Ellie had exactly the same she is a loud screamer anyway but she would full pelt for a couple of hours and there was nothing you could do and by the end she would have purple red eyes bless her!!!
We found all the exercises helped her to get her pops out like bike legs etc. also we tried comfort and it just made her have terrible poos and she ended up sick too!!! So we now do dentinox and she's totally different, we put half a syringe in each bottle for her and she has 4oz bottles. We found you didn't need full dose as I didn't want to use more if she didn't need it. When you shake the bottle it takes all the bubbles out. She winds much easier too. Also using size two teats has helped as she doesn't have to suck so hard!!!
It is trial and error thoughxx
I'm struggling with the whole colic/reflux/what on earth is wrong with my child thing too! After a 16% weight loss due to hopeless breast feeding and a two week struggle up try to breast feed we're also in formula. Started with Aptamil following on from hospital to build her weight back up. She cries so much. The health visitor suggested colic as she brings legs up to chest, so we tried Infacol and aptamil comfort. She was constipated too, well we thought so. In hospital she had a poo during or after each feed. We were told this was normal, then she went two days between poos, told this was normal too! Now on the comfort she was going once a day (well two or three times in quick succession) and she strains but poo is running it sticky. We had rabbit type droppings one day though! Then the hv suggested reflux because of the symptoms I won't list because they're so long, and we got Gaviscon from the GP. Thought this helped slightly or the comfort milk but now she is back to excessive crying but associated with feeds - before, after and during! We can't get her more than 2hrs between feeds sometimes, mainly during the day. She's putting on weight well now but it's so tough to know what's best. I guess the next steps are Colief for colic or pursue the reflux route. Really don't get the poo situation either. I'd hate for her to be in pain with that as well as hunger, hiccups and being overtired! The more I read on here, the more I think she should be on Cow & Gate comfort!
Hope Iris is better soon, or even a little better. I'm demented with it as she's so different every day that I think she's erm, just a newborn baby! Maybe that's all it is? I'm not convinced it should be this hard though so I have my doubts! Lol xx
I'm struggling with the whole colic/reflux/what on earth is wrong with my child thing too! After a 16% weight loss due to hopeless breast feeding and a two week struggle up try to breast feed we're also in formula. Started with Aptamil following on from hospital to build her weight back up. She cries so much. The health visitor suggested colic as she brings legs up to chest, so we tried Infacol and aptamil comfort. She was constipated too, well we thought so. In hospital she had a poo during or after each feed. We were told this was normal, then she went two days between poos, told this was normal too! Now on the comfort she was going once a day (well two or three times in quick succession) and she strains but poo is running it sticky. We had rabbit type droppings one day though! Then the hv suggested reflux because of the symptoms I won't list because they're so long, and we got Gaviscon from the GP. Thought this helped slightly or the comfort milk but now she is back to excessive crying but associated with feeds - before, after and during! We can't get her more than 2hrs between feeds sometimes, mainly during the day. She's putting on weight well now but it's so tough to know what's best. I guess the next steps are Colief for colic or pursue the reflux route. Really don't get the poo situation either. I'd hate for her to be in pain with that as well as hunger, hiccups and being overtired! The more I read on here, the more I think she should be on Cow & Gate comfort!
Hope Iris is better soon, or even a little better. I'm demented with it as she's so different every day that I think she's erm, just a newborn baby! Maybe that's all it is? I'm not convinced it should be this hard though so I have my doubts! Lol xx
Hi May mummies! Although I ended up a June mummy I'm still hanging around hereI don't seem to have time to do more than the odd Facebook post so haven't been on here much and caught up with stuff but hope everyone is well and those lovely babies are behaving themselves. I still find it hard to believe I've had my baby, it's all just so surreal. Anyone else feel like that or is it just me?! X