Did you find it helped with your previous pregnancies? I bought my raspberry leaf tea to start drinking as I read somewhere that 34 weeks was when to start, but someone at work told me today you shouldn’t drink it until 37 weeks, but that seems a bit late to have any effect. Is that why you’ve started with one cup a day? Will you build up the number as the weeks go on?
I had my 34 week midwife appointment today, the size of my bump has been tracking along the top line on the growth chart until today when it’s shot up massively, I measured 39 cm! They’re sending me for a growth scan tomorrow morning, the midwife didn’t seem too worried as she said it didn’t feel like I had too much fluid and could just be how baby is positioned, but I’m pretty anxious now.
I had my 34 week midwife appointment today, the size of my bump has been tracking along the top line on the growth chart until today when it’s shot up massively, I measured 39 cm! They’re sending me for a growth scan tomorrow morning, the midwife didn’t seem too worried as she said it didn’t feel like I had too much fluid and could just be how baby is positioned, but I’m pretty anxious now.