x - - Ma 2012 Mummies - - x

Agreed! Weather isn't too bad for me, but tiredness definitely is. Can't believe we will have our babies soon :) xx
I know, its the first time ive been excited to see the midwife!..I have my 32 week appointment on Thursday, hopefully they'll check Seb's heartbeat again!, i really enjoy that part of the appointment, my bump measured 28cm when i was 29 weeks so hopefully he's grown some!

Had a really good day in the sunshine!, but i think the heat makes my tiredness worse :(..I cant cope with the hot weather that well..Knowing my luck they'll be a huge heatwave when i go into labour!, i have the worst luck in the world :lol:
I am so looking forward to seeing Riven, just to make sure he is ok lol, I am getting overly paranoid recently about how he is growing as I don;t feel I am that big :) Go figure right lol, he is measuring fine at the midwife's though if anything bigger...

OH is in complete denial that aby will be here in less than 10 weeks, everytime I mention it he says' nope we have ages yet' lol hich makes me laugh :lol: and to be fair I like freaking him out with it too mean aren;t I...

Ladies we are nearly there eek........

I have a consultant appointment this week on Friday and then 2nd week in April I am back to the midwife and then off for my 34 week scan to make sure my placenta has moved yay :) final hurdle to a natural birth!!
Your OH is in denial BellaRiven, I think I'm in denial! I can't believe we will have our babies soon, it has flown by so quickly! I have no clue what I'm doing but can't wait to have my little girl in my arms for the first time!

I'm still having a relatively easy time of it although think I had my first experience of braxton hicks while I was working today which was a bit unnerving, luckily I work in various hospitals so am in the right place should anything happen unless I'm in between hospitals and halfway down the motorway...eek!!

My only slight concern is weight gain, I've put on 2 stone so far so a bit concerned as to what I'll end up at, but it's a small price to pay for a healthy baby!

Start our first nct class on sat, hope it is good...anyone else going to them? I'm hoping to meet some other new mummies as we've just moved here so don't know anyone locally.

Hope you are all well!
I weighed myself yesterday and was shocked that I have put on nearly 2 stone! I don't look like i have so guess its all baby etc xx
I'm scared of weighing myself, I usually use the Wii and it'll say I'm obese!! lol

loving the hot weather, managed to wash all my curtains and bedding and even caught the sun a little. Just come back from our local Indian restaurant and their 'signature' is to give everyone a shot of bailey's after the meal but this time they gave me a non-alcoholic one, aww how sweet.

Quite impressed with myself actually, haven't had any alcohol since last April, it's been almost a year!! wonder if I can keep it up when LO arrives...hmmm
Ohhh alcohol!, what I wouldn't give for a lovely ice cold glass of strawberry and lime koppaburg cider..I was a bit naughty and had a few swigs of OH's cider the other week but hey it was my first proper drink in a while and the sun was shining so i thought Id treat myself :lol:

My OH hasn't shut up about Seb being here since i fell pregnant back in August/September, but he seems to have a major buzz about telling people how long we have left and them having a squeeze of my bump which to be honest ive grown quite fond of!, i love people touching my bump and saying how big i look!, but it has been taken to the extreme with my neighbours as they saw me in the garden earlier and they said 'You sure there's only one in there' :lol:..Positive!..Scan shows one baby!..Must all just be water!

32 week midwife appointment tomorrow!, the dreaded weeing in that tiny pathetic thing they call a specimen pot!..How do they expect a pregnant woman to pee in that thing? :lol:..But i cant wait!, will be letting everyone know how it goes!..Hopefully it'll be all systems go! :D..Its so scary we'll have our babies in just over a month (or 2 if my maths skills haven't completely deserted me lol)
I don't pee in the pot, I bought a cheap plastic jug from Asda and pee in that then pour into the pot...it's much easier! :)
32 week midwife appointment tomorrow!, the dreaded weeing in that tiny pathetic thing they call a specimen pot!..How do they expect a pregnant woman to pee in that thing? :lol:..But i cant wait!, will be letting everyone know how it goes!..Hopefully it'll be all systems go! :D..Its so scary we'll have our babies in just over a month (or 2 if my maths skills haven't completely deserted me lol)

Hope all is well today! Meant to post yesterday to say that at my 28 week appointment I measured 27 weeks but had my 32 week one on Tuesday and he's now measuring 34 weeks so I'm sure you will have a growth spurt too!!

Think I'm in denial too. I know it's coming, I'm preparing everything, yet somehow it still seems unreal lol!! xxxx
To be fair I am trying not to think about what I will have to go through to meet Riven lol so maybe I am in denial too!!!

I do the same as StephJ I pee in a special jug and then pour into the pee pot otherwise it's quite impossible now lol, I have the midwife next week too...

Hope your appintment went well today Dannii I expect to hear all about it, did I text you yet my number?? I can;t remember!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::whistle:
Yes Bella i got your text this afternoon! :D..How did the consultants go? :)

Well my 32 week appointment went really well, even though my midwife i usually have is on holiday until my next appointment on 19th April!. Seb was very uncooperative with the midwife and i had to get measured twice!..She had a good poke at him and measured and he was right up underneath my ribs first measurement we got was 30cms, and then my belly rippled and he'd moved down a little more!, so we had to measure again and got an extra 3cms out of him :lol:..Im measuring 33cm at 32 weeks but apparently thats good. :D Seb is head down too apparently!, which im so surprised about as i thought usually they didn't turn around until near the end!..Well he's been very good in that respect :P

Sebs heartbeat is also very good!, went from very quick to slowing down but thats good as he was relaxing apparently lol!, probably calming down as she did poke him several times!..Poor boy :lol:

My blood pressure is a bit weird!, very low apparently but their not worried as i seemed well in myself and my dad has a very strange blood pressure too!. And the best news i got today is the nitrates ive had since i fell pregnant have completely disappeared! :D..Its about time too haha! :P..So overall a very good appointment!
Just thought id bump this up - its been quiet. Hope everyone is ok xx
Thanks Steffy :D

Well my ribs are killing me today, feels like Seb's kicking them so hard their going to burst out of my chest at any given moment! :|..Can you believe that next month we'll all become mums!..How scary is that :|:|
Good call steffy! Hey May mummies, well 1 month to go and we're up! Unbelievable but so exciting! I've been lucky and sailed through this pregnancy but last couple of days I have started to feel it! I'm exhausted but can't sleep past 6.30am and last night I felt like my bump was going to rip it was so tight! Still obsessing over movement, had a quietish day on Friday so worried constantly then back to normal yesterday, so never sure what to do as she doesn't have a 'routine' as such. Think she had a growth spurt.

Started buying the last of my bits and bobs, but can't decide what sizes of sleepsuits to buy for hospital, every shop is different... Tiny baby, newborn, first size, 0-3 months and so on.... aaagh! I don't have a clue, so I've bought far too many!

Still need to start my hospital bag...seem to have a mental block where that is concerned!

Hope you are all doing well xx
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I know how u feel, my bump has been so tight for a few days and can actually realli hurt. I've been up and down all night with period pains. Think if they carry on ill give mw a ring as they are really quite sharp. Bit frustrating really as I've been so lucky all the way thru and only starting to feel very pregnant.
I've packed 2 sleepsuits which go upto 10lb and 2 which go upto 12lb and a body suit of each. Then oh can just bring in any extra I might need xx
I'm still in pain from my op :( - at least it's stopping me from being fed up, I keep forgetting I'm still pregnant to be honest!! but I've just checked and I'm 36 weeks today...I'm shocked!! :shock::shock::shock:

I can't believe I will probably have a baby this time next month!!
I am feeling really pregnant at the moment and I know I am only gonna get bigger lol!!!

I have kind of packed a hospital bag but mine keep sgetting unpacked lol, tbh as long as babies is packed were good to go....

I have a midwife appointment this week that will be challenging, I have decided that I want to have my baby at the hospital that they don;t want me to have it at as I am 1 point over my BMI!! it is a birthing centre and I have had no complications so far so shouldn't be a problem, I would like a waterbirth too so I don;t want to feel rushed and I know I will if I go to the other hospital. Also Bournemouth is 5 minutes away where I want Riven and Poole is half hour (with OH's driving) it's a no brainer for me lol..

Bump has been very tight especially high up and the insomnia has set in normally around 4.30 in the morning :) I wake up for an hour or so and then back to sleep, guess that will be Riven's pattern then lol....

Wow didn;t realise how long my post had got!!

Chat soon May mummies, not long now :) xxxxx
Can totally sympathise with the tight bump, mine was so tight this morning I was almost in tears (But saying that im a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain :lol: ).

I keep getting weird pressure high up near my ribs but i think thats where Seb likes to hide thesedays, Ive had a really crappy headache for the past 2 days and I cant see to shake it at the moment :(, I feel very sickly lately but ive still no idea whats causing that. The tiredness is still whooping my ass, i find i cant get comfortable at night which really annoys me, im so used to sleeping on my back that when i roll onto my back i forget and end up dozing off for a while before being woke up by several kicks from Seb!

7 Weeks to go, im terrified but i think ill be glad that its all over and done with and i wont be pregnant anymore! :D..As for the hospital bag..Whats one of those :lol:..Haven't even started gathering things yet!, Sebs should be a piece of cake to get organised but me..Im taking a mixture of sizes ranging from newborn to 3-6..But i dont think he'll fit in the 3-6 straight away but i could be wrong lol!, i haven't even started preparing bits and bobs or night clothes and what not yet, i have no idea, but i If i forget anything ill just have to send OH on his way to fetch them lol! :D

Sorry for waffling, ill shut up now :D..Hope all you May mums are looking after yourselves :)
Me 23rd may. Team pink ( hopefully) elizabeth Ann

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