* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I'm getting to the end of my tether. Every night from about 8pm, Iris screams the flat down and is inconsolable for anything from 1-2 and a half hours until she goes to sleep. From looking online, I think it might be colic so we've bought some comfort milk today hoping that might help. Any experience? X
Ellie had exactly the same she is a loud screamer anyway but she would full pelt for a couple of hours and there was nothing you could do and by the end she would have purple red eyes bless her!!!

We found all the exercises helped her to get her pops out like bike legs etc. also we tried comfort and it just made her have terrible poos and she ended up sick too!!! So we now do dentinox and she's totally different, we put half a syringe in each bottle for her and she has 4oz bottles. We found you didn't need full dose as I didn't want to use more if she didn't need it. When you shake the bottle it takes all the bubbles out. She winds much easier too. Also using size two teats has helped as she doesn't have to suck so hard!!!

It is trial and error though :) xx
Ellie had exactly the same she is a loud screamer anyway but she would full pelt for a couple of hours and there was nothing you could do and by the end she would have purple red eyes bless her!!!

We found all the exercises helped her to get her pops out like bike legs etc. also we tried comfort and it just made her have terrible poos and she ended up sick too!!! So we now do dentinox and she's totally different, we put half a syringe in each bottle for her and she has 4oz bottles. We found you didn't need full dose as I didn't want to use more if she didn't need it. When you shake the bottle it takes all the bubbles out. She winds much easier too. Also using size two teats has helped as she doesn't have to suck so hard!!!

It is trial and error though :) xx

Thanks. Will try the comfort milk and if no joy will try infacol! The avent bottles we've got seem to be letting the milk though fine so fx we'll work out the right combination soon! X
The comfort is thicker milk but I just found that it has a laxative effect and Ellie was colic but not constipated so it was making her pooing excessive and very powerful bless her. The dentinox and 1st formula has been great but it depends if your lo is constipated too x
We were on aptamil 1st stage for Luke, after every feed we had the same for 1-2hrs, changed to cow and gate comfort and he's a different baby, Noticed from the first feed how different. Hope it helps iris x
I'm struggling with the whole colic/reflux/what on earth is wrong with my child thing too! After a 16% weight loss due to hopeless breast feeding and a two week struggle up try to breast feed we're also in formula. Started with Aptamil following on from hospital to build her weight back up. She cries so much. The health visitor suggested colic as she brings legs up to chest, so we tried Infacol and aptamil comfort. She was constipated too, well we thought so. In hospital she had a poo during or after each feed. We were told this was normal, then she went two days between poos, told this was normal too! Now on the comfort she was going once a day (well two or three times in quick succession) and she strains but poo is running it sticky. We had rabbit type droppings one day though! Then the hv suggested reflux because of the symptoms I won't list because they're so long, and we got Gaviscon from the GP. Thought this helped slightly or the comfort milk but now she is back to excessive crying but associated with feeds - before, after and during! We can't get her more than 2hrs between feeds sometimes, mainly during the day. She's putting on weight well now but it's so tough to know what's best. I guess the next steps are Colief for colic or pursue the reflux route. Really don't get the poo situation either. I'd hate for her to be in pain with that as well as hunger, hiccups and being overtired! The more I read on here, the more I think she should be on Cow & Gate comfort!

Hope Iris is better soon, or even a little better. I'm demented with it as she's so different every day that I think she's erm, just a newborn baby! Maybe that's all it is? I'm not convinced it should be this hard though so I have my doubts! Lol xx
I'm struggling with the whole colic/reflux/what on earth is wrong with my child thing too! After a 16% weight loss due to hopeless breast feeding and a two week struggle up try to breast feed we're also in formula. Started with Aptamil following on from hospital to build her weight back up. She cries so much. The health visitor suggested colic as she brings legs up to chest, so we tried Infacol and aptamil comfort. She was constipated too, well we thought so. In hospital she had a poo during or after each feed. We were told this was normal, then she went two days between poos, told this was normal too! Now on the comfort she was going once a day (well two or three times in quick succession) and she strains but poo is running it sticky. We had rabbit type droppings one day though! Then the hv suggested reflux because of the symptoms I won't list because they're so long, and we got Gaviscon from the GP. Thought this helped slightly or the comfort milk but now she is back to excessive crying but associated with feeds - before, after and during! We can't get her more than 2hrs between feeds sometimes, mainly during the day. She's putting on weight well now but it's so tough to know what's best. I guess the next steps are Colief for colic or pursue the reflux route. Really don't get the poo situation either. I'd hate for her to be in pain with that as well as hunger, hiccups and being overtired! The more I read on here, the more I think she should be on Cow & Gate comfort!

Hope Iris is better soon, or even a little better. I'm demented with it as she's so different every day that I think she's erm, just a newborn baby! Maybe that's all it is? I'm not convinced it should be this hard though so I have my doubts! Lol xx

Vic, Luke was the same with the aptamil - GP told me it was colic,and prescribed coleif which did nothing at all!!! but it was only after feeds he would start crying in pain, and he couldn't poo properly. I thought he was constipated but GP said no, he wasn't as he was going (small rabbit poo pellets) to watch him struggle though was horrible, you could tell he really needed to poo, and would spend all day trying to go!! You could try cow and gate comfort formula. There is also at reflux formula - sma is the easiest to prepare. Cow and gate and aptamil(made by same people!!) are a faff looking at instructions! I nearly bought it as thought Luke had reflux, but he gas settled on comfort. Don't use infacol with comfort formula though, not sure why, but should avoid it. X

Edit to add : aptamil and Cow and gate first stage is exactly the same- made by same people. The comfort formula however is different I think to the aptamil comfort x
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I'm struggling with the whole colic/reflux/what on earth is wrong with my child thing too! After a 16% weight loss due to hopeless breast feeding and a two week struggle up try to breast feed we're also in formula. Started with Aptamil following on from hospital to build her weight back up. She cries so much. The health visitor suggested colic as she brings legs up to chest, so we tried Infacol and aptamil comfort. She was constipated too, well we thought so. In hospital she had a poo during or after each feed. We were told this was normal, then she went two days between poos, told this was normal too! Now on the comfort she was going once a day (well two or three times in quick succession) and she strains but poo is running it sticky. We had rabbit type droppings one day though! Then the hv suggested reflux because of the symptoms I won't list because they're so long, and we got Gaviscon from the GP. Thought this helped slightly or the comfort milk but now she is back to excessive crying but associated with feeds - before, after and during! We can't get her more than 2hrs between feeds sometimes, mainly during the day. She's putting on weight well now but it's so tough to know what's best. I guess the next steps are Colief for colic or pursue the reflux route. Really don't get the poo situation either. I'd hate for her to be in pain with that as well as hunger, hiccups and being overtired! The more I read on here, the more I think she should be on Cow & Gate comfort!

Hope Iris is better soon, or even a little better. I'm demented with it as she's so different every day that I think she's erm, just a newborn baby! Maybe that's all it is? I'm not convinced it should be this hard though so I have my doubts! Lol xx

Oh Vic, sorry to hear you're suffering too! It's awful thinking they're in pain, isn't it. Since moving to aptamil comfort, Iris is a different baby! She sleeps soundly after each feed, occasionally grizzles but settles really easily. I finally feel like I actually know what she wants! I'd highly recommend giving comfort milk a try xxx
My god I've got a greedy baby....he took 4oz straight, didn't come up for air....changed nappy, put him in bouncer chair....screaming, stamping feet.....tried to settle, no joy, so half hour later another thought I'd see if he was still hungry......another 2oz gone.....think someone is having a growth spurt! Lol

Vic, have you managed to try the comfort milk today? X
My god I've got a greedy baby....he took 4oz straight, didn't come up for air....changed nappy, put him in bouncer chair....screaming, stamping feet.....tried to settle, no joy, so half hour later another thought I'd see if he was still hungry......another 2oz gone.....think someone is having a growth spurt! Lol

Vic, have you managed to try the comfort milk today? X
Hi May mummies! Although I ended up a June mummy I'm still hanging around here ;) I don't seem to have time to do more than the odd Facebook post so haven't been on here much and caught up with stuff but hope everyone is well and those lovely babies are behaving themselves. I still find it hard to believe I've had my baby, it's all just so surreal. Anyone else feel like that or is it just me?! X
Yes. Ellie was 7 weeks yesterday I can't believe it some of her clothes have to be packed away already!!!!

I see what they mean by it goes fast :( x
Hi May mummies! Although I ended up a June mummy I'm still hanging around here ;) I don't seem to have time to do more than the odd Facebook post so haven't been on here much and caught up with stuff but hope everyone is well and those lovely babies are behaving themselves. I still find it hard to believe I've had my baby, it's all just so surreal. Anyone else feel like that or is it just me?! X

Me too Cornish! We're honourary may mummies lol. I don't seem to find much time either, my life consists of looking after Iris and then when she sleeps, sterilising bottles and cleaving up! So much for the whole 'sleep when baby sleeps' thing! I swear I love her more every day though! I feel like we now know eachother a lot better and I usually know what she wants!

As I still can't drive after the section, oh has been doing all the shopping and he just doesn't get the right things, even with a list! Today I had my first ever online grocery shop delivered and I may never go in a supermarket again!! X
I've started doing my food shop online too, always said I never would, but now I don't think I'll ever go back! I can get so much more without having to carry it too, so I can double up on heavy things like water etc.

I never manage the sleep when baby sleeps either, there is always something that needs washing or cleaning, and then the second you sit down baby seems to know and wakes up!
Im an honorary may mummy too...
We are going to great yarmouth on monday for a cheap 5day break. with some friends who have 1yr old twin girls, we are all staying in one caravan! Eek....we did a sun deal and have booked for 8adults so the caravan should be big enough!!
Luke didnt wake until 4am today! He had 300mls in 3 feeds over 3 hours last night, No wonder he slept!! He normally has 100-120ml every 3hours!
Off into work in a bit to see everyone, looking forward to it.
In other news.....the bloody fridge freezer packed up, not even 2 yrs old. Anyone got any god tips on arguing a replacement as out of guarantee or even a repair- we spent 350£ on it, it should last longer than that for that sort of money!! We have a small beer fridge recessed into wall under stairs in lounge which can just about fit milk in and a few other small bits!
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Oh no we got all cheap appliances as we bought our first house last march and had limited funds to get all the furnishings!!! No problems so far. Ellie is doing 5oz bottles now and much more settled! Sleeps much better at night but your all correct you don't get time to sleep you barely get urself time to eat! I always thought I'd have dinner done for hubby but no way lol!! I'm getting better though!!!

Hi ladies, just popping on to catch up!

Hope all is well with all of you and the gorgeous babies!
Zachary is 5 and a half weeks, and has been very busy! All this week he has been sleeping in his cot over night, we packed away the Moses basket. Last night he slept 8:45 till 5! He's taken to the occasional expressed bottle feed, so I can eventually have some freedom - when I actually get something to do! Lol. He holds his head up by himself. And then to top it all off we had proper smiles this morning!
We have 6 week check and health visitor next week, I'm looking forward to see how much of a chunky monkey my baby is!

TT - I've packed away clothes too! Won't be long till I'm opening the 3-6 month clothes!

Michell - I couldn't not online shop now! I hated food shopping before hand anyway!

Cherry and Vic, I hope you ladies have had some relief from screaming babies, I've heard that putting babies to bed earlier can stop some of the screaming because they are actually over stimulated and tired at the end if the day - there were some posts on b.c about drs diagnosing colic or reflux but got it wrong!

I read that post too Jazzy. I think Summer is often over tired as we have been keeping her downstairs until we go to bed and letting her nap. Tried to get her upstairs for 8 last night to nap until we came up with the monitor on but it didn't go down well. She is the same with naps in the day, hates to be put down! She will sleep in her sling quite happily. I tried to keep at it last night but its not easy as she cries every time I put her down, even when she has dropped off. I have heard putting them down awake but drowsy is supposed to be better but again this doesn't go down well. I feel like I should keep trying but also feel mean as she doesn't like it : (

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