* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Here are some photos of Corey getting so big :)

Picture 1 - Off to see his gran for the day and into town for some new clothes

Picture 2 - First time has came out the bath in a good mood, he hates leaving the bath - he would stay in there all night if he could

Picture 3 - The day off his first jags although you wouldn't think it with this happy face

Picture 4 - Wearing his "big boy pyjamas" he looks so grown up in these

Thanks for looking :) x


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Awwww glad to hear Corey is getting on so well. We haven't really established a routine yet. Iris has 150 mls of milk around every 3-4 hours. She sleeps on us until oh goes to bed at midnight and then she is in her Moses basket in our bedroom, she wakes once anywhere between 2:30-4:30 and then oh gets her up between 6-7 when he gets up for work. I go to bed at 10ish and get up for the night feeds. I get up at 7:30 so oh can get ready for work. In the next few weeks we'll start trying to put her in her Moses basket at 8ish and see what happens! I have tried but she sleeps better on us so it's easier for now!

Got my six week appointment tomorrow so need to sort contraception. My gp is keen for me to have the minera coil but I've read conflicting reviews - any experience? I can also drive again today for the first time since c-sec!! So excited xxx
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Lovely to hear about all these fab babies! I'm taking Zachary swimming next week - so excited!

Anyone else getting irritated, peed off, but for no apparent reason? Or is it just me? I can't even blame it on lack of sleep, coz there's only 1 night feed. I think I'm getting a tad frustrated with oh's freedom. He's always off doing things, getting hair done after work, popping here and there, going out with friends.
Zachary is being a right mummy's boy at the moment - he has 2 or 3 oz of expressed milk from a bottle with daddy at bedtime, but he's been refusing to take it from him, I can give him the bottle and then finish off on the boob. He won't settle for oh either if he wakes up after I put him down. X
Hey ladies, been busy with Ellie and my wedding preparations etc

First jabs were Wednesday and they seemed to knock Ellie off her food but made her really drowsy. Hated seeing her have them done. As she screamed at first then the nurse said second one hurts more :( felt so bad!!!!

Can't believe she was 2 months old yesterday where did the time go???

I need to pack away the clothes that are now to small.

We don't get long nights but Ellie now sleeps from 11-6 and then again from 7-9 or 10am so I am very happy with that!!!!! We tried doing bed earlier but doesn't really happen!!!

She sleeps in Moses but I already feel she's squished and she plants her face in side sheet so I'm thinking she needs her big cot but we can't fit it in our room so means going in her own with the video and sound monitor :(

I'm really sad to do that so early though x
Yeah Cherry - what did you write? ;) heehee! Thanks for your reply :) we're still not in a routine either, especially on an evening. Emily doesn't sleep between about 6pm and 11pm. If she does, we have to hold her but that's just to calm her down. She's so irritable at that time, it's not like we shove her in the Moses basket and she gets upset, we don't even try that any more. She just doesn't get sleepy after a feed at that time. She just get over tired and a build up of wind gets her upset. Sometimes it's not even that, those big wide eyes are open and she just wants to look around. She doesn't had wriggle and squirm about too. Then there's the inconsolable crying at that time too. I'm hoping it's just a bad period for her. She sleeps ok during day now, it's almost like a light switches on between 5-6pm! Bath is out too as that isn't calming yet!

Ashleigh - how does your little guy do it? Bath, feed, bed? Emily just doesn't get sleepy until after 11pm.

Right...I've got more to reply to but the lady has woken and I must feed her and get her to the weigh in in our village! Back later if she sleeps! X
Emily put on 5oz this week. She's had some awful feeds so the health visitor suggested putting her on anti reflux. Just bought some - my god they do make it as complicated and inconvenient as possible to make feeds up! Crikey! Anyone used this? It's Aptamil but think they're all just as bad. Hope it does the trick!

I know what you mean jazzy - I get irritated so easily too but not as easily as I did a few weeks ago. I sometimes feel like hubby gets a break by going to work and he also plays cricket every Saturday, some nights and the occasional Sunday and bank holidays. So he gets a break there definitely! Saying that he'd do anything for us and is so great with Emily, me and giving me a break. I think it's just that he doesn't know what it's like to look after her all day especially when she has been so I settled and I haven't been well. I think it's also that I didn't mentally prepare for looking after her on my own and for such a long time to come! Buying all her stuff and decorating the nursery and the 'fluffiness' of being pregnant at times is all well and good, I just didn't think too much about what was going to happen when baby arrived. There's also the fact that we're still on with the extension on the house.

Jojo I'd almost forgotten about you!!! Hi! And a huge congratulations! She's so gorgeous!

Awwww glad to hear Corey is getting on so well. We haven't really established a routine yet. Iris has 150 mls of milk around every 3-4 hours. She sleeps on us until oh goes to bed at midnight and then she is in her Moses basket in our bedroom, she wakes once anywhere between 2:30-4:30 and then oh gets her up between 6-7 when he gets up for work. I go to bed at 10ish and get up for the night feeds. I get up at 7:30 so oh can get ready for work. In the next few weeks we'll start trying to put her in her Moses basket at 8ish and see what happens! I have tried but she sleeps better on us so it's easier for now!

Got my six week appointment tomorrow so need to sort contraception. My gp is keen for me to have the minera coil but I've read conflicting reviews - any experience? I can also drive again today for the first time since c-sec!! So excited xxx

This sounds like Emily and our household apart from hubby does the night feed 2am-4ish and he doesn't need much time to get ready for work with his 'manual' job. Not saying he smells or anything but there's really no point in him showering in the morning haha. Saying that, the last 3 days out of 4 Emily has slept through til 5/6 after having been fed one night at 8:15pm!!! We thought oh my god what's wrong! It's weird! I think I prefer getting up during night with her and hubby than just sleeping until 5:30 am - I like the morning break for loo and a glass of water then back to sleep for a couple of hours! Just wish she'd settle in basket earlier.

You're doing a fab job! X
Awwww glad to hear Corey is getting on so well. We haven't really established a routine yet. Iris has 150 mls of milk around every 3-4 hours. She sleeps on us until oh goes to bed at midnight and then she is in her Moses basket in our bedroom, she wakes once anywhere between 2:30-4:30 and then oh gets her up between 6-7 when he gets up for work. I go to bed at 10ish and get up for the night feeds. I get up at 7:30 so oh can get ready for work. In the next few weeks we'll start trying to put her in her Moses basket at 8ish and see what happens! I have tried but she sleeps better on us so it's easier for now!

Got my six week appointment tomorrow so need to sort contraception. My gp is keen for me to have the minera coil but I've read conflicting reviews - any experience? I can also drive again today for the first time since c-sec!! So excited xxx

This sounds like Emily and our household apart from hubby does the night feed 2am-4ish and he doesn't need much time to get ready for work with his 'manual' job. Not saying he smells or anything but there's really no point in him showering in the morning haha. Saying that, the last 3 days out of 4 Emily has slept through til 5/6 after having been fed one night at 8:15pm!!! We thought oh my god what's wrong! It's weird! I think I prefer getting up during night with her and hubby than just sleeping until 5:30 am - I like the morning break for loo and a glass of water then back to sleep for a couple of hours! Just wish she'd settle in basket earlier.

You're doing a fab job! X

Wow that's good :) you're doing fab too xx Iris slept once last week until 5:30am but hasn't done it since! Ha!

For the past couple of days I've been getting really bad knee pain, barely slept last night as it was in my hips too (like the third trimester all over again!!) From looking online apparently it's ligaments stretching back after birth but it's horrid! Anyone else having this? X
Ellie done really well yesterday for my birthday she had slept from 11 through til 8 then 8.30-11 she done the same last night too.

Only thing is she just doesn't go down earlier than 11 which means we do swapsy all evening for dinner and washing up etc!!! Bit annoying!!!

No pains here ATM but I've done lots of exercise :) x
Yeah we have to do swapsies and eat dinner one at a time which is annoying..

I've been making sure I go for a walk every day (can't do much more than that exercise wise due to csection) so I don't think it's due to lack of.. X
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I think maybe it's just different for everyone I had all my pains in the first few weeks and again when I had the worlds heaviest period :( x
I get lots of niggly pains. I bleed heavily for four weeks and in the third week I had the ecoli urine infection so had burning pee but also felt swollen down there! And a bit further up than where you'd think! Tmi! It's weird as the infection 'has gone' but still have these pains and weird feeling. Feels like I've been kicked there and it's bruised. It's similar to my SPD pain though. I didn't have it the two weeks after labour though so it's odd. I had what I thought was a period at 6wks pp but it never developed despite feeling like one, then I had dark blood finally. My stomach is bugging me! The first two weeks obviously I still looked a bit pregnant then it went flat - and I mean flat! With loose skin though, now the loose skin is going but I have a belly again! I presume it's the fat growing in! It's also a bit niggly. My haemorrhoids have gone though and I'm not sure my stitches ever hurt. I just didn't have a very good stride after labour lol. I remember looking round at the other 3 girls on the ward walking to the toilet and thinking, why am I in so much pain and can't walk normally? I think it was combination of pain across my lower tummy, top of my legs and the haemorrhoids plus the fact that my legs were so swollen I looked like Shrek from toes to above my knees! I don't miss that! Xx
TT and Cherry - right that's 3 girls who don't go down til late! It's girls obviously! Haha. We struggle with tea most nights. We have it sometime between 7 and 10 lol. She shouldn't control us at that time but it is difficult when she cries and is so awake but unsettled. It would be different if we wanted to eat earlier but our tea time pre Emily was about 8pm anyway x
Lol pregnancy and after is so glamorous isn't it :)

I'm still bleeding six weeks after birth! It's really really light and barely there though. The other day I got stomach cramp and some dark red blood so thought I was getting a period but it never turned into anything and is now v light and brown again. I wish it'd just go away!

I hate my tummy. I saw a lady with a bump the other day and actually felt jealous as I just have a big stretch marked saggy mess :( some days I think it looks ok, then I see myself in the mirror and get a shock! Had my six week check on Mon and the all clear for light exercise after csection but I've still gotta take it pretty easy. We had carpet fitted in the living room yesterday and I proper overdid it moving things back in and had a lot of pain in my tummy for the first time in ages :( not good!

My oh suggested we start trying for another baby yesterday!! My reply was a very quick no! It'd be nice to have them close together but I need at least a year of not being pregnant thanks very much!! X

I want one quite quick but oh wants a 3 year gap lol!!!!

Yes she rules out dinner I can't complain as she sleeps through but I do wish we had some evening

I'm doing well I'm exercising loads but I'm a qualified pt and I need to look good in my wedding dress on the 24th august.

I'm back on the pill now so hope to come off again at Christmas maybe x
TT and Cherry - right that's 3 girls who don't go down til late! It's girls obviously! Haha. We struggle with tea most nights. We have it sometime between 7 and 10 lol. She shouldn't control us at that time but it is difficult when she cries and is so awake but unsettled. It would be different if we wanted to eat earlier but our tea time pre Emily was about 8pm anyway x

I'm afraid William has to join the club too - he doesn't go down until around 10:30 to 11pm despite me efforts starting from 7:30 lol. He tends to sleep in 3hr sessions, but as we bedshare I just roll over and nurse him back to sleep, so it's not too bad. He only needs one nappy change at night and hubby kindly takes care of that, so I literally only need to get out of bed once for the loo lol. William wakes just after 7am pretty much like clockwork.

As hubby works from home, we alternate caring for the boys. It's nice to have a bit of instant support if I'm feeling overwhelmed. William seems to love being worn in a carrier, it's the only way he'll sleep during the day still but I'm glad we've got an almost guaranteed way of getting some peace lol. We've been lucky not to have to deal with colic this time around, William is a very calm baby compared to his big brother.

I'm not looking forward to the school holidays. My oldest is already getting cabin fever having finished nursery last week. I've got him booked in for a few craft sessions at nursery as they run all year round, but I've still got to entertain him and look after William which is pretty exhausting. Thank goodness he starts reception in September and I'll get 6hrs a day, 5 days a week when I can give William my full attention and won't have to rely on hubby so heavily to give me a break.

We're not intending to have any more kids, my hubby is 46 and feels like an old dad as it is lol. I know we'll enjoy these early weeks and months more because it's the last time. I do sometimes feel broody, but it's just not practical and I really hate being pregnant lol. Plus with William's recent health scare, I don't want to have to go through these delicate early days again.
TT and Cherry - right that's 3 girls who don't go down til late! It's girls obviously! Haha. We struggle with tea most nights. We have it sometime between 7 and 10 lol. She shouldn't control us at that time but it is difficult when she cries and is so awake but unsettled. It would be different if we wanted to eat earlier but our tea time pre Emily was about 8pm anyway x

Ok, I wrote a really long response to this and my post vanished! :( Can't remember what I bloomin' wrote and didn't copy it like a numpty.

Anyway, William also doesn't go down until about 11pm. He wakes every 3hrs-ish, but as we're cosleeping, I just roll over and nurse him back to sleep. He has a nappy change once, luckily hubby takes care of that so I don't need to get up at all. He gets up for the day around 7am.

I'm not looking forward to the summer holidays as my oldest has cabin fever already and only finished nursery last week. I've got him booked in for some craft sessions, but it's going to be a long six weeks lol. My hubby works from home so we alternate caring for the boys - it's wonderful having him there in an instant if I'm feeling overwhelmed. My oldest starts reception in September, so I'm looking forward to having plenty of time to give William more one-on-one attention and not relying on hubby so heavily.

William will be our last child. My hubby is 46 and feels like an old dad already lol. Plus I really don't like being pregnant and it's hard work raising more than one! It would be nice to have a daughter, but there's no guarantee I'll get one, and what on earth will I do with three boys lol! :D
Sounds like everyone's lo's are doing well. I'm another one with a girly who won't go down early. She will sleep from about 8 but only if being held, won't be put down in her Moses basket until after 10. Also sg
Opps hadn't finished. I feed her before we go to bed and she will go down the she often sleeps until about 4am but again then doesn't like to go back in her Moses after that feed. Its difficult as I didn't want to co sleep but find myself letting her sleep with me for a but after this time just to get a bit of extra sleep.
Lol pregnancy and after is so glamorous isn't it :)

I'm still bleeding six weeks after birth! It's really really light and barely there though. The other day I got stomach cramp and some dark red blood so thought I was getting a period but it never turned into anything and is now v light and brown again. I wish it'd just go away!

I hate my tummy. I saw a lady with a bump the other day and actually felt jealous as I just have a big stretch marked saggy mess :( some days I think it looks ok, then I see myself in the mirror and get a shock! Had my six week check on Mon and the all clear for light exercise after csection but I've still gotta take it pretty easy. We had carpet fitted in the living room yesterday and I proper overdid it moving things back in and had a lot of pain in my tummy for the first time in ages :( not good!

My oh suggested we start trying for another baby yesterday!! My reply was a very quick no! It'd be nice to have them close together but I need at least a year of not being pregnant thanks very much!! X

Another what now? No more for us! Traumatised much?! "Oh you say that Vicki but you'll change your mind!" Erm no I will not! My hubby is of the same view!

That would be close together! Oh dear! Imagine being pregnant and all the problems we had with also looking after a baby?! Lol

That bleeding the other day sounds like mine. I can't really class it as a period I don't think. I couldn't believe how heavy it was the first few weeks, yuck!

I'm with you on the stretch marks too, and I've still got that awful brown line down the middle! It's hideous! I'm pleased to have lost more than the weight I'd put on but not happy with my body or health. My 6 wk check had turned into 8 wk check along with baby's check and jabs. Ooh try not to overdo it Hun xx
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