Text buddies for babies due June/July/August/September 2007

Sorry nikkif - you and KJ are now added.

All updated.

Xena - do you still need a text buddy? I can PM you my number if you like?

Valentine xxx
thanks valentine that would be great :)
Just noticed i am not on the list :(

Due September 6th - Text buddy is Smurf
Isn't it scary how gradually all the June girls had their babies, then working through July, and it makes me realise how worrying close it all is :|
Noodle and TopBird also have my number and will act as my text buddy because Tuck may not online :)
Sabrina has my number too... had totally forgotten to set up a text buddy. Get my date tomorrow hopefully! :D
Hey i am newbie to this forum....

I am due 7th Sep 2007 and can't wait...

anyone else around that time? :wink:
Hey amz I wondered if you had joined up! Woo :) If you keep on checking on 3rd tri threads you'll pick up who's due around the same time as you and get to know people! :) Welcome :)

*if you don't know me, please ignore this!! just I know an amy due 7th sep who was planning joining and assumed that was you!!
Ha ha, yeah its me shell, i will do.

Thanks for the welcome....how do you get the picture thingies underneath?
have a look at some peoples on the forum, click on one you like it and fill in your due dates on whatever site it sends you to, then it gives you a link. there are all different designs, just type pregnancy ticker into google.

then post the link in your signature on the link in My Profile on here. there's a better explanation in the technical help board higher up the forum!
SSS is my unofficial txt buddy as shes a mate anyway but id like to be greedy and have another one!

Any offers? :(
SSS might not ba about when i have my baby now so i really do need someone that luffs me to post my news when Phoebe is born please :cry:
ive put it on the front as well for you sarah so ppl can see your after another text bud.. im hoping i'll be here though for you! :hug:

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