May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

Did you find it helped with your previous pregnancies? I bought my raspberry leaf tea to start drinking as I read somewhere that 34 weeks was when to start, but someone at work told me today you shouldn’t drink it until 37 weeks, but that seems a bit late to have any effect. Is that why you’ve started with one cup a day? Will you build up the number as the weeks go on?

I had my 34 week midwife appointment today, the size of my bump has been tracking along the top line on the growth chart until today when it’s shot up massively, I measured 39 cm! They’re sending me for a growth scan tomorrow morning, the midwife didn’t seem too worried as she said it didn’t feel like I had too much fluid and could just be how baby is positioned, but I’m pretty anxious now.
Did you find it helped with your previous pregnancies? I bought my raspberry leaf tea to start drinking as I read somewhere that 34 weeks was when to start, but someone at work told me today you shouldn’t drink it until 37 weeks, but that seems a bit late to have any effect. Is that why you’ve started with one cup a day? Will you build up the number as the weeks go on?

I had my 34 week midwife appointment today, the size of my bump has been tracking along the top line on the growth chart until today when it’s shot up massively, I measured 39 cm! They’re sending me for a growth scan tomorrow morning, the midwife didn’t seem too worried as she said it didn’t feel like I had too much fluid and could just be how baby is positioned, but I’m pretty anxious now.

i dont know if it helped or not. Its supposed to tone the uterus to make it better able to have good strong contractions, it doesnt bring on labour so its safe to build up over the 3rd tri. You need to be up to quite a few cups a day by term so yeah i;d say 37 weeks is too late to have much effect.

i'm sure theres nothing to worry about with your fundal height measurement, its really not a reliable indicator, but thats good to get a scan so fast to rcheck! I have a growth scan on friday. I wonder if baby has shot any further up the percentiles...everyone is commenting how my bump has suddenly grown.....
I started drinking raspberry leaf tea as well. Started yesterday, even brought the tea to work so that I can have 1 cup of it daily. I hope it helps! :) I know it doesn't bring on labor but I want it's properties to help get this little boy out by his due date. lol I don't want to go overdue if I can help it.

34 weeks today :) time is moving fast and slow at the same time for me.
I started drinking raspberry leaf tea as well. Started yesterday, even brought the tea to work so that I can have 1 cup of it daily. I hope it helps! :) I know it doesn't bring on labor but I want it's properties to help get this little boy out by his due date. lol I don't want to go overdue if I can help it.

34 weeks today :) time is moving fast and slow at the same time for me.

I tried so many things so I wouldn't go too much overdue, I even had 5 sweeps and I was still 10 days overdue. Baby will come when baby is ready x
I started drinking raspberry leaf tea as well. Started yesterday, even brought the tea to work so that I can have 1 cup of it daily. I hope it helps! :) I know it doesn't bring on labor but I want it's properties to help get this little boy out by his due date. lol I don't want to go overdue if I can help it.

34 weeks today :) time is moving fast and slow at the same time for me.

I tried so many things so I wouldn't go too much overdue, I even had 5 sweeps and I was still 10 days overdue. Baby will come when baby is ready x

Yeah he's going to come when he is ready but I still am going to try whatever I can. Makes me feel at least that I'm trying. Drinking tea doesn't hurt me so I thought why not. :)
this is the point where we start getting obsessed with ways to predict when baby might come, even though there is no way of knowing at all lol
this is the point where we start getting obsessed with ways to predict when baby might come, even though there is no way of knowing at all lol

lol pretty much! Can't wait to see who is first :lol:
this is the point where we start getting obsessed with ways to predict when baby might come, even though there is no way of knowing at all lol

lol pretty much! Can't wait to see who is first :lol:

havent heard from Holli for a few days but she was looking at getting induced early due to SPD so it could be her. ... i know i would be able to book an induction for my due date if i wanted , or even a bit before, due to my age but i dont want to be induced.....

ive had less movement today and yesterday so heading in for monitoring, they say always check , and especially with all the hoo haa that i've already had , i knew they would just bring me in to be sure....she's moving if i give her a poke but not the usual pattern of having active times.

Yes, I think she will be first.

I wouldn't want to be induced either unless it was medically necessary. Like SPD or labor not progressing. I heard those contractions are worst than regular but that's not the only reason why I wouldn't do it. Too many interventions.

Yes, it is best to check it out. I'm sure baby is just fine but better safe than sorry.
I'm sure she's just in a different position liz and there's nothing to worry about. I've haven't felt as much movement today but that's because I've been really busy today and only just had the chance to sit down so I'm sure I will start feeling more then.

I won't be first fingers crossed . I already know when my monster is going to be born and it's such a strange feeling to know when the babies birthday will be .

The twinnies could be first but hopefully not?
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I'm sure she's just in a different position liz and there's nothing to worry about. I've haven't felt as much movement today but that's because I've been really busy today and only just had the chance to sit down so I'm sure I will start feeling more then.

I won't be first fingers crossed . I already know when my monster is going to be born and it's such a strange feeling to know when the babies birthday will be .

The twinnies could be first but hopefully not?

That's exciting that you know when baby will come :) I wish I could find out lol
Doctor says they induce 7-10 days after due date. Hopefully he comes out before then. "Fingers crossed"
I'm sure she's just in a different position liz and there's nothing to worry about. I've haven't felt as much movement today but that's because I've been really busy today and only just had the chance to sit down so I'm sure I will start feeling more then.

I won't be first fingers crossed . I already know when my monster is going to be born and it's such a strange feeling to know when the babies birthday will be .

The twinnies could be first but hopefully not?

That's exciting that you know when baby will come :) I wish I could find out lol
Doctor says they induce 7-10 days after due date. Hopefully he comes out before then. "Fingers crossed"

I don't really want to know when baby will be born , it's better a surprise lol I chose the 15th as Emilys is the 25th so they will both have a 5 in there dates and me and oh both have 6's in ours even the dog lol

I was booked in to be induced with Emily at 12 days overdue but she came at 10 days over
I'm sure she's just in a different position liz and there's nothing to worry about. I've haven't felt as much movement today but that's because I've been really busy today and only just had the chance to sit down so I'm sure I will start feeling more then.

I won't be first fingers crossed . I already know when my monster is going to be born and it's such a strange feeling to know when the babies birthday will be .

The twinnies could be first but hopefully not?

That's exciting that you know when baby will come :) I wish I could find out lol
Doctor says they induce 7-10 days after due date. Hopefully he comes out before then. "Fingers crossed"

I don't really want to know when baby will be born , it's better a surprise lol I chose the 15th as Emilys is the 25th so they will both have a 5 in there dates and me and oh both have 6's in ours even the dog lol

I was booked in to be induced with Emily at 12 days overdue but she came at 10 days over

Oh I see lol Yes nice and even :)

Emily came right in the nick of time lol I go off on maternity leave on May 1st my due date. Everyday baby isn't here is going to drive me nuts lol I can already see it. I need to learn to teach myself patience with this process. I know he will come out when he's ready but I'm already ready to meet him that I can't even imagine having to wait a week past the due date for his arrival. :shock:
Hi ladies!

Wow, I'm so tired today. I haven't dealt with fatigue during my pregnancy up until now... I turned 30 weeks today and all I want to do is sleep. Baby seems really quiet too. Normally when I wake up in the morning I can feel baby move, but today he seems tired too, loool!
Hi ladies!

Wow, I'm so tired today. I haven't dealt with fatigue during my pregnancy up until now... I turned 30 weeks today and all I want to do is sleep. Baby seems really quiet too. Normally when I wake up in the morning I can feel baby move, but today he seems tired too, loool!

I don't really suffer with fatigue I just ache and don't want to move lol

We have a facebook private group if you would like to join , most of us are in it. X
been in for the monitoring. baby's heartrate was all fine but even on the trace spent the first 40 mins asleep so at least i didnt look like an idiot coming in and then baby starts moving lol. They did say the position the baby had moved to (back facing directly outwards) it would be hard for me to feel any kicks so i would have to feel for mild squirms at best. She wasnt happy for me to wait til friday's scan to monitor my cord flow and fluid though as she realised they had been being monitored and i had slipped thru the net a bit with missing my consultant appointment 12 days ago. but there was nobody about to do it so i came home and i have to go back in in an hour or so, , which is a bit of a pain but better than hanging around for hours. They said even though baby was fine even if i felt worried about movements later tonight to come back, thats how seriously they take it especially if there are any other risk factors.
How did it go when you went back to the hospital Liz?

I went for my growth scan this morning, baby is fine and healthy and fluid levels are fine but baby is in the big side, they estimate it already weights 6lbs 3oz and I’ve still got 5 1/2 weeks to go. They’re worried I might have developed gestational diabetes since the test I had done 6 weeks ago, so now I have to monitor my blood sugars for the next week by testing my own blood before and after meals and keeping a diary of everything I eat. But they also said that I could just be cooking a big baby naturally, so looks like I’m going to have to go for some extra scans to monitor it’s growth between now and my due date. Really hoping they’re wrong about the weight as it’s in target to be 9lbs+
How did it go when you went back to the hospital Liz?

I went for my growth scan this morning, baby is fine and healthy and fluid levels are fine but baby is in the big side, they estimate it already weights 6lbs 3oz and I’ve still got 5 1/2 weeks to go. They’re worried I might have developed gestational diabetes since the test I had done 6 weeks ago, so now I have to monitor my blood sugars for the next week by testing my own blood before and after meals and keeping a diary of everything I eat. But they also said that I could just be cooking a big baby naturally, so looks like I’m going to have to go for some extra scans to monitor it’s growth between now and my due date. Really hoping they’re wrong about the weight as it’s in target to be 9lbs+

My son was 9lbs 11. Really nothing to worry about but they often get weights wrong from scans x
everything was fine when i went back in. I think they didnt want to hold off checking the fluid as i was measuring 30 by fundal height at 34, and although the last scan was fine , they prefer to err on the side of caution. At least i was in and out fairly quickly, its just a bit of a drive away....... they have moved my growth scan/consultant from friday to thursday , not sure why, but now its the most inconvenient time ever, school pick up /afterschool on the day my daughter has gymnastics to get to and from......couldnt get back to sleep this morning while LO was dozing as i was trying to figure out all the logistics!!
Sorry been quiet ladies, had a eventful month lost my dog :-( and mine and lanes birthdays along with my nannans 80th I’ve had lots of mixed emotions too but mainly getting fed up now and am so ready for willow to come. I went to physio to see if they could do anything for me regarding spd they said I was to far gone every one else there was 17 weeks and I rocked up at 33 weeks and they said the spd was too advanced they couldn’t do anything for me tried me with a belt did nothing they gave me a tubal thing but that did nothing just squashes my bump, I had to see a different GP to my usual one for a second opinion on pain relief she said same as my doctor, so now I’ve got to see my Midwife to see if I can be induced now that I’m getting worse and nothing else can be done but that’s not till next Wednesday. It’s that bad now I can’t lay on either side for more than 10 mins with out my hips and groin burning like mad then the pain kicking in same when I’m on my bum so I’m hardly sleeping can hardly walk my legs give way with out warning so I drop to my knees :-(

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