May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

I love them Miguelita you look so happy together . Which two will you pick it's so hard to choose.

Thank you!I'm debating between #2 or #3:eh: Definitely going with the #1 as a solo picture but unsure of which one with the both of us. I like them both so much lol


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I hope you can still make your appointment and they don't reschedule it.
I love them Miguelita you look so happy together . Which two will you pick it's so hard to choose.

Thank you!I'm debating between #2 or #3:eh: Definitely going with the #1 as a solo picture but unsure of which one with the both of us. I like them both so much lol

I love the one of you both looking at each other x

I think either one of us made a joke in the moment lol so we were mid laughing. He is a very silly guy so he will have no problem entertaining the baby when Daeson makes his arrival.
I love them Miguelita you look so happy together . Which two will you pick it's so hard to choose.

Thank you!I'm debating between #2 or #3:eh: Definitely going with the #1 as a solo picture but unsure of which one with the both of us. I like them both so much lol

I love the one of you both looking at each other x

I think either one of us made a joke in the moment lol so we were mid laughing. He is a very silly guy so he will have no problem entertaining the baby when Daeson makes his arrival.

I love it you both look really happy. I love that pram too, it's like the one mum had with me and my brother but hers was dark green lol
I love them Miguelita you look so happy together . Which two will you pick it's so hard to choose.

Thank you!I'm debating between #2 or #3:eh: Definitely going with the #1 as a solo picture but unsure of which one with the both of us. I like them both so much lol

I love the one of you both looking at each other x

I think either one of us made a joke in the moment lol so we were mid laughing. He is a very silly guy so he will have no problem entertaining the baby when Daeson makes his arrival.

I love it you both look really happy. I love that pram too, it's like the one mum had with me and my brother but hers was dark green lol

lol it's a nice vintage pram that we found in the studio and decided to use. I will more than likely go with that picture, thank you! :)
just seen the hospital has cancelled all non urgent outpatient appointments but seeing as we are monitoring and things could go downhill in a short space of time i dont know if this cord monitoring counts as urgent or not. They said a good cord flow can change in a very short time which is why i have to be in twice a week....just tried to call the department but they're closed for the day now. Guess i will call in the morning.
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No chance of getting in! people have been stuck on the motorway all night pretty much where i would need to get on it....
Hey ladies! I have been awol most of tri 2 with work being unbelievably busy. My due date got changed so im now due 11/5! Dont really belive it tho i just think baby is a giant! Counting down the weeks at work, but a bit of leave the next few days so need some sleep! Is everyone else exhausted?! At work everyone seems to be like err why are you tired?
Hope everyone is well!x
Sorry to hear that you will have to wait for your appointment but with the way you guys are describing this snow it sounds best to be home and not out in it right now. Did you in touch with anyone to reschedule for another date.

Hello... nice to have you back. Your due date is shortly after mines :) I wonder when these babies will actually show up though. I'm always tired at work. Esp between 1030am and 12 noon. I could use a proper nap around that time but I'm at work and can't really manage that. So instead I go into a daze between that time lol Somehow around 1pm I snap out of it and I'm "awake again" I should probably go to bed earlier that might help.
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Hiya ladies,

When does the third trimester start exactly? Some say 27 weeks and others 28... just a bit confused.

Ps: I can't believe I'm 27 weeks already... I can still remember the day I was 6 weeks pregnant.

Hope you all r well xx
Gbliz hope you got appointment rearranged. Keep an eye on movements and if you are concerned then call them asap. I lnow i keep wondering that too miguelita!! Hopefully not too late!! I thought it was 28 weeks but know what u mean i feel like i just had a positive test and was sitting out the 1st tri ��
i've not managed to rearrange yet. Basically the part of scotland where people were stuck on the motorway for 18 hours, thats the little bit of motorway i need to get to the hospital! I did manage to get through on the phone but with all the problems of staff getting in i havent had a callback yet. Even if the main roads get cleared tomorrow i wont be able to get out of our side street for a few days i dont expect!

Maryama I say 27 weeks is the start of 3rd tri but as you have seen some websites go by 28. The description on this one for the 3rd tri forum is week 27 so I think we can say you're in!
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Yeeyyy! I'm in!! Thanks GBLiz!

This may be a silly question, but how does it feel to be 30+ weeks pregnant? Is there a big difference between 27 weeks & 30+ weeks (i.e. Movements etc)?

(This is my first pregnancy, so its all kinda new to me)
this little one has not been a big mover the whole time. she has quite long quiet periods and then turns around a lot just for a short time. I noticed between 27 and 30 weeks the movements suddenly got a lot 'bigger' though. you can start to tell where the baby's bum is sticking etc. at 27 weeks your baby will probably be head down most of the time. although from the movements it can still feel like they're turning somersaults! You start to get a lot more pressure down below from the head being downwards.
got my monitoring appointment rescheduled for monday. Hope the snow clears by then!
this little one has not been a big mover the whole time. she has quite long quiet periods and then turns around a lot just for a short time. I noticed between 27 and 30 weeks the movements suddenly got a lot 'bigger' though. you can start to tell where the baby's bum is sticking etc. at 27 weeks your baby will probably be head down most of the time. although from the movements it can still feel like they're turning somersaults! You start to get a lot more pressure down below from the head being downwards.

I second the movements are really big now that I'm 31 weeks almost 32. It's crazy no more small little kicks. Now I feel like he is always shifting his body or stretching in there. Just a sign he is getting bigger and running out of room.
i dont know how some of you are managing to keep up at work. I'm finding if i even walk round a shop i get woozy and exhausted and a little bit sick feeling. I dont really notice that i'm in such a bad way til i go out because although i'm jumping up and down a lot to my little one i spend very little prolonged time on my feet . when i do its quite worrying how ill i feel!
everybody is very quiet round here's everyone doing? I've got my monitoring appointment today. Have had to enlist someone to come with me to look after my LO while i'm strapped up to the machine getting a trace on heartrate and movements.
cant wait to finish work leaving at 32 weeks because little man measuring small so fortnightly scans but if doesnt grow they wont let me past 34 weeks!!!baby shower yestereday and my lovelt work collegue is planning my leaving/baby shower from work to haha

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