May 2018 Mummies Trimester 3!

So hubby is now rethinking our baby names (Evelyn Rose or Rowan James) which I love arrggghhh. He doesn't like talking about names either but he's saying he doesn't like the ones we have now so baby will more than likely be nameless when they arrive lol. I'm still pushing for these ones tho!

My oh went through the same a couple of weeks back , he couldn't think of anymore names though and I said I wasn't budging so we are back on track ...... I think lol

My OH did the same thing over our chosen boy name, but now he’s decided he likes it again, thank god because we didn’t have any other boy names we agreed on.

Just had our food shopping delivered, the delivery woman asked if I was expecting and how far I had to go, I said I still had roughly 11 weeks left and she said ‘blimey that’s going to be a big baby!’ How rude!

I had similar on Saturday - a lady in Boots said "congratulations, you must not have long to go!" to which i told her i kind of did, i'm due mid may ... and she just looked shocked and said "wow, you're big, are you sure you'll last?" !!!
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Much as I want my baby to be early to avoid threats of induction, I like the date 1st may so hope she comes bang on due date!

Were you induced with your last baby?

May 1st :dance: I hope baby comes after my birthday or the weekend after. My birthday is April 26th. My maternity leave starts May 1st so that would be nice.

No, I've never even had a hospital birth before, but there will be pressure on me to be induced due to my age if I go overdue and i realluy dont want that because i dont want intervention and all the risks that come with it including just being in hospital for hours or days which i dont want!

Oh I see, I hope baby comes on it's own so there isn't a need for induction
It's today guys! Wish me luck:) I'm not fasting the whole day as I don't have to per instructions I was given. It just says not to drink or eat anything after I have drunk the drink. Which I'm supposed to drink at 4:30pm. But what I will be doing is watching my sugar intake today. Eating breakfast now at 8am and will eat lunch at 12noon then nothing after. So I will do a 3 hour fast prior to testing.
It’s funny that it’s different in the US, so do you have to go straight to the doctors or midwives once you’ve had the drink and they then take some blood for testing? How long do you have to wait for the results? I had to wait a couple of days, they gave me my blood sugar readings which meant nothing to me as I don’t know what they should be, but they said there was no indication I have gestational diabetes so I was satisfied.
It’s funny that it’s different in the US, so do you have to go straight to the doctors or midwives once you’ve had the drink and they then take some blood for testing? How long do you have to wait for the results? I had to wait a couple of days, they gave me my blood sugar readings which meant nothing to me as I don’t know what they should be, but they said there was no indication I have gestational diabetes so I was satisfied.

Some places give their patients the drink at the previous appointment to avoid having to sit in the waiting area for 1 hour and a lot pf places don't. Yes, after 4:30 I will be heading straight to the doctor's. There is traffic so I will be in my car driving there when I drink the orange drink. So by the time I get there and have checked in an hour will have passed already since I took the drink. They will draw my blood there and then I have my 29 week appointment right after. I don't know how long it takes to get the results. I would have to ask once I get there. This is my first time doing this so no prior experience. I hope it's not a long wait. I'm a nurse so once they give me the numbers I will know if it means anything. They might post the results online through their portal so i will ask if that's something I can check at the end of the week. I hope all is well :)

Now that I think about it, if I was to fail this 1 hour glucose testing I would have to go back for a 3 hour one and that's when they make you fast from the night before.
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hope your results came back clear Miguelita. I got my blood test results back and as suspected my iron is a little low. I knew it was because i had been feeling foggy and craving ice! just need to step up remembering to take my spatone....
Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx
hope your results came back clear Miguelita. I got my blood test results back and as suspected my iron is a little low. I knew it was because i had been feeling foggy and craving ice! just need to step up remembering to take my spatone....

Thanks, I hope they come back clear as well. I asked during the appt yesterday and they said the results should be available by next day afternoon. I will call them after I get off work if I don't hear back.

Oh, yes usually that is what they say happens when iron is low, you crave certain things and you get more sleepy than usual. Sounds like taking your spatone will clear that right up.
:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?
:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Ah that sucks about your test, I'm anticipating mine will come back elevated as well and I'll have to do the complete test.

I breastfed both of mine and while I don't plan to even buy a breast pump this time round as I hate pumping lol I always used Medela ones and found they were excellent.
I breastfed Emily until she was 11 months old but combi fed from around 8 months . I'm also buying a breastpump so oh can fed the baby . I'm getting a medela swing one as I used the daddy of medala pumps in hospital so I will be happy if this one is half as good and the one I had with Emily was rubbish (tommee tippee) was rubbish, ended up breaking so I chucked it out.

Fingers crossed the next tests are okay, it could have well have been what you ate that day. At least the next ones are in the morning x
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:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Ah that sucks about your test, I'm anticipating mine will come back elevated as well and I'll have to do the complete test.

I breastfed both of mine and while I don't plan to even buy a breast pump this time round as I hate pumping lol I always used Medela ones and found they were excellent.

Thank you! I will keep you gals updated on my 2nd test results. Is pumping that bad? lol I want to be able to do both because I go back to work in September and I want baby to still receive breast milk even when I'm not around. I just ordered the Spectra brand off of the reviews online. They were comparing it to Medela. I hope it's good.:) I have no idea what to expect breast feeding or pumping to be like. I hope my milk supply comes in!
I breastfed Emily until she was 11 months old but combi fed from around 8 months . I'm also buying a breastpump so oh can fed the baby . I'm getting a medela swing one as I used the daddy of medala pumps in hospital so I will be happy if this one is half as good and the one I had with Emily was rubbish (tommee tippee) was rubbish, ended up breaking so I chucked it out.

Fingers crossed the next tests are okay, it could have well have been what you ate that day. At least the next ones are in the morning x

What does combi fed mean? Formula and breast milk? I ordered the Spectra S2 based off reviews online. I hope it ends up working well for me. Yes, i've heard the Medela Sympony that they use in the hospital is the best one but that isn't covered by my insurance.

Thank you! It probably was what I ate. I had peanut butter on wheat bread and hot chocolate :wall2: now with this next one I will have to fast completely so I should have a normal reading.
Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx

I've gained 10kg =22lbs if that makes you feel better lol I don't know what 3 stones equals out to being. But I heard the 3rd trimester is when most women pack on the pounds. Oh wow, why would you need an emergency c-section because she could be early?
I breastfed Emily until she was 11 months old but combi fed from around 8 months . I'm also buying a breastpump so oh can fed the baby . I'm getting a medela swing one as I used the daddy of medala pumps in hospital so I will be happy if this one is half as good and the one I had with Emily was rubbish (tommee tippee) was rubbish, ended up breaking so I chucked it out.

Fingers crossed the next tests are okay, it could have well have been what you ate that day. At least the next ones are in the morning x

What does combi fed mean? Formula and breast milk? I ordered the Spectra S2 based off reviews online. I hope it ends up working well for me. Yes, i've heard the Medela Sympony that they use in the hospital is the best one but that isn't covered by my insurance.

Thank you! It probably was what I ate. I had peanut butter on wheat bread and hot chocolate :wall2: now with this next one I will have to fast completely so I should have a normal reading.

YesI combi with breast milk then introduced the bottle with forumla as it was too late then to express. Towards the end she had my milk first thing in the morning and last of the day and weened herself .
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Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx

I’ve put on 3 stone too and I was overweight to begin with so you shouldn’t feel too bad. I’ve been bigger though, I still don’t weigh as much as I did 7 years ago before I joined weightwatchers. I’m not happy with the way I look but I can’t do much about it now, I have plans to lose the weight after baby has arrived, until then we shouldn’t worry about it x
:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Sorry your results came back elevated, hopefully when they do the full test it will be fine.

I plan on breastfeeding but I’ve bought the medela pump as well in case the baby doesn’t latch very well and so my OH can do some feeds so he doesn’t feel left out and I can pop out of the house. But as with everything, this is just my initial plan and we’ll just have to see if it works out like that.
:eh: My score came back elevated. They called me just an hour ago so I have to go in next Wednesday for a 2 hour glucose test. My score was a 166 and the cut off was 135. I wonder if it was my breakfast yesterday that caused that. So for this 2 hour one they told me to fast the night before. Nothing after midnight except water and the appt is at 8:45am following morning. I will keep you guys updated. I'm shocked! But I won't worry too much.

On another note, I'm able to order my breast pump online through insurance now and I'm debating between 2. I don't know if the breast pumps over there are the same as here. But the one's I'm choosing between are the Medela pump in style or Spectra S2.

Do you guys plan on breastfeeding?
Or have you breast fed (previous mommys) what was your experience?

Sorry your results came back elevated, hopefully when they do the full test it will be fine.

I plan on breastfeeding but I’ve bought the medela pump as well in case the baby doesn’t latch very well and so my OH can do some feeds so he doesn’t feel left out and I can pop out of the house. But as with everything, this is just my initial plan and we’ll just have to see if it works out like that.

Sounds like a good plan! Yes, I want my partner to be able to feed the baby as well. That's the good thing about pumping. But yes we will all see what works out when babies are here.:) In the meantime it's nice to talk about it. I like to hear what other people are going to do.
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Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx

I’ve put on 3 stone too and I was overweight to begin with so you shouldn’t feel too bad. I’ve been bigger though, I still don’t weigh as much as I did 7 years ago before I joined weightwatchers. I’m not happy with the way I look but I can’t do much about it now, I have plans to lose the weight after baby has arrived, until then we shouldn’t worry about it x

I don’t need to have the diabetes test as my urine has no sugar in it but I was shocked with how much weight I’ve put on, can’t even get my socks on properly now as my feet are fat too! I don’t even know how I’ve put it all on as I don’t eat that much I’d be fine if it was just my belly but it’s my ass legs arms face every where oh well we are only going to get bigger might as well embrace it haha it’s good job our little ones are worth it xx
Had my consultant appointment today went ok he was lovely, they weighed me omg almost 3 stone ive put on since been pregnant could of died! He took some bloods, listened to willow heartbeat :-) measured my bump just over 31cm and he thinks she will be early she was head down too he actually hurt my belly as he pushed around feeling at her telling me what was what. He told me about if I need an emergency c section and that I could need injections after labour with my blood xx

I've gained 10kg =22lbs if that makes you feel better lol I don't know what 3 stones equals out to being. But I heard the 3rd trimester is when most women pack on the pounds. Oh wow, why would you need an emergency c-section because she could be early?

He thinks she will be a big baby and with how bad my spd is and Incase I can’t quite push her out, they have to take precautions as I have an allergy to latex and pretty much most of my family have blood clots so they have to keep an eye on me in labour xx

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