* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Just had our first smile - in the bath of all places!

Yay! :)

She absolutely hated her baths to begin with, over the last couple of weeks we've managed to bath her with no crying, so I think it's quite funny that it's a bath that made her smile after all that! :)
How strange! It's so nice when they smile though although I now find myself trying to get her to smile all the time! It was my dad that managed her first smile which annoyed me as I was working at it allll day! Then he came over and boom smiled straight away!

Issy hated baths and she still has her moments now! It's definitely still a work in progress lol!
Hi Ladies, how are you all doing?

I lay Phoebe in her cot whilst I was sorting stuff in her room, she looks so tiny in there at the moment! Don't worry, the hat came off right after this picture, we'd just got home from a walk :)


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Hi Ladies, how are you all doing?

I lay Phoebe in her cot whilst I was sorting stuff in her room, she looks so tiny in there at the moment! Don't worry, the hat came off right after this picture, we'd just got home from a walk :)

Bless her! She's looks dinky! I love that grow :) x
Hey ladies, sorry I have been AWOL, been on holiday and 2 under 2 definitely keep us on our toes, we have a lot of appointments coming up too, some for Harry, some for Jacob.

Harry has got his 8week jabs tomorrow, I can't believe he is 8weeks already. I have no idea where the time has gone, he'll be packing up and leaving home before I know it.

I've started expressing milk now on top of my breast feeding to donate to the milk bank, hopefully it will help some poorly babies (Harry seems to be gaining about 12oz a week on it so it's not bad stuff lol)

What's everyone been up to? Are we all used to our little monkeys now? X
Hey ladies, sorry I have been AWOL, been on holiday and 2 under 2 definitely keep us on our toes, we have a lot of appointments coming up too, some for Harry, some for Jacob.

Harry has got his 8week jabs tomorrow, I can't believe he is 8weeks already. I have no idea where the time has gone, he'll be packing up and leaving home before I know it.

I've started expressing milk now on top of my breast feeding to donate to the milk bank, hopefully it will help some poorly babies (Harry seems to be gaining about 12oz a week on it so it's not bad stuff lol)

What's everyone been up to? Are we all used to our little monkeys now? X

I hope Harry was is okay after his jabs, Isabelle just had hers luckily I had my mum with me as I was in bits!
That's so good your donating your breast milk! Well done you! Xx
Hi, not been on much at all recently. How is everyone? Luke is doing really well. He now weighs 10lb1.5oz and last night he slept 10pm till 4.15am! Chuffed with that. Found the first 2-3 weeks tough, but getting easier now. Can't believe he was 4 weeks on Tuesday!!! Here is some piccies
Hey Lou, glad you're getting on well! Very jel of your nice long sleep - Iris will be 4 weeks on Sunday! Where does the time go?? She wakes every three hours in the night but I can live with that. I found it really tough at first but it's def getting easier as we get to know eachother! Love her so much!
Aww he's gorgeous!!! Ellie is 6 weeks and 2 days which is crazy and we've found she goes bed late at 11.30 but will sleep through til 6 or 7 which is amazing..

Here's a few update photos. She is now 10lb14oz xx

Aww he's gorgeous!!! Ellie is 6 weeks and 2 days which is crazy and we've found she goes bed late at 11.30 but will sleep through til 6 or 7 which is amazing..

Here's a few update photos. She is now 10lb14oz xx
Ah, thank you :) Ellie is a cutie, she looks very content x
She's not content author moment lol!!! She just threw half a bottle up over me and the couch lol!!!

She's still sleepy bless her!!!

She's got such fatty cheeks it's funny x

Luke makes me laugh when I wind him...the faces he pulls are priceless!! X
I know she hates stopping lol!!!

She hasn't been sick for over a week so hope it's fluke! I was winding her half way and her face just went bug eyed and whoosh!

Poor sofa x
Hello ladies, lovely to see these babies getting chubby! Time is absolutely flying at the moment isn't it? Zachary is 5 weeks on Sunday!
Poor old me has had mastitis (only on day three of antibiotics), got it just in time for Zachary's "feed me every hour or I'll scream the place down" phase.
Boob is feeling much better today, however I have the sniffles!
Harry is 9weeks today!!!!

So far, Harry jabs and hip scan went well he's now 12lb 14 oz (little fatty) lets see how next week goes for Jacob now lol....
Oh yeah on the 15th we are seeing a family support worker too to discuss Jacob and see if they can offer support to us x
Hi Ladies, how are you all getting on?

I went out with my Mum yesterday, we ended up stopping off for a cake in Costa, I think Phoebe is after my Mum's cake, pic attached...


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