Oh Im with you on that Ive got people telling me how painful it is Im like thanks dont sugar coat it or anything haha but they all said once Baby is out the pain goes and they all say they would do it again if they could Im no good with pain at all like I cant cope with period pains so god help me in labour I have the worst pain thresh hold so I will be so nervous when its closer to the time. I never thought Id get pregnant never mind be in tri 3 Ive had a real shitty pregnancy from day one theres always something wrong but I love feeling her move and kick (will miss that loads when shes here) and we will try for another later on as dont want an only child if we are blessed to have another xx
Yes! same here, I've gotten horror stories usually from older moms. I'm clearly in lala land because it goes in one ear out the other while I smile lol I'm not sure how I will deal with the pain. I don't suffer from period cramps

I also plan on going natural if the labor and delivery allows it. Hopefully all is well and no c-section. So I have no clue how I plan on doing that. But I'm not against the epidural. If I think I need it, I will get it. Sorry to hear about how you've felt in your pregnancy thus far but I'm glad it lifts your spirit when she moves and kicks. I love that feeling as well! I think it's the best part of pregnancy. I will also be trying for another one later on as well. I would love to have a sibling for my baby and I still want a baby girl