May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

i'm still looking in both tris for any chat!

ok so here is my moan. those expecting first babies be prpared for this sort of thing! So I make an arrangement to meet a friend for coffee as part of my 'keeping my sanity' self care. I give precise instructions to OH. Get baby to his play gym session for half 9, if you dont he will get sleepy in car before you get there and be overtired. He will fall asleep on return journey and needs to sleep til lunch.

i get back at 11.30 expecting a sleeping baby 45 mins into his nap but he's running riot. I ask why and "he's not tired". Then "He was getting tired on the way to gym" "Didnt you leave at ten past 9?" ", more like half past" "But i told you if you dont get there BY half 9 he will start getting tired? He is overtired" "oh i didnt think it would matter" .. Then me trying to get an overtired baby to sleep for 45 minutes even though now its almost his lunchtime. "Hang on why havent YOU spent the 45 minutes before i got home, trying to get him to sleep??" "Err sorry it wasnt intentional" GAH!!!!! Ladies, if you need a routine for your little ones to sleep at night, WRITE IT DOWN exactly how it has to be done, explain and ask your OHs to repeat it back, because otherwise that nice 'break' you had ends up spelling disaster that YOu will have to somehow rectify...

Oh no:eh: I can see that happening with my partner unfortunately, guess I won't be heading out with friends after bub is here until I know he can follow a routine for the baby.

I know, right?! i'm desparately trying to crack his night wakings and early starts before this baby comes along, and that means sticking to routines!
I go in for my growth scan after work today! I can't wait to see how small or big bub is :)
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.

Good thing you have a scan tomorrow.

None of my measurements for my 20 week scan were available to me (on paper or online). During my appointment my OB was reading the notes from the scan and it said my baby measured below the 50th percentile for weight but they didn't actually provide his weight. So ever since then I assumed he's just small. My OB doesn't seem worried. But for my own piece of mind I asked for this scan just to ensure he's growing on track in there. But apparently my fundal height measurements are right on track. I will find out what is going on at 16:45pm today.
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.

Good thing you have a scan tomorrow.

None of my measurements for my 20 week scan were available to me (on paper or online). During my appointment my OB was reading the notes from the scan and it said my baby measured below the 50th percentile for weight but they didn't actually provide his weight. So ever since then I assumed he's just small. My OB doesn't seem worried. But for my own piece of mind I asked for this scan just to ensure he's growing on track in there. But apparently my fundal height measurements are right on track. I will find out what is going on at 16:45pm today.

below the 50th percentile hardly makes him small....50th percentile is smack bang in the middle they would normally only class under the 5th percentile as 'small'...and even 1-5th percentile is totally within normal!
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby
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I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

we did everything baby led with my first and what we ended up with was a child who didnt sleep through til she was 3 and expected to have everything her way and be involved in all not making that mistake again, we are the parents and he is the child! different when they're newborns but at over a year old getting up at 5am isnt really on
Emily wasn't one to really nap in the mornings , the naps stopped all together when she was around 18 months . Newborns you just got to try to get some sleep when they sleep, it's easier said then done but much easier when you only have the baby to look after . Each child is different like us adults as some need more sleep than others.
copying and pasting this update from the older mums thread...
so today i saw the consultant for the first time to go through what they will do for me as an older mum. I had a growth scan (28 weeks) and they plotted the size on a graph factoring in my age weight race etc and compared it also with my two previous babies to give the range they would expect my baby to fall in, and she was on the 10th percentile which is slightly smaller than might be expected but fine. But so they can check the growth is steady i need to go back in 2 weeks and check its on the same line. If it is, i will still get another growth scan but maybe not til 34 or 36 weeks. If it drops i would go back in 2 weeks again.

They say they like to have baby out by due date so prefer to book an induction for then, but they dont force you as long as you are aware of the risks and why they prefer baby out on time. It's quite a dilemma when you cant predict when a baby might come naturally- do you book an induction for due date + 1, or 2, or 3 days, or do you wait cos it could happen naturally at due date + 4? And even if you make a plan on the grounds logistically its best to set a date, baby could show up early anyway!! I want to avoid induction if possible because its such an unknown and needs much more medical intervention, whereas my natural labours were pretty quick. and if induction fails to progress then its c cection etc...! all possibly avoidable if i had chosen to wait a few more days???

Fortunately the consultant said we can be flexible even pretty much up to due date because induction can be booked very quickly. I think i will just shelve thinking about it for now. ha ha
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.

Good thing you have a scan tomorrow.

None of my measurements for my 20 week scan were available to me (on paper or online). During my appointment my OB was reading the notes from the scan and it said my baby measured below the 50th percentile for weight but they didn't actually provide his weight. So ever since then I assumed he's just small. My OB doesn't seem worried. But for my own piece of mind I asked for this scan just to ensure he's growing on track in there. But apparently my fundal height measurements are right on track. I will find out what is going on at 16:45pm today.

below the 50th percentile hardly makes him small....50th percentile is smack bang in the middle they would normally only class under the 5th percentile as 'small'...and even 1-5th percentile is totally within normal!

New mommy to be here lol I had no idea what those numbers meant (although I'm a nurse but not a pediatric or newborn one) they told me he was small so I was kind of worried. But baby is fine. He's 2lbs 9oz and I'm 28 weeks 3 days today :) so hes in 47% percentile for weight and the sonagrapher said that's average weight so he's fine. Measuring right on track. I loved seeing him on the ultrasound so I'm glad I was able to go in. He was playing with his toes throughout it. She also took measurements and pictures of his body, heart and brain. He gave me one swift kick during the ultrasound though and even the sonagrapher felt it lol he doesn't like ultrasounds much.

I have my private scan tomorrow. 2 weeks ago they were not able to get good pictures so it worked out best for me to come back and it just happens to be tomorrow. lol So lots of seeing bub which I can never get enough of. :)
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

Do you have to go back to work at some point? Or are you planning on becoming a full time mommy?

I'm going to be a new mom as well but I want to eventually get the baby on a sleep schedule because I only have 4 months of maternity leave then it's back to work I go in September. My partner also works Monday - Friday and won't be getting any time off. I just been reading that if you tend to the baby every two seconds they will have a hard time sleeping through the night. I love my little bub already but when I go back to work I need to be able to sleep to function or I will go nuts :shock:
copying and pasting this update from the older mums thread...
so today i saw the consultant for the first time to go through what they will do for me as an older mum. I had a growth scan (28 weeks) and they plotted the size on a graph factoring in my age weight race etc and compared it also with my two previous babies to give the range they would expect my baby to fall in, and she was on the 10th percentile which is slightly smaller than might be expected but fine. But so they can check the growth is steady i need to go back in 2 weeks and check its on the same line. If it is, i will still get another growth scan but maybe not til 34 or 36 weeks. If it drops i would go back in 2 weeks again.

They say they like to have baby out by due date so prefer to book an induction for then, but they dont force you as long as you are aware of the risks and why they prefer baby out on time. It's quite a dilemma when you cant predict when a baby might come naturally- do you book an induction for due date + 1, or 2, or 3 days, or do you wait cos it could happen naturally at due date + 4? And even if you make a plan on the grounds logistically its best to set a date, baby could show up early anyway!! I want to avoid induction if possible because its such an unknown and needs much more medical intervention, whereas my natural labours were pretty quick. and if induction fails to progress then its c cection etc...! all possibly avoidable if i had chosen to wait a few more days???

Fortunately the consultant said we can be flexible even pretty much up to due date because induction can be booked very quickly. I think i will just shelve thinking about it for now. ha ha

Yeah, I think it's best not to worry too much about it right now. See how your next scan goes and so forth. Wishing you and bub a health remaining pregnancy and delivery:lol:
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.

Good thing you have a scan tomorrow.

None of my measurements for my 20 week scan were available to me (on paper or online). During my appointment my OB was reading the notes from the scan and it said my baby measured below the 50th percentile for weight but they didn't actually provide his weight. So ever since then I assumed he's just small. My OB doesn't seem worried. But for my own piece of mind I asked for this scan just to ensure he's growing on track in there. But apparently my fundal height measurements are right on track. I will find out what is going on at 16:45pm today.

below the 50th percentile hardly makes him small....50th percentile is smack bang in the middle they would normally only class under the 5th percentile as 'small'...and even 1-5th percentile is totally within normal!

New mommy to be here lol I had no idea what those numbers meant (although I'm a nurse but not a pediatric or newborn one) they told me he was small so I was kind of worried. But baby is fine. He's 2lbs 9oz and I'm 28 weeks 3 days today :) so hes in 47% percentile for weight and the sonagrapher said that's average weight so he's fine. Measuring right on track. I loved seeing him on the ultrasound so I'm glad I was able to go in. He was playing with his toes throughout it. She also took measurements and pictures of his body, heart and brain. He gave me one swift kick during the ultrasound though and even the sonagrapher felt it lol he doesn't like ultrasounds much.

I have my private scan tomorrow. 2 weeks ago they were not able to get good pictures so it worked out best for me to come back and it just happens to be tomorrow. lol So lots of seeing bub which I can never get enough of. :)

that's good, 47th is only a fraction below average, i'm pretty sure the sonographer said mine is 2lb 6 which sounds about right for 10th percentile if 2lb 9 is 47th percentile . I'm quite happy with 10th percentile as i am only small anyway (I was always in the 1st percentile!) my daughter always followed the 9th percentile line, and my son I measured his height yesterday and he is also 10th percentile so i have no worries at all about size it's just the induction thing, but i dont have to make any decisions anytime too soon on that.

Post up your scan pics if you get some good ones! I really would like a 3d one and to check gender again, because at my hospital they wont tell you the sex, so i have only had it checked once and normally i would have had it confirmed a couple more times! But its just not in the budget so i will have to presume they got it right and just wait....sigh...!!
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

Do you have to go back to work at some point? Or are you planning on becoming a full time mommy?

I'm going to be a new mom as well but I want to eventually get the baby on a sleep schedule because I only have 4 months of maternity leave then it's back to work I go in September. My partner also works Monday - Friday and won't be getting any time off. I just been reading that if you tend to the baby every two seconds they will have a hard time sleeping through the night. I love my little bub already but when I go back to work I need to be able to sleep to function or I will go nuts :shock:[/QUOTE

Yeah i will be going back to work I’ll be doing Fridays Saturday and Sundays while lane works mon to thurs, I can manage on not much sleep any ways as I used to work nights and hardly slept through day I’m going back on days when I go back though and that was easier than working nights I only came off nights as 12 hours got too much in pregnancy with me been sick all time and they don’t do part time on nights I’ll be doing 8am-8pm when I go back so not bad hours xx
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

Do you have to go back to work at some point? Or are you planning on becoming a full time mommy?

I'm going to be a new mom as well but I want to eventually get the baby on a sleep schedule because I only have 4 months of maternity leave then it's back to work I go in September. My partner also works Monday - Friday and won't be getting any time off. I just been reading that if you tend to the baby every two seconds they will have a hard time sleeping through the night. I love my little bub already but when I go back to work I need to be able to sleep to function or I will go nuts :shock:

My daughter slept through from 6 months, my son however didn't sleep through until he was 2 years old. I'd get yourself prepared for very little sleep for the first while lol. I went back to uni when my daughter was 9 weeks old and although I hated it, your body does adjust
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

Do you have to go back to work at some point? Or are you planning on becoming a full time mommy?

I'm going to be a new mom as well but I want to eventually get the baby on a sleep schedule because I only have 4 months of maternity leave then it's back to work I go in September. My partner also works Monday - Friday and won't be getting any time off. I just been reading that if you tend to the baby every two seconds they will have a hard time sleeping through the night. I love my little bub already but when I go back to work I need to be able to sleep to function or I will go nuts :shock:[/QUOTE

Yeah i will be going back to work I’ll be doing Fridays Saturday and Sundays while lane works mon to thurs, I can manage on not much sleep any ways as I used to work nights and hardly slept through day I’m going back on days when I go back though and that was easier than working nights I only came off nights as 12 hours got too much in pregnancy with me been sick all time and they don’t do part time on nights I’ll be doing 8am-8pm when I go back so not bad hours xx

Yes those hours sound perfect! I used to work nights too, when I was going to nursing school. Did that for 4.5 years and don't miss it one bit. I was used to functioning on bits and pieces of sleep as well. But told myself once I graduated and passed my boards I would look for a day time job only. No more nights :wall2:So ever since October of 2016 I've been on days. I love sleeping through the night. I don't take it for granted one bit.

Currently my hours here are Monday through Friday 7am-3:45pm but I plan on asking for a reduction to 7am-2pm/2:30pm whichever one I can negotiate. I don't want to have to leave so late when traffic is heavy as I will be picking up bub from our nanny everyday. My partner will be dropping him off because he starts later.
I think it will be Lane been more strict than me as I’m the soft one so can’t see us having issues there :-) but we are also very laid back people so if she wants to sleep or stay awake either is fine, we’ve both said if she’s awake through night I will deal with her if Lane is working the next day and he will deal with her when he’s home or off work so I can get my head down as long as I get a bit of sleep it doesn’t bother me it’s not as if I’m getting much sleep now so it’s no bother to me at all aslong as I have a happy and healthy baby

Do you have to go back to work at some point? Or are you planning on becoming a full time mommy?

I'm going to be a new mom as well but I want to eventually get the baby on a sleep schedule because I only have 4 months of maternity leave then it's back to work I go in September. My partner also works Monday - Friday and won't be getting any time off. I just been reading that if you tend to the baby every two seconds they will have a hard time sleeping through the night. I love my little bub already but when I go back to work I need to be able to sleep to function or I will go nuts :shock:

My daughter slept through from 6 months, my son however didn't sleep through until he was 2 years old. I'd get yourself prepared for very little sleep for the first while lol. I went back to uni when my daughter was 9 weeks old and although I hated it, your body does adjust

Yes I am preparing myself mentally for little sleep lol I used to work night shift so I know how it feels to function with little sleep. I leave work in May and go back in September after maternity leave. I hope it's at least a somewhat okay adjustment. I'm sure I won't want to go back lol
i didnt get any measurements at my 20 week scan. normally you get a print out and can have a look where they are on the percentiles but its all done online at the hospital i'm at. I have a login to view my notes but there is no record of either of my scans there- its only got my booking info. in fact it says 'unknown' for whether its a even single pregnancy or not! So i have no idea where any of the scan info has been recorded. Fortunately i have a growth scan tomorrow so i'll ask then.

Good thing you have a scan tomorrow.

None of my measurements for my 20 week scan were available to me (on paper or online). During my appointment my OB was reading the notes from the scan and it said my baby measured below the 50th percentile for weight but they didn't actually provide his weight. So ever since then I assumed he's just small. My OB doesn't seem worried. But for my own piece of mind I asked for this scan just to ensure he's growing on track in there. But apparently my fundal height measurements are right on track. I will find out what is going on at 16:45pm today.

below the 50th percentile hardly makes him small....50th percentile is smack bang in the middle they would normally only class under the 5th percentile as 'small'...and even 1-5th percentile is totally within normal!

New mommy to be here lol I had no idea what those numbers meant (although I'm a nurse but not a pediatric or newborn one) they told me he was small so I was kind of worried. But baby is fine. He's 2lbs 9oz and I'm 28 weeks 3 days today :) so hes in 47% percentile for weight and the sonagrapher said that's average weight so he's fine. Measuring right on track. I loved seeing him on the ultrasound so I'm glad I was able to go in. He was playing with his toes throughout it. She also took measurements and pictures of his body, heart and brain. He gave me one swift kick during the ultrasound though and even the sonagrapher felt it lol he doesn't like ultrasounds much.

I have my private scan tomorrow. 2 weeks ago they were not able to get good pictures so it worked out best for me to come back and it just happens to be tomorrow. lol So lots of seeing bub which I can never get enough of. :)

that's good, 47th is only a fraction below average, i'm pretty sure the sonographer said mine is 2lb 6 which sounds about right for 10th percentile if 2lb 9 is 47th percentile . I'm quite happy with 10th percentile as i am only small anyway (I was always in the 1st percentile!) my daughter always followed the 9th percentile line, and my son I measured his height yesterday and he is also 10th percentile so i have no worries at all about size it's just the induction thing, but i dont have to make any decisions anytime too soon on that.

Post up your scan pics if you get some good ones! I really would like a 3d one and to check gender again, because at my hospital they wont tell you the sex, so i have only had it checked once and normally i would have had it confirmed a couple more times! But its just not in the budget so i will have to presume they got it right and just wait....sigh...!!

Yes, will do! I hope he cooperates this time. The sonographer told me to drink orange juice 15 minutes prior to the appointment to make sure he's awake and alert in there.

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