Hi ladies, hope you are all well - loved reading how all the babies are doing! Seems we have some good sleepers in the group.
Corey is going down between 8/9 every night after his bath (which he absolutely loves) I don't know if that's due to the water birth or not but he loves a bath! He then wakes around 1:30 for a feed, 4/5 for another and then gets up about 7:30/8. I am bottle feeding. He only takes half of what he would through the day so I'm hoping he eventually drops the middle of the night feeds.
I got a really good deal on daddy day present, I got an engraved key ring from eBay for only £9.95!!! (photo attached)
I have a few questions I want to ask you all just out of curiosity and to get to know your babies more if that's ok? .. I'll also add my answers.
Do you have a routine, if so what is it?
Awake about 7:30, feed, floor time for about an hour and then a nap. Sleep, feed and floor time until about 5pm. I try to then keep him awake until bath time at 7:30, feed and bed for 8.
How many oz is your baby fed and how often? (bottle feeding question)
5oz every 3 hours.
What does you baby weigh?
9lbs 13oz.
What size clothing are they wearing?
Newborn clothes and 0-3 baby grows (his legs are too long for newborn).
What size nappies are they wearing?
Size 1 and 2.
Do they have a comforter or anything they always like to have?
Do they have any dislikes?
Corey doesn't like having covers over him too much or being wrapped up.
Have they reached any milestones?
Recognising voices and following noises with his eyes.
Are you attending any mummy/baby groups?
Not yet but I have been looking into a few.
What is the best thing about being your babies mummy?
EVERYTHING. It's amazing how we have created such a wonderful life.
I've attached some photos of Corey at 4 weeks old, xox
So Ellie is 4 weeks tomorow and here are answers to your questions.
Do we have a routine?
It doesn't seem like there is any routine through the day as I can't get Ellie to go down in her cot/chair/swing etc other than a very odd or rare occurrence. She's either feeding, in the buggy for walks together, in car or if she's awake we are lucky to get a 10 minute floor time if not we sit and talk or sing and bounce on the ball!!! Night time she will go in cot from about 11ish and then be up for half hour feeds at between 2.30 and 3.30 and up again by 6. Sometimes we will feed when she is up and then she will sleep on me for an hour or two in bed so I can get extra needed hours.
How many oz's and how often?
4oz's every 3 hours sometimes a bit longer if she's asleep or in night. (I'm glad yours does more as the pack says 6 x120ml but most days Ellie has 7 x120ml or more lol)
9lbs3oz but that was last weds so will update this weds
Clothing size?
Ellie wears newborn still, she has a long body but the 0-3 stuff still drowns her!!!! Although different brands vary a bit!
Pampers size 2 as the 1 seemed to be getting tight and didn't want to waste them if she outgrew a new packet. (Btw I got a great deal on packs of 74 pampers newborn for 6.60 on Amazon free p&p so I bought two size 2 and a size 3 lol)
My OH's finger in her mouth lol!!! Sound only works if she's already chilled and a dummy will work for 5 seconds lol. If she's really worked up all I can do is bounce on the ball.
Being put down during the day
Ellie can push herself to standing and is very strong also she can follow things with her eyes if they are moving or are bright.
None yet, I went to a toddler group as my mum child minds but that was more to show her off lol!!!!
Best thing?
Everything but I really love watching Ellie smile and pull funny faces in her sleep and knowing we created a perfect little girl