May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Ah that sucks about your test, I'm anticipating mine will come back elevated as well and I'll have to do the complete test.

I breastfed both of mine and while I don't plan to even buy a breast pump this time round as I hate pumping lol I always used Medela ones and found they were excellent.

Thank you! I will keep you gals updated on my 2nd test results. Is pumping that bad? lol I want to be able to do both because I go back to work in September and I want baby to still receive breast milk even when I'm not around. I just ordered the Spectra brand off of the reviews online. They were comparing it to Medela. I hope it's good.:) I have no idea what to expect breast feeding or pumping to be like. I hope my milk supply comes in!

I just didn't like pumping as it takes so long to get a decent amount. Baby gets milk out much quicker than the pump. I'll be at home with baby for almost a year so no need for me to pump really.

My hubby isn't that interested in feeding baby lol. He wasn't with the other two either. Don't get me wrong he loves them and likes spending time with them he just never had the urge to feed them. It's easier for me to get up in the night and breastfeed anyway. He will be at work during the day so I don't mind doing the nights.

I usually co sleep and just roll baby over the top of me to the side they need to feed on and drift off while baby feeds away. It's how I remained sane when my son would want fed all night long. Since having my first I find it very difficult to get into a deep sleep anymore. Any little noise wakes me up. We have 3 cats and they drive me insane during the night playing with things they find that they can throw around the kitchen floor and run around with their claws lol.
same. I acquired a pump last time (ameda lactaline dual) with intentions that OH was going to share in night feeds etc but it turned out SO much easier to just breastfeed. The pump only ended up useful during a period where my LO had reflux and needed to mix gaviscon powder with breastmilk. apart from that i wouldnt bother again, it doesnt save any time at all. If you are breastfeeding and saving up milk to freeze for when you go back to work, maybe that would be a good reason to get one but you would spend ALL your time either feeding or pumping! but yeah if i had to go back after only 4 weeks or whatever i would do that
Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx

I've gained 10kg =22lbs if that makes you feel better lol I don't know what 3 stones equals out to being. But I heard the 3rd trimester is when most women pack on the pounds. Oh wow, why would you need an emergency c-section because she could be early?

He thinks she will be a big baby and with how bad my spd is and Incase I can’t quite push her out, they have to take precautions as I have an allergy to latex and pretty much most of my family have blood clots so they have to keep an eye on me in labour xx

Oh okay, now I understand. Well the safest way for baby to come out and you to be safe is what will need to happen. Good they're preparing you for all outcomes.
:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Ah that sucks about your test, I'm anticipating mine will come back elevated as well and I'll have to do the complete test.

I breastfed both of mine and while I don't plan to even buy a breast pump this time round as I hate pumping lol I always used Medela ones and found they were excellent.

Thank you! I will keep you gals updated on my 2nd test results. Is pumping that bad? lol I want to be able to do both because I go back to work in September and I want baby to still receive breast milk even when I'm not around. I just ordered the Spectra brand off of the reviews online. They were comparing it to Medela. I hope it's good.:) I have no idea what to expect breast feeding or pumping to be like. I hope my milk supply comes in!

I just didn't like pumping as it takes so long to get a decent amount. Baby gets milk out much quicker than the pump. I'll be at home with baby for almost a year so no need for me to pump really.

My hubby isn't that interested in feeding baby lol. He wasn't with the other two either. Don't get me wrong he loves them and likes spending time with them he just never had the urge to feed them. It's easier for me to get up in the night and breastfeed anyway. He will be at work during the day so I don't mind doing the nights.

I usually co sleep and just roll baby over the top of me to the side they need to feed on and drift off while baby feeds away. It's how I remained sane when my son would want fed all night long. Since having my first I find it very difficult to get into a deep sleep anymore. Any little noise wakes me up. We have 3 cats and they drive me insane during the night playing with things they find that they can throw around the kitchen floor and run around with their claws lol.

Lol at the cats running around. Well it makes sense you don't need to pump so why would you even bother. I won't pump right away as I don't want to confuse baby. But once I've figured out how to breastfeed properly then I will start to pump so that I can learn how to do it properly way before it's time for me to go back to work.
same. I acquired a pump last time (ameda lactaline dual) with intentions that OH was going to share in night feeds etc but it turned out SO much easier to just breastfeed. The pump only ended up useful during a period where my LO had reflux and needed to mix gaviscon powder with breastmilk. apart from that i wouldnt bother again, it doesnt save any time at all. If you are breastfeeding and saving up milk to freeze for when you go back to work, maybe that would be a good reason to get one but you would spend ALL your time either feeding or pumping! but yeah if i had to go back after only 4 weeks or whatever i would do that

Makes sense. I wouldn't bother with the pump if I didn't eventually have to go back to work when baby is 5 months old. He needs to eat while I'm at work and unless I want to switch over to formula completely I would have to pump and store the milk in freezer so that my partner can drop it off with baby to the baby sitters in the morning. Plus I want to have a small reserve stored up so my partner can feed him. Also If I need to go out and run errands and such I would like to have both options.
same. I acquired a pump last time (ameda lactaline dual) with intentions that OH was going to share in night feeds etc but it turned out SO much easier to just breastfeed. The pump only ended up useful during a period where my LO had reflux and needed to mix gaviscon powder with breastmilk. apart from that i wouldnt bother again, it doesnt save any time at all. If you are breastfeeding and saving up milk to freeze for when you go back to work, maybe that would be a good reason to get one but you would spend ALL your time either feeding or pumping! but yeah if i had to go back after only 4 weeks or whatever i would do that

Makes sense. I wouldn't bother with the pump if I didn't eventually have to go back to work when baby is 5 months old. He needs to eat while I'm at work and unless I want to switch over to formula completely I would have to pump and store the milk in freezer so that my partner can drop it off with baby to the baby sitters in the morning. Plus I want to have a small reserve stored up so my partner can feed him. Also If I need to go out and run errands and such I would like to have both options.

yeah makes sense to pump to build up a supply when you go back to work. That was my intentions with my daughter. I had her while I was at uni and I was going back after the Christmas holidays when she was 9 weeks old. The intention was to pump for her but the facilities at the uni meant it was near impossible while at class all day. We ended up switching to formula pretty early with her.

With my son I was at home with him for a year, managed 15 months breastfeeding and being able to send one bottle of breast milk in with him per day that I had saved up for a little while but it didn't last very long so he went onto cows milk as he was over 1. He still fed off me at home and then weaned himself at 15 months.

As I don't have to go back until this little one is nearly 1 I'll probably do the same and have them have cows milk at day care and feed them at home.
Travel system finally arrived. Starting to feel a bit more real now!


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i'm so tired too!! My little one actually slept through the whole night til 6am but my husband woke me up about every hour!! (snoring, going to the loo, poking me etc) and when he woke me up good and proper by tripping over my foot that was sticking out of the bed at 4am that was it i couldnt get back to sleep- i was just waiting for LO to wake as he usually does at 5. I just feel destined to never get a night's peace!!! And it is only going to get worse in 10 weeks time aghhhhhh!!! Also my bump is getting quite uncomfortable at night now. its definitely had a growth spurt and baby moves around a lot at night
Travel system finally arrived. Starting to feel a bit more real now!

i think i pretty much have everything to start off with. I picked up a poddlepod at a bargain price off ebay. Normally i have just put the baby down on the sofa or wherever in the day but with my other grabby LO i think something slightly more contained may be wiser!
I'm after a poddlepod too , I had a toddlepod with Emily and wished I had got one when she was smaller. They were on offer on there website not long ago but I missed out. I've also been looking on ebay but not sure to get a second hand or not plus the design I want hasn't come up yet.
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yay im here officially now!!!
and getting stressed haha i need ot move before charlie arrives before i murder seans mother applied on council but literakky nothing to bid on!
ughhh i'm still feeling very anaemic. tired and spacey. i guess its only been a week of taking the spatone religiously though. plus i didnt have a very good sleep last night and LO up at 5.30am as usual yawwwnnnnn

i had another growth scan today so they can compare against 2 weeks ago to check the baby is staying on its percentile line- if it is i will have another one in 4 or 6 weeks, if not i'll be back in 2 weeks. My bump has definitely grown alot the past 2 weeks so not concerned at all! I have to go back tomorrow to get the results as i couldnt get a scan and consultant appointment both in the one day today.
Well there's a possibility this won't be a May baby after growth scan yesterday showed growth isnt progressing well so i have another scan next week and if its still slowing they will need to induce baby early. I've had a google and when growth slows at this point it really varies - sometimes they get the baby out asap and other times make it up to 37/38 weeks.....on the other hand baby could have a growth spurt and catch up, but she had dropped from 10th to under 5th percentile in only 13 days.......looks like my homebirth might be off the cards ! I really wanted to avoid induction . but induction due to age alone is one thing, induction if its needed for the baby is different...
My cousins little girl was born a month early due to been induced as she wasn’t growing. She came out at 5lb something this was November she’s now a little chubby chops and one happy little lady
I've got a consultant appointment on monday so will see what they say then , they might put me on steroids for the baby' s lungs to mature for in case its before 37 weeks , or they might hold off til after another scan. I dont feel too concerned ...yet!!!
I have my consultant appointment tommorrow morning which I am dreading, to find out if I can have a c section. I will update after my appointment.
Good luck for your appointment claire_louise, i hope they are sympathetic

Mine isnt til the last appointment of the day- i got squeezed in- so i have no idea how long i might have to be waiting about!!!
was at hosp yesterday thought my waters had gone but havent thanfully got GGT bloods tomorrow dreading them haha then growth scan and results thursday. saw aneathetist last thursday who kept saying i need epidural or if baby measuring big i will need section - as if i wasnt scared before haha

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