May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

Bub is very active. I feel him now throughout the day. His movements also feel different like more distinct if that makes any sense. Before they were just kicks but now I can feel body parts and body rolls. Pretty cool. I like when he moves it just confirms that everything is well with him in there. He's moving right now. lol I have a feeling he will be pretty active when he comes out. Even with my anterior placenta I have always felt movement since about 18-20 weeks and it has kept increasing since. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like if my placenta wasn't anterior lol
I’m sooooo tired and uncomfortable, and it’s making me really moody, I’m sure people close to me are getting pretty sick and tired of me moaning! I can’t get comfy on the sofa, I can’t sleep at night because I can’t get comfy in bed and I need a wee every hour, I can’t walk far or do any household chores without getting back pain, my office is too hot, my manager at work isn’t at all understanding, and I just want everything for the baby to be sorted like yesterday. I’ve got zero patience for anything or anyone at the moment! Sorry, rant over!

On the plus side, I only have 3 weeks left of work so that’s something!
I’m sooooo tired and uncomfortable, and it’s making me really moody, I’m sure people close to me are getting pretty sick and tired of me moaning! I can’t get comfy on the sofa, I can’t sleep at night because I can’t get comfy in bed and I need a wee every hour, I can’t walk far or do any household chores without getting back pain, my office is too hot, my manager at work isn’t at all understanding, and I just want everything for the baby to be sorted like yesterday. I’ve got zero patience for anything or anyone at the moment! Sorry, rant over!

On the plus side, I only have 3 weeks left of work so that’s something!

Aww.. Sorry you're experiencing such discomfort. That's great that you only have 3 weeks left. That is right around the corner.
I’m sooooo tired and uncomfortable, and it’s making me really moody, I’m sure people close to me are getting pretty sick and tired of me moaning! I can’t get comfy on the sofa, I can’t sleep at night because I can’t get comfy in bed and I need a wee every hour, I can’t walk far or do any household chores without getting back pain, my office is too hot, my manager at work isn’t at all understanding, and I just want everything for the baby to be sorted like yesterday. I’ve got zero patience for anything or anyone at the moment! Sorry, rant over!

On the plus side, I only have 3 weeks left of work so that’s something!

I was soooooo uncomfortable last night, baby was rolling and rolling about , went from bed to sofa to pacing about, i did fall asleep lightly in the early hours but then my little one woke up for the day at 4.50am... i stayed awake with him til 6am then hubby took over so i finally got 1hr 30 of decent's horrible isnt it! I dont know how you are coping at work, its one thing being tired at home but another when you have to deal with other human beings!!
Hi girls hope you are all okay . Well we still haven't decided on a girls name , it's really getting on my nerves now as we was sorted first time around with both a girl and a boys names , this time we only need to think of a girls names as we will use the boys name from before but it's so hard . I don't want the baby to be born and we haven't got a name if it's a girl. There are names I really like but are to similar to Emily so we cant use them , there is just nothing that I really love or can see daughter number 2 being called.
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GBLiz said:
I was soooooo uncomfortable last night, baby was rolling and rolling about , went from bed to sofa to pacing about, i did fall asleep lightly in the early hours but then my little one woke up for the day at 4.50am... i stayed awake with him til 6am then hubby took over so i finally got 1hr 30 of decent's horrible isnt it! I dont know how you are coping at work, its one thing being tired at home but another when you have to deal with other human beings!!

I experienced being really uncomfortable last night. It was not fun! I just finished eating dinner and watching a movie with my partner. Then I tried to lay down to sleep maybe 45 mins afterwards and couldn't. He sometimes stays up late watching tv due to insomnia. Usually I can sleep right through it but I was so uncomfortable laying there and I kept having to get up every 30 mins to use the bathroom plus no position felt right and I was tossing and turning and my bump felt heavy. It felt like every time I laid down that pressure would sit right on top of my chest or start to build up and I couldn't get comfy. Finally I asked if he can turn off the tv as I couldn't fall asleep with both being uncomfortable and tv going on. Then shortly after I was able to sleep. 2.5 hours later my alarm went off for work this morning. I will try to eat dinner earlier tonight and get to bed a little earlier as well because I barely got any sleep:wall2: #33weeks I hope bub comes between 37-40. Counting down the weeks lol
Hi girls hope you are all okay . Well we still haven't decided on a girls name , it's really getting on my nerves now as we was sorted first time around with both a girl and a boys names , this time we only need to think of a girls names as we will use the boys name from before but it's so hard . I don't want the baby to be born and we haven't got a name if it's a girl. There are names I really like but are to similar to Emily so we cant use them , there is just nothing that I really love or can see daughter number 2 being called.

We're 90% there but hubby and daughter occassionally suggest another name which makes me feel they're not all in on the current choice which annoys me! I had the same problem any girls name i liked was too similar to my daughter's name. its so hard to pick a second name of the same sex when you have only ever had one name on your radar which has now been used!
Hi girls hope you are all okay . Well we still haven't decided on a girls name , it's really getting on my nerves now as we was sorted first time around with both a girl and a boys names , this time we only need to think of a girls names as we will use the boys name from before but it's so hard . I don't want the baby to be born and we haven't got a name if it's a girl. There are names I really like but are to similar to Emily so we cant use them , there is just nothing that I really love or can see daughter number 2 being called.

We're 90% there but hubby and daughter occassionally suggest another name which makes me feel they're not all in on the current choice which annoys me! I had the same problem any girls name i liked was too similar to my daughter's name. its so hard to pick a second name of the same sex when you have only ever had one name on your radar which has now been used!

Yes your totally right, years before Emily was born I wanted a daughter called Emily , I even used my favourite name on my dog 7 years ago , which now I kind of regret . I now feel it's a rush job and hope I won't regret whatever we decided. Or its someones way of telling me I'm having a boy so don't bother choosing a girls name lol
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Hi girls hope you are all okay . Well we still haven't decided on a girls name , it's really getting on my nerves now as we was sorted first time around with both a girl and a boys names , this time we only need to think of a girls names as we will use the boys name from before but it's so hard . I don't want the baby to be born and we haven't got a name if it's a girl. There are names I really like but are to similar to Emily so we cant use them , there is just nothing that I really love or can see daughter number 2 being called.

We're 90% there but hubby and daughter occassionally suggest another name which makes me feel they're not all in on the current choice which annoys me! I had the same problem any girls name i liked was too similar to my daughter's name. its so hard to pick a second name of the same sex when you have only ever had one name on your radar which has now been used!

Yes your totally right, years before Emily was born I wanted a daughter called Emily , I even used my favourite name on my dog 7 years ago , which now I kind of regret . I now feel it's a rush job and hope I won't regret whatever we decided. Or its someones way of telling me I'm having a boy so don't bother choosing a girls name lol

We’ve got our first names chosen but don’t have a clue about middle names, it was hard enough to settle on first names!
GBLiz said:
I was soooooo uncomfortable last night, baby was rolling and rolling about , went from bed to sofa to pacing about, i did fall asleep lightly in the early hours but then my little one woke up for the day at 4.50am... i stayed awake with him til 6am then hubby took over so i finally got 1hr 30 of decent's horrible isnt it! I dont know how you are coping at work, its one thing being tired at home but another when you have to deal with other human beings!!

I experienced being really uncomfortable last night. It was not fun! I just finished eating dinner and watching a movie with my partner. Then I tried to lay down to sleep maybe 45 mins afterwards and couldn't. He sometimes stays up late watching tv due to insomnia. Usually I can sleep right through it but I was so uncomfortable laying there and I kept having to get up every 30 mins to use the bathroom plus no position felt right and I was tossing and turning and my bump felt heavy. It felt like every time I laid down that pressure would sit right on top of my chest or start to build up and I couldn't get comfy. Finally I asked if he can turn off the tv as I couldn't fall asleep with both being uncomfortable and tv going on. Then shortly after I was able to sleep. 2.5 hours later my alarm went off for work this morning. I will try to eat dinner earlier tonight and get to bed a little earlier as well because I barely got any sleep:wall2: #33weeks I hope bub comes between 37-40. Counting down the weeks lol

I know how you feel, really looking forward to getting the birth over with and have my body back, I know it’s going to be different and I’ll hate my figure for a while but it’s going to feel so good to be able to walk without a waddle and back ache, and to be able to bend, and no more swollen ankles!

Does anyone know what it feels like when the baby drops? I haven’t noticed a change in the shape of my bump but the baby just feels low, like there’s an increased weight against my bikini line and when I sit on the toilet I can feel this pressure in my vagina and my pelvis just seems sort of open. But I feel like it’s a bit early for the baby to have dropped, I’ll be 34 weeks on Sunday.
i've never noticed any difference when the baby drops, in fact with my last pregnancy i felt like he was practically falling out at this point (33/34 weeks) and i felt i would give birth at any minute but by 40 weeks less so.......i think the pressure is just the increasing weight of the baby
Hi girls hope you are all okay . Well we still haven't decided on a girls name , it's really getting on my nerves now as we was sorted first time around with both a girl and a boys names , this time we only need to think of a girls names as we will use the boys name from before but it's so hard . I don't want the baby to be born and we haven't got a name if it's a girl. There are names I really like but are to similar to Emily so we cant use them , there is just nothing that I really love or can see daughter number 2 being called.

We're 90% there but hubby and daughter occassionally suggest another name which makes me feel they're not all in on the current choice which annoys me! I had the same problem any girls name i liked was too similar to my daughter's name. its so hard to pick a second name of the same sex when you have only ever had one name on your radar which has now been used!

Yes your totally right, years before Emily was born I wanted a daughter called Emily , I even used my favourite name on my dog 7 years ago , which now I kind of regret . I now feel it's a rush job and hope I won't regret whatever we decided. Or its someones way of telling me I'm having a boy so don't bother choosing a girls name lol

We’ve got our first names chosen but don’t have a clue about middle names, it was hard enough to settle on first names!

We have a middle name sorted lol but not a first :dohh:
how is everyone feeling this weekend? Holli are you still looking at an early induction due to SPD? I'm finding it very hard to walk at any speed, not so much because of actual pain, but because i feel like i'm carrying a bowling ball in my nether regions that might burst out.....!!
Haha liz I feel like just like you lol I'm walking like I shite myself at times never mind the waddling lol
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Ok this baby is now just pokey and uncomfortable.....not looking forward to the next month!
Ditto! By the time I’m 40 weeks it feels like I’ll be completely immobile and won’t be able to sleep a wink
Ditto! By the time I’m 40 weeks it feels like I’ll be completely immobile and won’t be able to sleep a wink

hopefully we will go into labour at a nice early-but-not-too-early 38 weeks......

a friend of mine at church is 40 weeks on friday and says she feels fine!! Hmmmpph! however, i was completely fine with my first. Its only been the 2nd and 3rd that feel like they're falling out of me.....maybe its something to do with a pre-weakened pelvic floor?! My ladybits feel so swollen aswell
I've got to hold on to 39+2 to get my elective as I do not want another emergency one , I wish they did electives at my hospital from 38 weeks and not 39. I was 10 days late with Emily but I have a horrible feeling this one could appear earlier this time.
I've got to hold on to 39+2 to get my elective as I do not want another emergency one , I wish they did electives at my hospital from 38 weeks and not 39. I was 10 days late with Emily but I have a horrible feeling this one could appear earlier this time.

i was convinced i would be early with my 2nd as i had such painful and regular braxton hicks and felt like he was literally coming out for the last 2 months, but nope, went right to due date....
34 weeks today. Only 3 weeks til 'early full term'......... it's funny but i'm forgetting what it feels like to go into labour. With my last i had so much pain and contractions for weeks (prodromal labour) i only knew the difference with 'real' labour contractions when the pain made me start throwing up repeatedly. This time i'm not even getting much braxton hicks. only once in a while. last time it was everytime i moved, literally i had contractions. So i feel like this time labour will come as a bit of a shock.....I've started on the raspberry leaf tea, just one cup a day.

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