Oh yeah the contractions are by far the worst bit. the pushing part i could do all day. At least you know something is happening. The contractions you just feel in this horrible timewarp where pain keeps coming and nothing appears to be happening. I also have only ever used gas and air and i dont think it does an awful lot. But I dont react very well to a lot of medications and i would not like to risk a bad reaction and also they have an effect on the baby and how soon you can get out of hospital . I know i am fine immediately after delivery so i wouldnt like to take something that means i'm dozy for hours or anything. The thought of an epidural doesnt appeal as i would be concerned that it slows things down leading to more likely having a forceps birth etc. So I am just hoping the contractions pain is not so bad as last time. My first birth the pushing part was 15 mins and the second 5 mins so i'm pretty confident with that part lol. Its just the contractions that have me terrified.........!