oh, you too Lucy? Is he measuring consitently small or is the growth slowing? Its the drop in percentiles that has my doctors worried.
I had my monitoring appointment today.(31wks+6) Cord flow, heartrate and movements still good. The consultant wanted me to take steroids as he said this was the ideal time. I asked if it was ok to hold off until after the next growth scan on thursday. As all this monitoring is off the back of only 2 scans at 28 and 30 weeks. He said it would be ok to wait and not a huge risk but if thursdays scan also showed no growth i might be kept in and induced within the week. they keep saying there was 'no growth' between the last 2 scans but there was some (7oz). Anyway. hoping for some growth on thursdays scan but even if there isnt i still feel comfortable with my decision to hold out with the steroids its only 3 days away and they are happy with how baby is doing right now.
I had my monitoring appointment today.(31wks+6) Cord flow, heartrate and movements still good. The consultant wanted me to take steroids as he said this was the ideal time. I asked if it was ok to hold off until after the next growth scan on thursday. As all this monitoring is off the back of only 2 scans at 28 and 30 weeks. He said it would be ok to wait and not a huge risk but if thursdays scan also showed no growth i might be kept in and induced within the week. they keep saying there was 'no growth' between the last 2 scans but there was some (7oz). Anyway. hoping for some growth on thursdays scan but even if there isnt i still feel comfortable with my decision to hold out with the steroids its only 3 days away and they are happy with how baby is doing right now.