* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

More babies already?! Lol. Wonder who will be the first? I've gone from no way....to maybe in three years! (I've kept some of my fave bits of Zachary's 0-3 clothes that I've put away already, he fitting snugly into 3-6 month stuff) being scared of having even bigger babies put me off, now I'm accepting that I'm not going to have small babies so just suck it up!

I've just started doing little exercises, doing some leg stuff one day, tummy the next etc. but I think I'm having period, coz I've started bleeding again, I had the depot injection at my 6 week check so I had hoped it stops my periods like before. I was bleeding for 5 and a half weeks after having him anyway, I am looking forward to wearing my normal pants again! In the small amounts of minutes I've had in the garden I've bared my tummy and tried to get some sunshine on those stretch marks, I think some of them are fading a bit! I need to cardio to get rid of the extra flab!

On the sleeping front, Zachary had improved further! He goes down just gone 8, wakes for a feed about 5 and then goes back down till 8!
I'm with you on the wearing normal pants again jazzy! It feels strange how long I've been wearing these granny pants for pads! Well, ok they aren't that bad but still! I'd rather be wearing my other ones!

Well done Zachary! That's brilliant and I'm jealous! 3-6 month stuff already. Well he was born a big lad :) with our babies being born so close together, I presume I didn't say congratulations to you! So...congratulations! :) ;) x
Ellie was 12lbs bang on today but 0-3 is plenty big enough :D

I hated granny pants. But back on pill. Although first period meant granny pants were back so dreading next pill break x
Yeah seems crazy doesn't it! Sounds like TT will be first cos she's keen lol. I had such a traumatic birth that originally I said I never ever ever want to do it again but now the pain has gone and she's so gorgeous that I think maybe in 2-3 years I might think about it! Would prob go for elective csection so (hopefully) wouldn't be as traumatic! I think I'm gonna get the coil but have to wait to stop bleeding first!

Iris is now 11lbs 8oz so in 0-3 months. I've just managed to get her to sleep woop. I'm also sick of granny pants but not sure how long I have to leave my wound before I can have pants rubbing on it - too scared at the minute although apparently it's healed!

Was anyone else a bit disappointed by their six week check? She literally asked how I was and if I was getting enough sleep (ha!) and what I was doing for contraception and then did a quick check on the baby. She didn't even look or feel my tummy.. X
Ps Vic you must change your ticker as it says you're 49 weeks preg! Steal mine if you like xxx
I've got my check on Tuesday with male doctor! I want to talk about my dizziness returning badly though that may need another appointment! I'd have thought they'd have felt your tummy! What did they check with Iris? I've just got Emily to sleep too! She was awake between 7:30 and 10 then had half an hour sleep! Don't think so love - get those eyes shut! She was getting grouchy! There's was so much pooing earlier! She's on aptamil reflux so it must be adjusting to that. She usually goes once a day so it's frustrating! I'm exhausted today, got a bad headache on the verge of migraine.

Oh yes I'll try to change it! I know how long it took me to get that ticker on lol! I could always just get rid of it at least! Wish my phone uploaded pics properly. Anyone here I haven't got on Facebook? It's nice seeing all your pics?!

Apart from going to groups, for a walk, seeing friends, what do you all do with baby in the house when they're not feeding, sleeping it being changed? Emily has bouncer and playmat but I feel like I should be doing more to help her develop. I've shown the the activity cube today which she held part of and her Thumper rattle and I talk to her about parts of the body and what I'm doing but on days like this where the morning routine we have is so disrupted I almost can't be bothered! That's awful! Don't like her sitting in bouncer watching my watch tv or on my phone! We don't have carpet and with dizziness it'd hard to sit on floor with her anyway. Also - what's this tummy time business? Do you use a towel or is that when they older? We put her on her tummy on play mat last night and she tried to push herself up - did nothing with her head! She's got good head control anyway though. Is it to help them for when they crawl etc? Also reading to then? How do you do this - and don't be cheeky - you know what I mean! Hold them? Read to them in front of them when they're in bouncer? I'm just not sure. Maybe I'm thinking too much! We haven't gone to a baby group yet, will try to soon! X
I've got my check on Tuesday with male doctor! I want to talk about my dizziness returning badly though that may need another appointment! I'd have thought they'd have felt your tummy! What did they check with Iris? I've just got Emily to sleep too! She was awake between 7:30 and 10 then had half an hour sleep! Don't think so love - get those eyes shut! She was getting grouchy! There's was so much pooing earlier! She's on aptamil reflux so it must be adjusting to that. She usually goes once a day so it's frustrating! I'm exhausted today, got a bad headache on the verge of migraine.

Oh yes I'll try to change it! I know how long it took me to get that ticker on lol! I could always just get rid of it at least! Wish my phone uploaded pics properly. Anyone here I haven't got on Facebook? It's nice seeing all your pics?!

Apart from going to groups, for a walk, seeing friends, what do you all do with baby in the house when they're not feeding, sleeping it being changed? Emily has bouncer and playmat but I feel like I should be doing more to help her develop. I've shown the the activity cube today which she held part of and her Thumper rattle and I talk to her about parts of the body and what I'm doing but on days like this where the morning routine we have is so disrupted I almost can't be bothered! That's awful! Don't like her sitting in bouncer watching my watch tv or on my phone! We don't have carpet and with dizziness it'd hard to sit on floor with her anyway. Also - what's this tummy time business? Do you use a towel or is that when they older? We put her on her tummy on play mat last night and she tried to push herself up - did nothing with her head! She's got good head control anyway though. Is it to help them for when they crawl etc? Also reading to then? How do you do this - and don't be cheeky - you know what I mean! Hold them? Read to them in front of them when they're in bouncer? I'm just not sure. Maybe I'm thinking too much! We haven't gone to a baby group yet, will try to soon! X
My long post has just gone to moderator! I'm not writing it again! I wasn't naughty! I really wanted some answers :(
Haha my hubby checks I'm on my pill so won't be that quick lol!!!!

Yeh that's all my 6 week check was too :) x
I haven't had my six week check yet! Got it booked for tomorrow as forgot, but also remember from last time that the doctor just asked if I was feeling ok and sent me on my way! The HV has already done William's physical check and he had a weigh-in this morning - he's now 12lb 11oz.

No sign of a period here yet. Had a bleed around six weeks which only lasted a day and was really light, plus I bleed if I dare do anything to exert myself lol. Luckily I haven't had to wear any funky knickers except for the first few days after birth. Last time my period came back at 9wks, but I'm hoping it will stay away for longer this time.

I've no idea what's going on with the forum, but I lost a post yesterday too. Don't know if it went to moderation as I'm on tapatalk and it just vanished with no explanation.

Here's some recent photos, including one of of me wearing my gorgeous new sling. It's the only way William sleeps during the day lol.

Oh dear Vic, hope you're ok!!

I'm sure Iris just tried to roll over. She's laying on her playmat with a toy next to her and she was trying to grab him so much she ended on her side and then back to her back again.. Must have been a complete fluke as she's far to young but it got me very excited haha xx
I love a sling/wrap! I took Zachary for a walk in his this morning (at like half 8), he's straight asleep after 30 seconds of being in it! He is super sleepy today, had a hour and a half nap this morning, 3 hours over lunch, woke for half hour feed/nappy change and now he's asleep again!
Hope he sleeps properly tonight!

Vic post your questions again!

Suffolk - William is soooo cute! Sling looks super comfy!

My 6 week check was just do my blood pressure and ask about contraception. I dunno what I was expecting though!
Yes we're ok thanks asking about what you do with your little ones when you're just in the house with them. We have bouncer and playmat and I talk to her about what I'm doing and the parts of the body but just wondering if you all read to them? I wrote so much more than that! Do you sit with them on floor? We have laminate which isn't great! And my dizziness is off the chart today. Plus migraine! Just wish I could do more for her when she's settled.

I thought they would've at least felt your tummy - guessed that would be important! Got mine on Tuesday. It's booked with her 8 wk injections so so much for 6 wk check lol

This child is pooing for England today - we usually have one a day! Have 4 already! Think it's the new anti reflux formula. I didn't realise how much pooing messed up your day! Her sleeping is all out today - she's awake lots but seemed to be ok. Watch her be a terror tonight!

Cherry - Emily rolled into her side on the playmat yesterday! She hasn't done it today! Eek! So exciting isn't it - and scary! I can't believe how much they grow and change each day.

William is so gorgeous hun! I'm guessing mine wasn't a period 2 wks ago at 6 wks either - it was light Nd didn't last long, was crampy though! I'm pleased though I'm think my dizziness is hormonal now as it's worse again so I don't want periods back yet as felt so much worse before them! See if this sends! X
Oh and please explain tummy time! I have googled but do you use a towel when they're older? Literally put them on their tummy on playmat? Did that yesterday and she tried to move her legs to crawl! X
I love my sling too. So much easier if you just want a short walk. I also put her in it if we go in a shop so I have my hands free!

Vic, when we're at home she's normally on me. We move the Moses basket into the living room during the day so if she naps and I need to do something, I pop her in there. We also have a bouncy chair and a swinging chair but she can only cope with them for about 15 mins max before she gets cross. It's only been the past couple of days that she's been happy laying on her play mat.

We do a lot of singing. Even if she's screaming, if I hold her close to me and sing hush little baby (sometimes many times over and over) she'll calm and eventually call asleep. I also talk to her constantly about anything (I'm quite a chatty person..) Yesterday, we read a book for the first time - 'superworm' but I think I enjoyed it more than she did haha.

We haven't done tummy time yet but I think it's as simple as laying them on their tummy and seeing what they do - the dr did it at her six week check to see if she could hold and turn her head (which she can..) xxx
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Entertainment during the day is difficult sometimes! But he goes in his bouncy chair and batters the living day lights out of the hanging toys! He's quite happy in that for a while. Playmat he only spends about 5 minutes on, he stares at the hanging things but doesn't really find it very interesting!
Most of the times he's propped up on my lap, and we chat and make faces - I daren't sing to him, my voice is worse than a strangled cat! He has recently been pulling his head/shoulders off my legs like he's trying to sit up! Tummy time is just that, on a comfy surface making sure they can't hurt themselves if their head falls forward. I put Zachary on my chest, and he pushes his head and chest right off me!

I've just ordered some Lamaze toys, haven't started on reading books to him yet, we have one jellycat one with pictures of animals and their tails, but I dropped it behind my bed last week and haven't retrieved it yet!

Just wondering....how many of you trust the wonder week leaps? Xxx
I love lamaze toys. Got loads off Facebook selling pages!
Iris isn't too keen yet but I'm sure she'll love them eventually. She now lifts her head and chest off me too and looks so proud of herself, bless her. Tonight she's been cooing and smiling at the butterflies which hang down on her playmat - totally mesmerised. It's lovely to see her interested in toys :) oh I can't sing either but she's a big fan lol..

What are the wonder week leaps?? Xx
Oh jazzy that made me laugh! I'm sure he'd love your singing voice!

Sounds like I'm doing the right kind if things. I read her The Very Hungry Catepillar which she laughed at - sure it was a coincidence! And a cloth book about the farm which she looked at. She likes the bouncer and the play mat - but only play mat for a bit. Shes having more of a sleepy day so far today.

I have the wonder weeks book as a friend gave it to me. Haven't had much chance to read it but I did read the week 5 one and it fit Emily! Cherry it's a book basically about when baby/child makes leaps in their development and can then become fussy etc. you can get the app if you like Hun. I'd like it but can't remember my security answer to but it! Xx
I love my sling too. So much easier if you just want a short walk. I also put her in it if we go in a shop so I have my hands free!

Vic, when we're at home she's normally on me. We move the Moses basket into the living room during the day so if she naps and I need to do something, I pop her in there. We also have a bouncy chair and a swinging chair but she can only cope with them for about 15 mins max before she gets cross. It's only been the past couple of days that she's been happy laying on her play mat.

We do a lot of singing. Even if she's screaming, if I hold her close to me and sing hush little baby (sometimes many times over and over) she'll calm and eventually call asleep. I also talk to her constantly about anything (I'm quite a chatty person..) Yesterday, we read a book for the first time - 'superworm' but I think I enjoyed it more than she did haha.

We haven't done tummy time yet but I think it's as simple as laying them on their tummy and seeing what they do - the dr did it at her six week check to see if she could hold and turn her head (which she can..) xxx

Haha - I'm sure I enjoy the very hungry Catepillar far too much! It's the teacher in me asking all these questions, I just want her to develop the best she can! X
According to the app Zachary is in the second leap and has 11 fussy days left! I can't tell if he is being fussy or it's the weather! Lol.

I do wonder if I'm not entertaining/stimulating enough for Zachary.

Although today all he's done is sleep & feed. And I've just eaten junk! Booooo! Xx

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