May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

Have everyone had there whooping cough vaccine yet? I've been trying to book it but I've been ill for the past 2 and half weeks and I'm still not better but it's booked in for next Friday .

I think I will be offered that and the flu shot at my next prenatal appointment next week at 29 weeks, also will be taking my GD test, I hope the drink doesn't make me sick. I also believe my appts from that point on will be bi-weekly since I'm in the 3rd trimester now.
Urgh! Just had my gestational diabetes test, starving myself wasn’t the worst, it was being stabbed 6 times with needles, curse my tiny little deep veins! It took 3 midwives 6 tries to get the blood from me. Are there lots of needles during labour? Really hoping not!

Oh no sparrow you have been a pin cushion this morning then. I'm not saying a word of what needles I had or attempted to fit in me when in was in labour :cry:

Have everyone had there whooping cough vaccine yet? I've been trying to book it but I've been ill for the past 2 and half weeks and I'm still not better but it's booked in for next Friday .

I had mine a week ago, the nurse was really quick about it, didn’t hurt too much at the time but ached for a few days after and I couldn’t sleep on that side for a night or two.
Urgh! Just had my gestational diabetes test, starving myself wasn’t the worst, it was being stabbed 6 times with needles, curse my tiny little deep veins! It took 3 midwives 6 tries to get the blood from me. Are there lots of needles during labour? Really hoping not!

Were you at high risk of GD? Sounds horrible!

No needles in my labours, i'm not sure which pain relief needs needles? only epidural?

I'm starting to have troulble sleeping. Perfectly tired until i go to bed then my brain wakes up and baby starts doing somersaults...

My BMI makes me high risk so they automatically test me at 28 weeks, I’ve had no symptoms to suggest I have it so hopefully I don’t.

I’m having trouble sleeping too, I go to bed quite early because I’m tired and I fall asleep ok, but I have to turn over every hour and then for some reason I wake up about 4am and my mind is really busy and I can’t seem to get back to sleep. I guess it’s all preparation for having a newborn, but it makes me laugh because every parent I know keeps saying “get as much sleep as you can now” because it’s my first, and I’m like I would if I could!
Have everyone had there whooping cough vaccine yet? I've been trying to book it but I've been ill for the past 2 and half weeks and I'm still not better but it's booked in for next Friday .

I think I will be offered that and the flu shot at my next prenatal appointment next week at 29 weeks, also will be taking my GD test, I hope the drink doesn't make me sick. I also believe my appts from that point on will be bi-weekly since I'm in the 3rd trimester now.

If the drink they give you in the US is anything like it is in the UK, it’s not that bad, it’s orange flavoured and really sweet, but it’s only small so you can gulp it down in two seconds.
I know the feeling with the waking up and turning all night. Definitely your body's way of getting ready haha. It sickens me because I have a 3 and 5 year old who sleep all night and I'm the one awake.

I have my GD test next Tuesday. The midwives think as my son was 9lbs 11 that I had GD last time that no one tested for so they are just making sure. Not entirely sure we get the whooping cough jab here in Canada and no way am I getting the flu shot this year. The shot this year is only 10% effective against the strain that's going around here. Not sure what it is back home.

If you get diamorphine in labour thats a shot in your Bum and if you get the epidural they need to put a drip in too so thats a few needles. Not sure about anything else.
I had a cannula fitted that was meant to go in my wrist but the usless bloody midwife kept putting in against my bone on my wrist bone , I've got a lovely scar for life there now .
If the drink they give you in the US is anything like it is in the UK, it’s not that bad, it’s orange flavoured and really sweet, but it’s only small so you can gulp it down in two seconds.

Yes, the little bottle they gave me is orange so I hope it's just like yours. It's currently in my fridge until the day of the test.
The GD test is mandatory here in the U.S. but you're allowed to opt out of it if you don't have any risk factors and have a normal pregnancy. This is my first pregnancy so I want to ensure I do not have it but I don't have any risk factors for GD or an extremely high sugar/fat diet. I just want to get it over with. My test is next Wednesday on Valentines Day. I scheduled it for 17:15pm as I work that day. So I will be taking the drink while I'm driving to the appointment. Due to traffic it will probably take me close to an hour to get there.
I started experiencing mild back pain 2 weeks ago out of no where. So, I'm of course blaming it on the pregnancy. I think my prenatal yoga classes are helping it out a lot, as it doesn't happen every day anymore. When it happens at home, I get my partner to massage my back and that immediately rids me of the ache. I feel like pressure builds up in my mid-back area and causes the pain. Also my skin is horrible, very dry, I have back acne and some on my upper arms and all over my mid to upper back. Also a lot of skin discoloration in those areas. It started gradually towards the end of the 1st trimester and has spread since. I have never mentioned it to my OB but I think I will next appt just to ensure it's not a rash. Sometimes it's really itchy. I just chucked it up to a pregnancy symptom. I thought only girls were supposed to steal your beauty during pregnancy lol Other than those two things I really can't complain.

Anyone else experiencing back pains? What do you do to help it out?
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Miguelita do you just get the standard 12 week and 20 week scans in the US like we do in the uk unless they are problems later in the pregnancy ?
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Miguelita do you just get the standard 12 week and 20 week scans in the US like we do in the uk unless they are problems later in the pregnancy ?

Yes. I had a bedside ultrasound by the OB at 8 weeks to confirm pregnancy, then a real ultrasound by a tech at 12 weeks and then 20 week anatomy scan. I should be done now since my pregnancy is normal and low risk. But they said bub was measuring small at my 20 week scan and so I talked them into giving me a growth scan at 28 weeks. :) I want to ensure he's growing on track and plus I want to see him. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last scan unless they need to monitor the baby for anything else.

Because of the minimal scans I've gotten a private scan twice to see little man.
Miguelita do you just get the standard 12 week and 20 week scans in the US like we do in the uk unless they are problems later in the pregnancy ?

Yes. I had a bedside ultrasound by the OB at 8 weeks to confirm pregnancy, then a real ultrasound by a tech at 12 weeks and then 20 week anatomy scan. I should be done now since my pregnancy is normal and low risk. But they said bub was measuring small at my 20 week scan and so I talked them into giving me a growth scan at 28 weeks. :) I want to ensure he's growing on track and plus I want to see him. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last scan unless they need to monitor the baby for anything else.

Because of the minimal scans I've gotten a private scan twice to see little man.

So other than the 8 week scan to confirm pregnancy it seems like it's done the same in both countries .
Miguelita do you just get the standard 12 week and 20 week scans in the US like we do in the uk unless they are problems later in the pregnancy ?

Yes. I had a bedside ultrasound by the OB at 8 weeks to confirm pregnancy, then a real ultrasound by a tech at 12 weeks and then 20 week anatomy scan. I should be done now since my pregnancy is normal and low risk. But they said bub was measuring small at my 20 week scan and so I talked them into giving me a growth scan at 28 weeks. :) I want to ensure he's growing on track and plus I want to see him. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last scan unless they need to monitor the baby for anything else.

Because of the minimal scans I've gotten a private scan twice to see little man.

So other than the 8 week scan to confirm pregnancy it seems like it's done the same in both countries .

Yep, the same
Miguelita do you just get the standard 12 week and 20 week scans in the US like we do in the uk unless they are problems later in the pregnancy ?

Yes. I had a bedside ultrasound by the OB at 8 weeks to confirm pregnancy, then a real ultrasound by a tech at 12 weeks and then 20 week anatomy scan. I should be done now since my pregnancy is normal and low risk. But they said bub was measuring small at my 20 week scan and so I talked them into giving me a growth scan at 28 weeks. :) I want to ensure he's growing on track and plus I want to see him. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last scan unless they need to monitor the baby for anything else.

Because of the minimal scans I've gotten a private scan twice to see little man.

So other than the 8 week scan to confirm pregnancy it seems like it's done the same in both countries .

Same in Canada. Growth scan at 12 weeks and anomaly scan at anytime between 18-22 weeks.
i've got an extra growth scan on friday due to age.....
i'm still looking in both tris for any chat!

ok so here is my moan. those expecting first babies be prpared for this sort of thing! So I make an arrangement to meet a friend for coffee as part of my 'keeping my sanity' self care. I give precise instructions to OH. Get baby to his play gym session for half 9, if you dont he will get sleepy in car before you get there and be overtired. He will fall asleep on return journey and needs to sleep til lunch.

i get back at 11.30 expecting a sleeping baby 45 mins into his nap but he's running riot. I ask why and "he's not tired". Then "He was getting tired on the way to gym" "Didnt you leave at ten past 9?" ", more like half past" "But i told you if you dont get there BY half 9 he will start getting tired? He is overtired" "oh i didnt think it would matter" .. Then me trying to get an overtired baby to sleep for 45 minutes even though now its almost his lunchtime. "Hang on why havent YOU spent the 45 minutes before i got home, trying to get him to sleep??" "Err sorry it wasnt intentional" GAH!!!!! Ladies, if you need a routine for your little ones to sleep at night, WRITE IT DOWN exactly how it has to be done, explain and ask your OHs to repeat it back, because otherwise that nice 'break' you had ends up spelling disaster that YOu will have to somehow rectify...
i'm still looking in both tris for any chat!

ok so here is my moan. those expecting first babies be prpared for this sort of thing! So I make an arrangement to meet a friend for coffee as part of my 'keeping my sanity' self care. I give precise instructions to OH. Get baby to his play gym session for half 9, if you dont he will get sleepy in car before you get there and be overtired. He will fall asleep on return journey and needs to sleep til lunch.

i get back at 11.30 expecting a sleeping baby 45 mins into his nap but he's running riot. I ask why and "he's not tired". Then "He was getting tired on the way to gym" "Didnt you leave at ten past 9?" ", more like half past" "But i told you if you dont get there BY half 9 he will start getting tired? He is overtired" "oh i didnt think it would matter" .. Then me trying to get an overtired baby to sleep for 45 minutes even though now its almost his lunchtime. "Hang on why havent YOU spent the 45 minutes before i got home, trying to get him to sleep??" "Err sorry it wasnt intentional" GAH!!!!! Ladies, if you need a routine for your little ones to sleep at night, WRITE IT DOWN exactly how it has to be done, explain and ask your OHs to repeat it back, because otherwise that nice 'break' you had ends up spelling disaster that YOu will have to somehow rectify...

Oh no:eh: I can see that happening with my partner unfortunately, guess I won't be heading out with friends after bub is here until I know he can follow a routine for the baby.

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