* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Wow jazzy, what an amazing sleeper! Iris did quite well last night and slept from 10-3am which I was quite happy with! She's a lot better now so I'm pretty sure the milk has helped lol.

Ooooh smiles are exciting. Iris will now stare at us and follow a finger, she also holds her head up very proudly! I get the odd smile which I like to think is real as her eyes really connect when she does it, but it's prob just wind lol. X
Hi girls, hope you and your bubbas are doing well.

Those of you I know on facebook will know that William gave us a scare last weekend. He was admitted to hospital for three days with suspected meningitis. Results came back clear, so goodness knows what was actually wrong, but I'm so glad we're out of there. He had a lumbar puncture (horrible :( ) and intravenous antibiotics. I can't remember when I last cried so much.

As William was feeding less because he didn't feel right and due to the immense anxiety I was feeling, my milk supply dropped noticeably for around 48hrs. William then spent the next two days feeding hourly and luckily things seems to be back to normal. He even surprised us with a very welcome 4.5hr sleep on Monday night, though hasn't repeated it since. Just before his hospital stay, he was starting to go 3hrs at night, hoping we'll get back to this soon.

We've had lots of smiles, cooing and gurgles this week. William loves talking to his play gym lol. Here's a few recent photos, including one of him hooked up to the drip at hospital and a few from a photoshoot we did last month.

Hi ladies!

Suffolkmum - I'm so glad everything is okay with William, he is absolutely gorgeous!

racheall - I've tried putting Issy up at 8 but she does the same and just cries when put down, so now she stays downstairs with us has a snooze and we take her up at 10 and she's sleeping til 5 so it's not too bad! Frustrating though as I would love to be able to put her up before we know it it's 10 I clock anyway!!

Anyway Isabelle is now weighing 13lbs 9oz! She's 10 weeks old and still changing everyday! I've not been too well and I'm still recovering from my operation which sucks as it makes me feel I can't look after my own baby properly! Mixed with abit of PND things are pretty pants! But we can only try! I was meant to start her swimming on Wednesday but due to the type of operation that now won't be happening for 8 weeks! :(
But hey I've got a happy healthy girl I can't complain too much! Hope all are well!!

Suffolkmum, glad William is better.
Luke has slept from 9-4 the last couple nights, so proud!!
He had sone cranial osteopathy yesterday for his stuffy nose (not a cold) and colic, he seems more relaxed already so will see what the next few days is like, he loved having it done!
The house looks like a bomb site.....need to tidy up and the little man appears to be snoring away....so io better make a start!!!
Hi girls, sorry I haven't been back on here - I know, I have time to upload photos to Facebook but not come on here lol. It's so much quicker to look at Facebook! Haha. I miss coming on here each day!

Sorry I must've written about the milk wrong, Emily has been on comfort for nearly three weeks now and is better than before but the last week she has been so fussy during feeds, arching the back is the main thing and coughing and spluttering with bottle in. She's well up for taking the bottle though! It just seems to dribble down one side though, like she's suddenly lazy or can't be bothered. Each feed is different do she's so hard to keep up with in terms of what I think works and what doesn't. I'm now thinking she was better on the normal aptamil with the first size teats. Colief hadn't done anything so the dr said she could have reflux.

Jazzy - that's definitely it with Emily - over tired! Realised that last week. I realised that apart from feeding, screaming and a few moments of being ok and alert, she was only sleeping about an hour during the day! I've really struggled to get her to sleep. She's had weeks of this. Ok some days she had 3 or 4 hours but sometimes, like recently, much less. She's stopped sleeping immediately after feeds during the day. She's much better at sleeping at night. I'm so concerned with getting to sleep in Moses basket, hence the crying I think, and her wind doesn't help as she cries with it. What do you all do with the sleep situation during day. E is 6 wks, should she be having naps at certain times? How do you get them to sleep unless after a feed when it's more likely? She just seems to want to feed all the time, then I think, no she's tired! Do you let them sleep anywhere? The whole don't spoil them with sleeping in arms business? Leaving them to cry? Surely we shouldn't be doing that yet? I've had some very strong views on this. Apparently I'm making a rod for my own back by ONE DAY of letting her sleep on me! I have a friend who co slept and cuddled her two for 7 months and they slept in cot fine afterwards! I'm hating the 'there's only one right way to parent' attitude of some people and it's not true. Every parent is different, there's different schools of thought and every baby is different! So anyway apologies for the rant! At the moment we're getting her to sleep any way we can as that's what she should've had early on, but she's been so unsettled with going back into hospital, not being fed for 5 days, dehydration and then the breast feeding malarkey. She hasn't been doing the 'norm' when it comes to feed, sleep snd repeat so I think she just needs time. Just wish I could know what I 'should' be doing with her. Do they even need a routine at this age? It's not like I can't stand the crying, it just frustrates me as I'm thinking it should be this difficult. Think I've cracked it with the day sleep though. She's currently zonked in the bouncer. Bad mummy?!

Lucy I feel the same, haven't had a minute to come to terms with her being here. I guess I never thought about her being here, I'm not sure if I just thought I was going to die in labour lol but I didn't prepare for her arrival in terms of thinking that I'm the one who has to look after her. So stupid I know. It's just one day at a time I guess. I actually find it difficult to remember being pregnant. I just feel weird still. Still can't come to terms with the negligence of the hospital and that leading to breast feeding issues but I'll get there. Also think my period is back already but very lightly. Nice after 4 weeks
Of heavy bleeding then a little break. Still super dizzy too! Felt better three weeks ago! Not sure what's up with my hormones. When do you feel normal again? Hope it's still ok to cry a bit each day? I'm still expressing milk too. On the plus side my E.Coli infection has done one!

Oh I've gone and ranted and asked so many questions!

The weather was so hot yesterday that Emily slept loads during the day and she's not eating much. 6 week growth spurt - she doesn't seem that hungry at all? She was sick four times during a feed then threw up an hour after. She's only taking bits of bottles today. She's developing though on the plus side - lots of lovely smiles which i add to Facebook soon.

Now I habeny checked this so apologies for typos! xxx
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Hi girls, hope you and your bubbas are doing well.

Those of you I know on facebook will know that William gave us a scare last weekend. He was admitted to hospital for three days with suspected meningitis. Results came back clear, so goodness knows what was actually wrong, but I'm so glad we're out of there. He had a lumbar puncture (horrible :( ) and intravenous antibiotics. I can't remember when I last cried so much.

As William was feeding less because he didn't feel right and due to the immense anxiety I was feeling, my milk supply dropped noticeably for around 48hrs. William then spent the next two days feeding hourly and luckily things seems to be back to normal. He even surprised us with a very welcome 4.5hr sleep on Monday night, though hasn't repeated it since. Just before his hospital stay, he was starting to go 3hrs at night, hoping we'll get back to this soon.

We've had lots of smiles, cooing and gurgles this week. William loves talking to his play gym lol. Here's a few recent photos, including one of him hooked up to the drip at hospital and a few from a photoshoot we did last month.


So pleased William is ok Hun, he's a beauty xx
Hi May mummies! Although I ended up a June mummy I'm still hanging around here ;) I don't seem to have time to do more than the odd Facebook post so haven't been on here much and caught up with stuff but hope everyone is well and those lovely babies are behaving themselves. I still find it hard to believe I've had my baby, it's all just so surreal. Anyone else feel like that or is it just me?! X

Me too Cornish! We're honourary may mummies lol. I don't seem to find much time either, my life consists of looking after Iris and then when she sleeps, sterilising bottles and cleaving up! So much for the whole 'sleep when baby sleeps' thing! I swear I love her more every day though! I feel like we now know eachother a lot better and I usually know what she wants!

As I still can't drive after the section, oh has been doing all the shopping and he just doesn't get the right things, even with a list! Today I had my first ever online grocery shop delivered and I may never go in a supermarket again!! X

Yes I don't sleep during the day either, even when Emily sleeps for a while. I potter about, eat, drink, so small things like the bottles, wash up or put the washing out indoors! Or look at her clothes! Hehe. She let's is get about 6 hrs on a night so I think that's ok? We should go to bed earlier, or 'put' her to bed earlier I suppose. Like 8 then feed at eleven instead of staying up! X
Hi girls, sorry I haven't been back on here - I know, I have time to upload photos to Facebook but not come on here lol. It's so much quicker to look at Facebook! Haha. I miss coming on here each day!

Sorry I must've written about the milk wrong, Emily has been on comfort for nearly three weeks now and is better than before but the last week she has been so fussy during feeds, arching the back is the main thing and coughing and spluttering with bottle in. She's well up for taking the bottle though! It just seems to dribble down one side though, like she's suddenly lazy or can't be bothered. Each feed is different do she's so hard to keep up with in terms of what I think works and what doesn't. I'm now thinking she was better on the normal aptamil with the first size teats. Colief hadn't done anything so the dr said she could have reflux.

Jazzy - that's definitely it with Emily - over tired! Realised that last week. I realised that apart from feeding, screaming and a few moments of being ok and alert, she was only sleeping about an hour during the day! I've really struggled to get her to sleep. She's had weeks of this. Ok some days she had 3 or 4 hours but sometimes, like recently, much less. She's stopped sleeping immediately after feeds during the day. She's much better at sleeping at night. I'm so concerned with getting to sleep in Moses basket, hence the crying I think, and her wind doesn't help as she cries with it. What do you all do with the sleep situation during day. E is 6 wks, should she be having naps at certain times? How do you get them to sleep unless after a feed when it's more likely? She just seems to want to feed all the time, then I think, no she's tired! Do you let them sleep anywhere? The whole don't spoil them with sleeping in arms business? Leaving them to cry? Surely we shouldn't be doing that yet? I've had some very strong views on this. Apparently I'm making a rod for my own back by ONE DAY of letting her sleep on me! I have a friend who co slept and cuddled her two for 7 months and they slept in cot fine afterwards! I'm hating the 'there's only one right way to parent' attitude of some people and it's not true. Every parent is different, there's different schools of thought and every baby is different! So anyway apologies for the rant! At the moment we're getting her to sleep any way we can as that's what she should've had early on, but she's been so unsettled with going back into hospital, not being fed for 5 days, dehydration and then the breast feeding malarkey. She hasn't been doing the 'norm' when it comes to feed, sleep snd repeat so I think she just needs time. Just wish I could know what I 'should' be doing with her. Do they even need a routine at this age? It's not like I can't stand the crying, it just frustrates me as I'm thinking it should be this difficult. Think I've cracked it with the day sleep though. She's currently zonked in the bouncer. Bad mummy?!

Lucy I feel the same, haven't had a minute to come to terms with her being here. I guess I never thought about her being here, I'm not sure if I just thought I was going to die in labour lol but I didn't prepare for her arrival in terms of thinking that I'm the one who has to look after her. So stupid I know. It's just one day at a time I guess. I actually find it difficult to remember being pregnant. I just feel weird still. Still can't come to terms with the negligence of the hospital and that leading to breast feeding issues but I'll get there. Also think my period is back already but very lightly. Nice after 4 weeks
Of heavy bleeding then a little break. Still super dizzy too! Felt better three weeks ago! Not sure what's up with my hormones. When do you feel normal again? Hope it's still ok to cry a bit each day? I'm still expressing milk too. On the plus side my E.Coli infection has done one!

Oh I've gone and ranted and asked so many questions!

The weather was so hot yesterday that Emily slept loads during the day and she's not eating much. 6 week growth spurt - she doesn't seem that hungry at all? She was sick four times during a feed then threw up an hour after. She's only taking bits of bottles today. She's developing though on the plus side - lots of lovely smiles which i add to Facebook soon.

Now I habeny checked this so apologies for typos! xxx

Oh hun, please don't beat yourself up about what the right thing to do is. The best advice I can give is to do whatever works for you and your baby. The only thing I wouldn't recommend is forcing a routine right now - it's just too early for something like that to work effectively - and I don't like letting them cry it out at any age, let alone when just a few weeks old.

Nothing can prepare you for being a parent. It doesn't matter how much time you might have spent with babies before or how much reading up on what babies do, it's a total shock to the system. I can't think of anything that tests a relationship more than having a baby.

I cosleep with William in our bed and have done since he was a week old. He hates being put down in his moses basket or cot and only sleeps on me. I've just gone and spent a small fortune on a new mattress for our superking bed because the current one is too soft and not ideal for sharing with a baby. I expect to cosleep for a few months, but I'm not worried about making a rod for my own back - my oldest slept with me and has no trouble at all sleeping in his own bed.

Where I'm struggling is daytime naps. I literally have to have him attached to me all the time unless his daddy wears him in the carrier for an hour or so. He naps on my lap after nursing, but only for 20-30 mins max and I think it's affecting his mood. He really needs longer, more quality day sleep.

Night times are tough. He does sleep well, but wakes to nurse as often as hourly and rarely longer than 2.5hrs. Last night we went to bed at 7:30 and he proceeded to nurse for nearly 4 hours! I think a growth spurt is in progress lol. Really hope he doesn't do that again tonight.

I'm looking forward to getting to around 12wks as that's when things start to get easier and babies get more interesting lol.
Oh Vic, don't worry about what is the 'norm', I don't think there is such a thing when it comes to babies! Zachary is now 6 weeks and when it comes to naps, I settle him on me - I love the sleepy cuddles! And if I've got stuff to do I might put him down on the sofa or my bed - depending whether I'm upstairs or downstairs. If I've got nothing to do, I let him sleep on me - my opinion is there is no right or wrong, just trial and error finding what is right for you! There's no set routine for us In the day, i just do what he wants!
For myself I wouldn't leave Zachary to cry, he would be crying for a reason! So I would say sod off to the people that would try and encourage me to do that! However he's quite happy to send himself to sleep after I put him in his cot at night. He used to wake himself up in his Moses basket and then wouldn't settle, so I had let him sleep on me for the whole night if it meant we could both sleep!
I think we all do stuff that 'others' wouldn't approve of (I'm not making a judgement on anyone on this forum), I put Zachary in his cot in his own bedroom and lying down on his tummy (bad mummy to me!), but hey! It works for us, he sleeps amazingly at night for a breastfed 6 week old. Yeah I have a bedtime routine for him, but it helps me, my oh and (I think) Zachary to settle for the night.

I reckon you are doing fab with your little Emily, you are the person that knows her the best and therefore you do what you need to do! Politely tell people to mind their own business if they try to tell you what to do with your baby - whilst telling them to f**k off in your head! :rofl:

I agree Vic, we can't really have them in a routine yet, they're too little! Iris mainly snoozes on me during the day and at night will go 3-4 hours in a row in her Moses basket so not too bad. My oh stays with her until midnight and then I go to bed at 10pm and do a feed anywhere between 2:30 and 4:30, oh gets up at 6am so takes her into the living room with him and wakes me at about 7:30 so he can get ready for work. It works for us. During the day she's becoming more alert and I think she is starting to cry out of boredom! She wants to be sat up and looking about but she also gets tired easily and fights it so cries. I only have to flip her so she's facing me and lay her on me and she's normally asleep in minutes (sometimes she cries it out a bit longer) and sometimes she refuses to settle for oh and just wants me which is nice but exhausting..

We're getting there ladies and we should be proud of ourselves for what fab mummies we are :) x
I agree Vic, we can't really have them in a routine yet, they're too little! Iris mainly snoozes on me during the day and at night will go 3-4 hours in a row in her Moses basket so not too bad. My oh stays with her until midnight and then I go to bed at 10pm and do a feed anywhere between 2:30 and 4:30, oh gets up at 6am so takes her into the living room with him and wakes me at about 7:30 so he can get ready for work. It works for us. During the day she's becoming more alert and I think she is starting to cry out of boredom! She wants to be sat up and looking about but she also gets tired easily and fights it so cries. I only have to flip her so she's facing me and lay her on me and she's normally asleep in minutes (sometimes she cries it out a bit longer) and sometimes she refuses to settle for oh and just wants me which is nice but exhausting..

We're getting there ladies and we should be proud of ourselves for what fab mummies we are :) x
Thank you both for your replies. Think I was having a bad day! I just hate people thinking there's only one way to be a parent and one way to do things 'right', as I don't think that at all! It's so frustrating. Oh jazzy that made me giggle! Hehe. I hardly know the girl, she's a friend (younger friend) of my mother in law. Happens to have a three year old who's a right little madam and let her daughter cry and cry when she had colic. At least that's what she said she did!
So that worked well ;)

We've tried the last two nights with the bath and bed routine but she gets stressed with the bath so until she gets calmer that won't work. She doesn't really sleep after 5/6pm and gets so over tired. I cannot describe how alert and wide awake she is! Always results in crying. We can comfort her sometimes with cuddles but sometimes she's inconsolable. We've started just cuddling her on an evening so that's fine when there's two of us. It's much calmer that way as that's what we used to do a week or so ago. She falls asleep at 11ish in her crib with us so it's not too bad. I'm so pleased she sleeps more during the day now though. Still so windy and fussy with some feeds but she put on 9oz this week when we went to get her weighed this afternoon so she's doing ok. She also didn't pee on the scales - result!

You're so right Rebecca - just need to do what's right at the time for Emily and what suits us all best. A routine is no food for us on an evening so we're going with cuddles and not so ending ages trying to shh her in her crib - she twitters on for ages (not crying) then cries and we pick her up anyway and doesn't settle so there's no point - we may as well be downstairs with her wide awake or cuddling in with slightly less screaming whilst we watch tv! I don't think she'd stop crying if we let her cry anyway.

Thanks jazzy, I think we're all doing so well! Xx
Hi all,

Vic I wrote a long reply to your previous post but it said it had to be authorised by moderators and never appeared???

I would agree with Suffolk and Jazzy that we can only do what's best for our babies at this stage as they're so little. Iris tends to go 3-4 hours between feeds in the night. Last night, oh fed her at 11pm before he went to bed and she didn't wake until 5:30am!! She had a bottle and has been asleep on me since about 7am. Result :) Iris still is a bit fussy after 8pm - she cried for hours inbetween small spats of dozing last night! We don't put her in her basket until we go to bed either or it'd make her a lot worse xx
Lol. Cherry what naughty things did you write in order to have it moderated? Lol. X
Lol. Cherry what naughty things did you write in order to have it moderated? Lol. X

Haha I really don't know!! Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing, it could have been anything!!

Finally getting Iris registered this afternoon (this was the earliest appointment we could get and she'll be six weeks on Sunday!!) What do we have to take with us? I have a form from the hospital but have managed to bin the child benefit sheet so will have to go to my dads to print another one off! Anything else? X
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Hi ladies sorry I've not even been on this thread I dint think :-/ naughty me I have been so busy and was rushed back I to hospital 4 weeks after giving birth with trained products was bleeding so bad it was horendous had to wear a nappy while I got to hospital it was that bad , needed up with an Erpc to remove it all apprently it was quite big :-/ but I'm all better now and scarkett and I are sort of into a better routine now although she does not sleep much in the day so I dint get chance to do much other than update my Facebook but she seems to be having a gd sleep so thought I would pop onto of and catch up , hope you and ur babies are all doing great I havnt time to go back through but I shall try make more effort to pop on daily :) , here is a pici of Scarlett she now weighs 10.14 or did last week growing so quickly don't know where the time is going I realy don't xxx


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Phoebe has her first injections tomorrow, I'm dreading it because the last two weeks she's been sleeping through the night which is great. So I'm hoping having her injections doesn't disrupt that.

Finally managed to get a smile on camera this afternoon!


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Awww that's the swing Ellie has above too :)

We had jabs today at 2pm bless her she screamed as they went in I felt terrible!!! We took a bottle ready as they make you hang around for 15 minutes after anyway. She's been a bit docile but then had a huge screaming fit just now. Hopefully it doesn't effect her routine tonight as she has been doing long sleeps from 11 til around 6 of 7!!! X
Forgot to say she was born 22 may 8.13 oz sproglet :) xx
Hi everyone :)

Glad you are all getting on good with motherhood, all babies sound so perfect. They are all growing so quick, I cant believe Corey will be 9 weeks tomorrow. Not sure what he is weighing at the moment. He was 12lb 5oz 2 weeks ago so he'll be about 14lbs or more I would imagine. A few updates about him....

- Bathed between 7pm and 7:30pm, feeds straight after and in his cot for 8pm every night. Wakes between 4am and 5am for a bottle and nappy change then sleeps again until 8am - this is when our day begins.

- He is on 6oz bottles every 2-4 hours.

- He wears size 3 nappies.

- He eats Aptamil Hungry Baby Milk.

- He is now in the last stage of his pram (buggy part) although its still in the lying down position for now. He loves to look out and watch everything that's why we have put him in this part, not to mention he has grown out the other part lol.
- He is wearing 0-3 clothing although I think I will have to break out the 3-6 box soon for things like baby grows and vests.

- He currently has his first cold, he has kindly passed it to me. He is coping well with it through the day but when night time comes he is struggling slightly. I got the Calpol Vapour Plug (the bedroom smells amazing) to try tonight and also the saline spray - hoping he gets a good sleep.

- He is also moving into his own bedroom this weekend - depending how bad his cold is. It will be weird not having his cot in our room anymore but I'm looking forward to getting the rest of my furniture back in and being able to make as much noise as I want lol.

- He got his first set of jags last week, he was so brave!

I think that's all for now. We were going to take him for his first swim tomorrow but I am going to wait until his cold has cleared.

Take care everyone xox
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