30/7/12 - Today I have my glucose tolerance test (GTT) to check for gestational diabetes, which means I have been on a starve day from midnight last night. My appointment was at 9, when we got there we were told it is a 2 hour test and that I could only drink water and could not eat for the duration. Firstly I had bloods taken, then I had to drink 500ml of Lucozade Original as quickly as possible, then one hour later I had another vile of blood taken, and then another 1 hour after that, we were told that we would get a call tomorrow if the results show any concern what so ever.
31/7/12 – I had a really bad night sleep last night worried about what the results would be, I ended up that worried I gave myself a bad belly, I decided to go out with my mom for the day to keep myself occupied and this worked, by 1:30pm I still had not received a call, so I called the hospital (just to make sure) an they assured me I would get a call if there was any concerns and they are unable to give results. It is now 10pm and I have not had a call from the hospital at all which is great news, I do not have gestational diabetes! (Just a big baby) oh and the odd chest tightening and back pain since I have been home.