i'm still looking in both tris for any chat!
ok so here is my moan. those expecting first babies be prpared for this sort of thing! So I make an arrangement to meet a friend for coffee as part of my 'keeping my sanity' self care. I give precise instructions to OH. Get baby to his play gym session for half 9, if you dont he will get sleepy in car before you get there and be overtired. He will fall asleep on return journey and needs to sleep til lunch.
i get back at 11.30 expecting a sleeping baby 45 mins into his nap but he's running riot. I ask why and "he's not tired". Then "He was getting tired on the way to gym" "Didnt you leave at ten past 9?" "Err..no, more like half past" "But i told you if you dont get there BY half 9 he will start getting tired? He is overtired" "oh i didnt think it would matter" .. Then me trying to get an overtired baby to sleep for 45 minutes even though now its almost his lunchtime. "Hang on why havent YOU spent the 45 minutes before i got home, trying to get him to sleep??" "Err sorry it wasnt intentional" GAH!!!!! Ladies, if you need a routine for your little ones to sleep at night, WRITE IT DOWN exactly how it has to be done, explain and ask your OHs to repeat it back, because otherwise that nice 'break' you had ends up spelling disaster that YOu will have to somehow rectify...