May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

My weeks turn over every Tuesday so I'm officially 29 weeks pregnant today!:dance:
Can't believe I'm so close to being in the 30's then the real countdown can begin!

When does everyone's week turn over?

How far along are you guys?

I've also been really sleepy lately and so I think the glamorous second trimester boast of energy is slowly leaving me. I also experienced a slight headache and pressure in my lower belly yesterday like heaviness. I don't know if its because Daeson's getting bigger or what. But I didn't feel like myself so after work once I got home I just laid down and watched TV till I fell asleep. Usually I'm up cleaning and cooking trying to prepare for the next work day. Packing my partner and I's lunch for the following day but I was so out of it that I couldn't even bother. I hope this feeling doesn't happen too often.

My weeks turnover on Wednesdays so I'm 28 weeks tomorrow!
My weeks turn over on a Sunday so I’ll be 30 weeks this Sunday, my due date is actually 29 April based on measurements at my 12 week scan but originally it was 2 May based on last period, I still think I’ll have a May baby because I took ovulation tests when we were ttc and pretty sure my 40 weeks will be up in May, but of course baby could come anytime between 37-42 weeks.

I’m so tired and lack energy recently, every day tasks are getting harder and it’s so frustrating I can’t do as much in a day as I would usually, I’m usually so independent and I hate having to ask my boyfriend to do things for me. I know having a newborn is going to be exhausting but I really can’t wait to have the baby and lose this massive weight dragging me down, and to be able to move more easily, just to be able to turn over in bed without causing an earthquake and to be able to walk up the stairs without becoming breathless will be great!
You look great Miguelita pregnancy really suits you xx

Thank you! :) Glad to hear that since I plan on doing it again lol We want to have babies close in age so #2 will probably be conceived next year :shock: if all goes well with this delivery in May.

I conceived my son when my daughter was 9 months old so they are 18 months apart and they are soooo close. Absolutely love each other. Wouldn't change it for the world.

That's awesome! That's exactly what we want for them to be super close because of the age being close.
My weeks turn over every Tuesday so I'm officially 29 weeks pregnant today!:dance:
Can't believe I'm so close to being in the 30's then the real countdown can begin!

When does everyone's week turn over?

How far along are you guys?

I've also been really sleepy lately and so I think the glamorous second trimester boast of energy is slowly leaving me. I also experienced a slight headache and pressure in my lower belly yesterday like heaviness. I don't know if its because Daeson's getting bigger or what. But I didn't feel like myself so after work once I got home I just laid down and watched TV till I fell asleep. Usually I'm up cleaning and cooking trying to prepare for the next work day. Packing my partner and I's lunch for the following day but I was so out of it that I couldn't even bother. I hope this feeling doesn't happen too often.

My weeks turnover on Wednesdays so I'm 28 weeks tomorrow!

You look great Miguelita pregnancy really suits you xx

Thank you! :) Glad to hear that since I plan on doing it again lol We want to have babies close in age so #2 will probably be conceived next year :shock: if all goes well with this delivery in May.

I conceived my son when my daughter was 9 months old so they are 18 months apart and they are soooo close. Absolutely love each other. Wouldn't change it for the world.

That's awesome! That's exactly what we want for them to be super close because of the age being close.

This is the gap i will have. I've done it both ways my eldest will be 10 years older than this new one ! So they will have each other close in age and a big sister like a 2nd mum lol
My "change day" is Tuesday same as Miguelita, 29 weeks today . I'm also impatient to get into the 30s because its a bit limbo time right now- so far in but still a way to go!
claire louise are you feeling any more movements yet with your anterior placenta?
My weeks turn over on a Sunday so I’ll be 30 weeks this Sunday, my due date is actually 29 April based on measurements at my 12 week scan but originally it was 2 May based on last period, I still think I’ll have a May baby because I took ovulation tests when we were ttc and pretty sure my 40 weeks will be up in May, but of course baby could come anytime between 37-42 weeks.

I’m so tired and lack energy recently, every day tasks are getting harder and it’s so frustrating I can’t do as much in a day as I would usually, I’m usually so independent and I hate having to ask my boyfriend to do things for me. I know having a newborn is going to be exhausting but I really can’t wait to have the baby and lose this massive weight dragging me down, and to be able to move more easily, just to be able to turn over in bed without causing an earthquake and to be able to walk up the stairs without becoming breathless will be great!

Oh wow almost 30 weeks! That's amazing. Same thing happened with me, originally my due date was May 4th based off LMP and then during my 12 week scan they said he was measuring for a due date of May 1st so it's been changed since. I hope he comes May 1st or earlier like end of April.

I completely understand where you're coming from. Well before we know it April will be here and then May. I was telling my friends that pregnancy feels super long. I feel like I've been pregnant for a year :wall2: but it hasn't been too miserable. Just a lot of changes do take place. My sister says I will miss it at some point afterwards. I told her well that is when baby #2 will get conceived lol
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Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!
Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.
Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.

My birthday is 24 April, as much as I’d like to meet baby as soon as possible I don’t really want to share my birthday so I’m hoping it doesn’t come early and we do have a May baby
Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.

My birthday is 24 April, as much as I’d like to meet baby as soon as possible I don’t really want to share my birthday so I’m hoping it doesn’t come early and we do have a May baby

I don't want to share my birthday either lol I would like something left over for myself but he can anytime after up till his due date of May 1st
claire louise are you feeling any more movements yet with your anterior placenta?

I'm feeling more but 90% is really low down, still nothing like Emily and there is no pattern of movement but at least a couple of times a day I can feel the movement on my hand . As long as I can feel something even though it's light I'm happy . But it still sucks x
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Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.

My maternity leave starts on my due date too :) May 9th. But I have a week of vacation time I'm saving to take the week before I go off
So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!
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So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!

My oh went through the same a couple of weeks back , he couldn't think of anymore names though and I said I wasn't budging so we are back on track ...... I think lol
So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!

My oh went through the same a couple of weeks back , he couldn't think of anymore names though and I said I wasn't budging so we are back on track ...... I think lol

My OH did the same thing over our chosen boy name, but now he’s decided he likes it again, thank god because we didn’t have any other boy names we agreed on.

Just had our food shopping delivered, the delivery woman asked if I was expecting and how far I had to go, I said I still had roughly 11 weeks left and she said ‘blimey that’s going to be a big baby!’ How rude!
So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!

My oh went through the same a couple of weeks back , he couldn't think of anymore names though and I said I wasn't budging so we are back on track ...... I think lol

My OH did the same thing over our chosen boy name, but now he’s decided he likes it again, thank god because we didn’t have any other boy names we agreed on.

Just had our food shopping delivered, the delivery woman asked if I was expecting and how far I had to go, I said I still had roughly 11 weeks left and she said ‘blimey that’s going to be a big baby!’ How rude!

People don't tend to be able to keep their mouths shut when it comes to pregnant women! Or their hands to themselves either!
Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.

No, I've never even had a hospital birth before, but there will be pressure on me to be induced due to my age if I go overdue and i realluy dont want that because i dont want intervention and all the risks that come with it including just being in hospital for hours or days which i dont want!
So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!

My oh went through the same a couple of weeks back , he couldn't think of anymore names though and I said I wasn't budging so we are back on track ...... I think lol

My OH did the same thing over our chosen boy name, but now he’s decided he likes it again, thank god because we didn’t have any other boy names we agreed on.

Just had our food shopping delivered, the delivery woman asked if I was expecting and how far I had to go, I said I still had roughly 11 weeks left and she said ‘blimey that’s going to be a big baby!’ How rude!

I think people forget how big pregnant women get, and how small babies are, because when they are born its always "Sooooo tiny!!" even when they are a whopping 9 ponder lol

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