September babies

sparklemalarkl - I'm doing really well thank you, how did your antenatal class go? i've got a saturday one (21st July)
I've been to see the midwife today, standard 31w check up. my fundal height is now measuring 34cm (chubba chunk baby lol). I know what you mean about the 4d and they are so expensive too, have you got anywhere local to you that does the 2d private bonding scans rather than 3d?. I'm really looking forward to seeing my lo again. :)

The antenatal class was looooonnnnngggg and didnt really learn anything new from what i already knew from researching and watching one born every minute really. I was just hot and uncomfortable (no aircon and crap chairs). Ive got my 31wk checkup a week tomorrow, is the fundal height measurement based on the measurement of your belly the midwife takes? If so i was 29cm at my 29wk checkup which the midwife also said is big apparantly!? My belly is huge and ive still got 10 weeks tomorrow to grow more LOL!!:shock:
No i dont think we do have any 2d scan places around here which is annoying really.
Im counting down to my maternity leave which i have 26days of work left which seems like AGES!:cry:
The antenatal class was looooonnnnngggg and didnt really learn anything new from what i already knew from researching and watching one born every minute really. I was just hot and uncomfortable (no aircon and crap chairs). Ive got my 31wk checkup a week tomorrow, is the fundal height measurement based on the measurement of your belly the midwife takes? If so i was 29cm at my 29wk checkup which the midwife also said is big apparantly!? My belly is huge and ive still got 10 weeks tomorrow to grow more LOL!!:shock:
No i dont think we do have any 2d scan places around here which is annoying really.
Im counting down to my maternity leave which i have 26days of work left which seems like AGES!:cry:

I've been told to take food and drink to mine, its 5hrs, oh and a pillow to sit on as we'll be on the floor. :shock: have my nephews 3rd birthday party straight after it though so that will be good.
see i've always been told that the fundal height is approximately the same cm as the amount of weeks you are gone (+/- 2cms) yes it is the uterus measurement the mw does. Mine at 28w was 30cm lol.
I'm starting actual maternity leave on 1st September, but i have 3 weeks holiday to use, so will be using them before i go onto maternity (from 13th - 31st August) and because i work in a school, we break up for the 6 weeks holiday a week on friday anyway, and we're all on 1/2 days due to the school closing down for good... So 10 x 1/2 days left :) woo hoo.
The antenatal class was looooonnnnngggg and didnt really learn anything new from what i already knew from researching and watching one born every minute really. I was just hot and uncomfortable (no aircon and crap chairs). Ive got my 31wk checkup a week tomorrow, is the fundal height measurement based on the measurement of your belly the midwife takes? If so i was 29cm at my 29wk checkup which the midwife also said is big apparantly!? My belly is huge and ive still got 10 weeks tomorrow to grow more LOL!!:shock:
No i dont think we do have any 2d scan places around here which is annoying really.
Im counting down to my maternity leave which i have 26days of work left which seems like AGES!:cry:

I've been told to take food and drink to mine, its 5hrs, oh and a pillow to sit on as we'll be on the floor. :shock: have my nephews 3rd birthday party straight after it though so that will be good.
see i've always been told that the fundal height is approximately the same cm as the amount of weeks you are gone (+/- 2cms) yes it is the uterus measurement the mw does. Mine at 28w was 30cm lol.
I'm starting actual maternity leave on 1st September, but i have 3 weeks holiday to use, so will be using them before i go onto maternity (from 13th - 31st August) and because i work in a school, we break up for the 6 weeks holiday a week on friday anyway, and we're all on 1/2 days due to the school closing down for good... So 10 x 1/2 days left :) woo hoo.

Lucky you!!! I have got another antenatal class on the 19th soooo not looking forward to it will take pillow and drink etc this time! My midwife is pants to be honest can never get an appointment when i need to much rather go and see my dr!! I start official maternity leave on the 3rd september your due a week and a day before me, im due on the 18th september! Just wish i was closer to giving birth getting impatient now LOL
Bless ya, I'm just hoping mine stays put till 1st September at least :) (although I am desperate to meet him/her). I'm fortunate with my midwife, she's absolutely lovely, really supportive an helpful.
Bless ya, I'm just hoping mine stays put till 1st September at least :) (although I am desperate to meet him/her). I'm fortunate with my midwife, she's absolutely lovely, really supportive an helpful.

I hope babies holds out until after 1st September too hon, don't want mine to be th smallest n the class :oooo:

Staying team yellow is getting very very hard now. I love suprises but I just want to know now!!

At my 31 week appointment my fundal height was 29 cm, is that too small?

Apparently it's supposed to be approx the same amount of cm's as you ate weeks (+ or - 2 cm) by what I've read, but in my mat notes, average for 31w is 30cm so I'd say 29 is brill :) x
Hey sweetie. Can you add me to 29th September, please? Xxx
Thanks, honey. I'm keeping okay, thanks. Finishing work in 3 weeks as I have a bad back so can't wait! How are you? xxx
I'm doing good thanks, finish work a week on Friday (school 6w holiday) but dont start my maternity leave till 1st September. Having a wonderful pregnancy, enjoying every minute, just getting rather large now hehe.
Had mw appointment yesterday and was told i'd probably be feeling baby popping his/her head in and out of "engaged" position now too as baby is head down. I've got my 34w midwife appointment on 30th July so we'll know if baby is engaged then and I have another scan on 7th August to check baby's heart, (really excited to see baby again).
Generally I think pregnancy is really suiting me :) (other than puttin on over 2 stone since my 12w scan :shock: but i'll get it off again :) x x
I am so amazed with how many people had the willpower to stay team yellow I had to know I was having a little boy :)
lol it is so difficult, especially knowing i have a scan 4 weeks today. its so so so tempting to find out, but i think now i'd feel i'd failed a little if i do find out :)
Can I join in?! I am due my 1st baby on 30th September (although I don't have much faith in the date the medicals have arrived at...I reckon I should be due about the 24th but can't argue with science I guess!) and we are staying team yellow until the big day and see what pops out! So excited!

hi, welcome to the group, I've added you to the list, hope your pregnancy is going well? itas nice to know i'm not the only one who thinks my dates are out lol :)
Thanks for adding me! All is going really well so far and can't complain! Its funny how we tend to just have to accept a measurement to tell us our date...I guess that it is the most reliable way of doing it but in my case I reckon it will be a 'watch this space' sort of thing...It wouldn't surprise me if the baby arrived around about the due date but if it does I reckon it will be becasue its late rather than on time! (if baby is anything like its mother it will be late!!! :blush:)
i think mine will come at the end of august, all my measurements (except femur length) are approx 2 weeks ahead lol. I'm hoping baby stays put till sept 1st though
Apparently it's supposed to be approx the same amount of cm's as you ate weeks (+ or - 2 cm) by what I've read, but in my mat notes, average for 31w is 30cm so I'd say 29 is brill :) x

Ok that's good to know, thanks hon. It's so confusing sometimes, especially when the MW doesn't explain anything to you. Not sure what I would do without PF.....or google :oooo:

Had a really productive weekend, firstly we went to our antenatal class on Saturday 10-3, and learnt all about what to expect when baby comes, my dh found it really helpful as he learnt alot of things (mainly regarding the drugs etc) that he didn't know, he also understood more about my birth preferences and the reasons why. Then last night I packed mine and baby's hospital bag, I've got a few bits to still get but nothing major :). I've got my midwife visiting me wednesday for my birth plan discussion too. 6w6d till due date!!!!! Woooooooo

Here is my 33w bump taken yesterday x x
so today has been an interesting day, I went with my friend to town for the morning, well we were probably there about 1/2 an hour and I told my friend I was hot and bothered and needed a drink, before walking 10 steps I started getting tightnings in my chest followed by intense pulsating pains in my lower back, before I knew it I grabbe t friend a arm and started to lower myself to the floor, I was sat on the floor for about 5mins before I could get up onto a chair the lady from the shop got me, well we calle triage and my husband and were sent to a&e (for the chest tightnings). After being monitored there I was sent to triage to have baby's heart and movements monitored, we were attached to the machine for over an hour and the machine was going mental, beepin with my pulse rate (was going from 80-130 and back) and baby's hb was changing between about 120 and 170 (anything over 160 for baby upsets the machine). After being on the machine for over an hour, and the machine not being happy I had urine and blood samples taken that came back normal, they decided to do a spectrum (internal exam of cervix and a swab) this came back negative for pre term labour, but they wanted to monitor me again tonight and get me in for a scan tomorrow so I've been admitted for the night :-(.

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