May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

I just received a letter from the hospital telling me that I'm anaemic.. My midwife never told me this, the only thing she told me was that my iron levels dropped a bit. She never told me what the risks are etcc. Are there ladies here that are anaemic too? I do take my multivitamin tablets (which also contains iron). However, I'm feeling rather weak today... I don't really have a midwife that guides me through all of this as I'm a first time mum. My mum told me to ring the GP and ask if I can see another midwife... but I'm a bit anxious about that really.
I know it’s different in different parts of the country but the maternity unit at my local hospital is happy for women to call them whenever they have concerns, the number is in my maternity notes. If you have the same then give them a call, or call your GP. If you’re anaemic then I think they would ordinarily prescribe you some iron supplements.
i was told after a blood test at about 27 weeks that my iron was a little on the low side, then i got a letter saying i was anaemic and to go to my gp to get supplements. i didnt bother going to the gp as firstly it would take ages to get an appointment, and secondly iron tablets make me constipated, i just got some spatone off amazon which came next day . spatone absorbs faster and is gentler on the stomach.
FED UP!!!!! baby kicking all night and stomach tightenings all the time........come on baby!
Had my homebirth yesterday! Had a sweep friday at 38wks 3 days, hospital happy to do it early as i was so engaged and they were ready to book my induction due to my age .....(they didnt know i had to plan to go along with induction lol) woke up about 1.30am friday night feeling the odd contraction which felt more like a contraction than my usual stomach tightenings....wandered round a bit had some pasta lol....usual night time wakefulness......dozed off again between the contractions with no real concept of how frequent they were.....woke up again 4am thinking are they coming more often? started timing them and realised only 5 mins apart. waited til my toddler woke at 5.50am and hubby came down with him and i told him baby was coming and to get toddlersorted ....called midwife at 6 and a friend at 6.30am to come get kids.....put the tens machine on as was getting painful really helped......time really slowed down tho and i just wanted the kids gone....had woken daughter by now to get her ready and midwife had arrived. i was 6cm dilated. she said baby would prob come fast as soon as kids were out the way. contractions got worse but not really more frequent. got on the gas and air. About 8am i asked her to check dilation and she said they normally only check every 4 hours but i said i needed to know if things were moving! so she did and she said i was8 cm with the waters bulging and if she kept her fingers in thru next contraction they would pop so i said yes please as i know how much pressure is relieved when the waters go. so she did and it was loadssss less painful for a while. i thought 'this must be what its like for people whose waters go first, and ive always had the unbearable pressure right til the end '!
i expected the baby to come right away then because thats what happened with my other 2...but no........then 2 other midwives came as the 1st had been on call for literally days and they took over. She wasnt as positive as the first but i had been given a heads up from a friend she was a bit more controlling and negative....sure enough she suggested i took the diamorphine but having got that far i wasnt about to. she got me moving about more to try to get the right position for baby to come out but i found it so hard to move and so awful if i had a contraction in a position where i felt stuck.......lots of waters were still coming out......about 9am she did another check and said "oh no youve got ages to go yet. the bulging waters would have streched your cervix to 8 cm but now theyve gone you're only 6cm. I was like "you're kidding me...i was 6cm 3 hours ago!" it was sooo disheartnening i nearly cried! she was like "yes theres still cervix front and back...." but she gave it some tugging and that brought on the urge to bear down and i was literally like "I'll show YOU i'm not only 6cm!!!!!" pressure got intense again it feels like a bowling ball needs to crack through your bum bones.........then i knew she was coming.....the pushing was more painful than i expected because that has always been the easier stage for me....but there was comfort in recognising the feeling and knowing it would be over soon. She started crying when her head was out and she hadnt even been fully born!!! felt the rest of her come out and it was over.....lay down with her and waited for placenta to deliver.....blood loss only 50ml, not messy at all! she weighed 6lb 12 oz.
Yay to two babies being born so far!!! I wonder who's next?

39 weeks tomorrow, losing parts of mucous plug daily and feeling pressure here and there, I can tell his head is low but no contractions yet. I will continue to bounce on birthing ball this whole week hoping to have a baby at the end of the weekend :) **wishful thinking**

How is everyone else? Any signs of labor going on?
Absolutely no signs for me, I’m very aware of all the possible signs and I feel like a watched pot, I’m never going to boil!
Absolutely no signs for me, I’m very aware of all the possible signs and I feel like a watched pot, I’m never going to boil!


I feel like I'm never going to boil either but I'm trying to get things stirring :wall2:He has an eviction notice of May 1st that he needs to obey lol
Wauw! Congratzzz GBLiz!!!! Enjoy ur little bundle of joy!
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