May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

oh, you too Lucy? Is he measuring consitently small or is the growth slowing? Its the drop in percentiles that has my doctors worried.
I had my monitoring appointment today.(31wks+6) Cord flow, heartrate and movements still good. The consultant wanted me to take steroids as he said this was the ideal time. I asked if it was ok to hold off until after the next growth scan on thursday. As all this monitoring is off the back of only 2 scans at 28 and 30 weeks. He said it would be ok to wait and not a huge risk but if thursdays scan also showed no growth i might be kept in and induced within the week. they keep saying there was 'no growth' between the last 2 scans but there was some (7oz). Anyway. hoping for some growth on thursdays scan but even if there isnt i still feel comfortable with my decision to hold out with the steroids its only 3 days away and they are happy with how baby is doing right now.
we're also on growth scan measurement as baby's arms and legs have measured small :( also having to wait on a call from the genetic consultant to see what the next steps are :(
we're also on growth scan measurement as baby's arms and legs have measured small :( also having to wait on a call from the genetic consultant to see what the next steps are :(

oh dear, its horrible when you're just waiting to find out what the issue is, if there even is an issue or if its something serious. I know a baby who had some genetic issues and arms and legs measured small and they thought there might be a form of dwarfism along with her other issues but that turned out not to be the case and there doesnt look anything unusual about her arm and leg length now.
I feel for you guys having to have the extra growth scans, it must be really worrying. If it helps at all I know several friends who have measured over and under what they should, one of them went for extra growth scans and based on measurements she was told she was going to have a 10lb baby and when he was born he was actually 7lb 12oz, and my other friends didn’t have particularly big/small babies either, actually one of my friends who did have an 11lb baby had no idea that was coming because her bump never measured over. So I’m not sure the bump or scan measurements are particularly accurate, although it’s understandable why they do them and the extra growth scans as a precaution xxx
we're also on growth scan measurement as baby's arms and legs have measured small :( also having to wait on a call from the genetic consultant to see what the next steps are :(

oh dear, its horrible when you're just waiting to find out what the issue is, if there even is an issue or if its something serious. I know a baby who had some genetic issues and arms and legs measured small and they thought there might be a form of dwarfism along with her other issues but that turned out not to be the case and there doesnt look anything unusual about her arm and leg length now.

Thanks. It's this, and stories similar, that I'm holding on to while waiting to hear back from her ...
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32 weeks today :) How far along is everyone else? How are you all feeling?

I'm feeling particularly happy today. But I've noticed the energy I once had in my second trimester is no longer there. I do get more tired easily and have to take sit down breaks. But nothing horrible that I can't manage. Just had baby shower on Sunday. Very hectic the day of getting last minute things done but it was a fun time and beautiful set up my friends and cousin accomplished for us. I shared photos and videos with you all on the FB mummies group.
I feel for you guys having to have the extra growth scans, it must be really worrying. If it helps at all I know several friends who have measured over and under what they should, one of them went for extra growth scans and based on measurements she was told she was going to have a 10lb baby and when he was born he was actually 7lb 12oz, and my other friends didn’t have particularly big/small babies either, actually one of my friends who did have an 11lb baby had no idea that was coming because her bump never measured over. So I’m not sure the bump or scan measurements are particularly accurate, although it’s understandable why they do them and the extra growth scans as a precaution xxx

i never really understand why they get people panicky if the baby is just small, because some babies are smaller than others, thats why there is a range from 1-100 percentile and anywhere on that is normal. In my case it isnt because the baby is just small but has dropped so rapidly down the percentiles which is a sign of a placenta failing.. But because of the issue with accuracy of scans thats why i have requested to wait for the next scan before i start steroids. I think with 3 scans you can at least verify if a declie is really the pattern even though as you say the actual weight is guesswork. My bump measurement has never been accurate because i carry really tiny but my other two babies were average size. So normally they send me for extra scans and then are really surprised the baby isnot small, which i thought is what would happen here, but not this time!
32 weeks today :) How far along is everyone else? How are you all feeling?

I'm feeling particularly happy today. But I've noticed the energy I once had in my second trimester is no longer there. I do get more tired easily and have to take sit down breaks. But nothing horrible that I can't manage. Just had baby shower on Sunday. Very hectic the day of getting last minute things done but it was a fun time and beautiful set up my friends and cousin accomplished for us. I shared photos and videos with you all on the FB mummies group.

I'm feeling awful but thats because if worry over the growth scans and discomfort isnt keeping me awake, my 16 month old is! He has now decided 4AM is better to wake up for the day than his previous 5AM. And would not even nap til 2pm today!! I dont know why he doesnt need to sleep cos i do! He has also gone really whingey and clingy and is forever climbing on my stomach or headbutting it and its really getting painful
32 weeks today :) How far along is everyone else? How are you all feeling?

I'm feeling particularly happy today. But I've noticed the energy I once had in my second trimester is no longer there. I do get more tired easily and have to take sit down breaks. But nothing horrible that I can't manage. Just had baby shower on Sunday. Very hectic the day of getting last minute things done but it was a fun time and beautiful set up my friends and cousin accomplished for us. I shared photos and videos with you all on the FB mummies group.

I'm feeling awful but thats because if worry over the growth scans and discomfort isnt keeping me awake, my 16 month old is! He has now decided 4AM is better to wake up for the day than his previous 5AM. And would not even nap til 2pm today!! I dont know why he doesnt need to sleep cos i do! He has also gone really whingey and clingy and is forever climbing on my stomach or headbutting it and its really getting painful

Oh no, sorry to hear that. I hope you get some steady news at the next growth scan. Also that the little guy sleeps in so you can get some more rest. Must be tough with being pregnant and already having a toddler to take care of. He probably is clingy because he has a feeling something is going to change soon.
Oh no, sorry to hear that. I hope you get some steady news at the next growth scan. Also that the little guy sleeps in so you can get some more rest. Must be tough with being pregnant and already having a toddler to take care of. He probably is clingy because he has a feeling something is going to change soon.

yeah i think he can sense something is going on!
just to add to everything else, we were just feeling pleased with ourselves for getting him to eat plenty of dinner, as his appetite has been rubbish lately and we thought he might be waking early because he's not eating enough. So stuffed him nice and full, gave him his bottle and.....ta da!! projectile vomit all over me and the sofa.....nice!!
Oh no, sorry to hear that. I hope you get some steady news at the next growth scan. Also that the little guy sleeps in so you can get some more rest. Must be tough with being pregnant and already having a toddler to take care of. He probably is clingy because he has a feeling something is going to change soon.

yeah i think he can sense something is going on!
just to add to everything else, we were just feeling pleased with ourselves for getting him to eat plenty of dinner, as his appetite has been rubbish lately and we thought he might be waking early because he's not eating enough. So stuffed him nice and full, gave him his bottle and.....ta da!! projectile vomit all over me and the sofa.....nice!!

oh no! not projectile vomit :oooo:
had a better night last night he was up at 5 am instead of 4am ha ha . At least i will be well used to not sleeping when this one comes along.

All my baby movements are so low down. Anyone else feel like they're getting tickled in the bladder a lot? I've got no kicks in ribs or anything and can breathe freely ....which i'm not complaining about! .baby moves loads but its all low. I wonder if this is because baby is so small?

I feel the bladder tickle every so often. Which leads to the urge to use the bathroom following soon after. Baby likes to dance on my bladder or if he's still head down then he likes to punch it lol
I feel 90% of movements low down but that's due to the anterior placenta and I know baby is nearly head down so I must be feeling the hands tickling and sratching about lol . I'm feeling alot of pressure on my ribs on the left side now too. I've been walking or sitting with one shoulder up by my ears to try to get a bit more room. I must look like a lunatic lol
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. Baby is due on the 14th of May. Only 10 weeks to go! Getting very excited / scared now. :-)
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. Baby is due on the 14th of May. Only 10 weeks to go! Getting very excited / scared now. :-)

Hi! is this your first baby? How has the pregnancy been so far?:wave:
Thanks miguelita426! I've suddenly lost my energy again too.

This is my first baby. Pregnancy has been pretty good so far (besides killer heartburn and aching hips!).

Unfortunately at my last midwife appointment she was measuring small so I have to go for a growth scan on Friday. I'm really worried but trying not to be! I see you're having similar trouble to me GBLiz, hope everything goes OK for you! Mine is measuring on the lower boundary now but was the right size 3 weeks earlier so it's the sudden drop that they're worried about.
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. Baby is due on the 14th of May. Only 10 weeks to go! Getting very excited / scared now. :-)

Hi MxO, I’ve added your due date to the first post, do you know what you’re having?

I’m 32+3, my energy has really plummeted recently, I’m so tired and out of breath after my 20min walk to work in the morning and then after the walk home I cannot be arsed to do anything except sit on the sofa, cooking even a simple meal seems like too much effort, then I’m ready for bed about 8pm. Hats off to you ladies who have other children to look after, I don’t know how you do it!

I get lots of tickling, pressure and punches in my groin but also lots of hard kicks up high, I think the baby is head down and back to back with me, the other day it kept kicking me over and over in the exact same spot just above my belly button, it honestly felt like it was trying to kick its way out!

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