts in a 7 day period, which means things like painting the flat and moving things around isn't really something I can do when he's working!

Anyone else starting to feel like they have a mountain of things that need doing?! I thought I was so on top of it all lol
I've felt like that with all 3 so don't worry! Just do what you can and anything you can't, it doesn't matter. You can always leave baby's room til last as they'll be in with you for a while anyway, so do the rooms you can do like bathrooms and hallways, where you done have to move things around. Even if it's only getting half a room done, you're already halfway there :)

Issue being that we haven't bought any paint stuff yet and bf's car now has a flat tyre that can't be repaired until next week! I also don't have a step ladder so won't be able to reach the top half of any walls.

I just feel like I don't have much of a support system at the moment. I only have my bf who works a lot of shifts and my mum, who has now decided to get a puppy so she's distracted and works 6 days a week! So I don't really have anyone I can call over for help in getting things ready. Even going shopping is difficult now as I don't drive :(
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I'm the same, no one can call in and it makes things hard when you've got lots to do. Can you get the paint delivered?

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Hi all, glad all are ok with bumps, they like to give us little scares don't they. Our house is in chaos at the moment and I am feeling a little overwhelmed but I know it has to get worse before it gets better :( Got to pull my positive pants on! Going to an SPD clinic on Tuesday as I am in such pain with my pelvis and pubic bone but otherwise all going ok.

There isn't much I can do in the house at the moment as stuff is piled everywhere while the plumber is in so I have decided my main job needs to be to find the perfect handbag for these last ten weeks and when Junior is here. I am tired of lugging around huge bags! #distractingmyselffromthechaos
That would drive me cuckoo misskth, I bet you can't wait until it's all done.

I got my hospital bag shopping today, and spent a small fortune on suitable pjs and nighties. Leaving the tags on this time, so anything I don't wear I can return! Got both bags mostly packed now, mine is only missing maternity pads, and his is just missing clothes as I still need to get them all washed. This is the earliest I've ever packed so I just know now he'll end up being late :shock:

So organised Kumber! I've started washing the baby clothes yesterday...

Misskth I don't think I could cope with that. I'm not an overly tidy person and I don't have OCD but jeez if the chores haven't been done in a few days or if there's something lying around for a period of time I get antsy and have to tidy!

Bf has had a few work bags and weights lying around the living room for weeks, that I can't move because super heavy, but he hasn't found a place for them yet! Driving me mad!
Getting ours washed over today or tomorrow I hope, much easier getting it packed early with little ones or it'll be a neglected job which will end up being left too late!

How are everyone's bumps feeling? I've gotten to that really heavy stage where I feel like everything is being pulled forward so having to make an effort to roll my bum in which is helping my back.

How are everyone's bumps feeling? I've gotten to that really heavy stage where I feel like everything is being pulled forward so having to make an effort to roll my bum in which is helping my back.

Very painful and heavy and I am only 30+4!
I'm feeling exhausted whenever I move. Like I just want to give up and sit down. My bump has been feeling heavy for a while now but I can't believe I've still got 7 weeks to go!

Please tell me the bumps don't get much bigger from this point?!
I'm the size of a whale can't believe my daughter had one more week at school then she's off for the summer ! My due date is the day she goes back its crazy !!
Went to Blackpool for the weekend, I'm shattered! I can barely move today... have sciatica I think. The back pain is horrendous lol :blush: we had sexy time and oh my word I couldn't move after my back was so bad!

We're all ready! We was gonna paint the hall way, stairs and landing but we're both just to tired, hubby is doing like 100 hour weeks and i can barely wash up :/ so we're just gonna leave it. But babies room is done, our room is done and hospital bag all packed! Just waiting for her arrival now. Feel sorry for you ladies still planning on painting good luck heh!

I got my dad to take me to the hosp on Friday, they said baby is ok, did a growth scan and shes around 6lbs xD everything is measuring normal except her belly still which is like 4 weeks ahead lol.
She hasn't moved at all today :/ gonna give her a little while before going in... again :( 7th time now! X

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