* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

When Summer is awake I talk and sing to her, read her little books. We play a bit on her playmat, not for long though. Sometimes its enough to just chatter to her or I think it can be a but too tiring! Lol

When she is asleep I have a stokke daybed thing that she goes down in or I hold her during the day. At night she goes in to her Moses basket.

I have a sling too but not started using it yet as she is a bit small according to the weight limits. Going to try soon though.

Summer had a really long sleep stretch last night, think it may have been down to putting her in to a sleeping bag finally. Been holding off as she was a bit small and also as our house is quite warm. But she always kicks her covers off.

How are all you ladies doing? Xx
I'm the same, I read to Jacob so when Harry is awake, I read to them both, he'll go down in his Moses or crib no probs but hates his bouncer and play mat, I do tummy time (sometimes on the changing mat with a muslin over it, he seems to like that. When he sleeps I tend to have to put him in his Moses (during he day, crib at night) so I can play with Jacob so he doesn't feel left out.

Harry started smiling yesterday.

Do they have to be a certain age for tummy time? Luke has really amazing head control! He is so strong!!
I am formula feeding as breast was upsetting me and him too much, he's doing well on it and above birth weight now, but struggling with the nights. He is on 3 hourly feeds in day, taking 90ml each feed-gone up a teat size too as he was getting very tired and falling asleep and only taking 20ml At a time. Daytime is fine, but night time he takes 15ml a time, every half hour......it's tiring, I know should leave him to cry, but it's a real screaming cry, and he gets so worked up. He won't take a good amount again until first thing - this morning It was 6.15 last feed and he's out cold in Moses basket....his last good feed last night was at23.10, he had 85ml, but was then wanting more at 1am, 1.20, 1.50,2.10,3.15,4.14,6.15!!! Really thought the 85ml would see him through for a few hours!!! He is 6days old today x
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Hi Ladies, Phoebe is four weeks old today, I'm pretty sure she went through her first growth spurt in the past couple of days as she was feeding every 2ish hours instead of the usual 4. She has also had a snuffly nose the past 3/4 days, so none of us have had much sleep at night recently! Before that she'd been brilliant at night, only waking once a night.

Clothes wise, all her vests are still newborn, but everything else she is in 0-3 now, she's got long legs! I usually dress her in an outfit in the daytime, usually leggings and a t shirt, then use the baby gros for night time.

I still am a bit unsure what to do with her when she is awake in the day, I talk to her obviously, but when I put her on her playmat or even just a blanket on the floor and show her toys, she just pays no attention at the moment! I really want her to like books, I loved books as a child, what age are you all going to start reading to your LO?
Ah good, I talk to him, usually about his daddy coz he goes off and cleans his car -although he fixed mine yesterday. Zachary properly studies your face, I put him on a play mat and he looks around at the toys, mirrors and the cat - seems to follow sounds e.g cat with collar on walking round him.
Last night I was preparing myself for a horrific nights sleep, he didn't want to go down at half 9 despite half hour feed. Half ten he wanted feeding again, so decided to try feeding him on my front again, 40 minute feed he took - out like a light, went down, then fed again at 2 and 6 now hes still alseep despite heavy plant vehicles driving up and down past my house,, gonna wake him at ten for his next feed.
midwife said to me yesterday after weighing him again since birth that his weight hasn't changed since day 4, so want to weigh him again at day 10. I'm wondering if he's feeding more efficiently on my front?! He seems to have picked up how to latch better, other than the initial latch my nipples are less painful, hopefully they've started toughening up a bit! X
Hello ladies, I didn't see there was a May mummies thread (I don't know how i missed it!!) I hope me and Isabelle aren't too late to drop in!!
Hope you and babies are well! I'm currently lying on te sofa recovering from a long night with Isabelle! She was not sleeping for love nor money last night! Xxx
Ps Isabelle was born on 01/05/14 weighing 7lbs 6oz :)
Just want to reassure anyone that thinks they should be leaving their baby to cry, you're doing the right thing by tending to them. At this early age, they are not being manipulative and genuinely need attention when they cry. It makes me so sad to know there are books and even parenting "experts" recommending parents leave their young babies to cry.
Hi all, can I stay a May mummy? My baby girl Iris was finally born on 8th June at 14:35 - 12 days late!! X
Yeah Caroline you can stay :-) only cuz iris arrived on my birthday though ;-) x x

How much did she weigh?
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Thanks girls

Happy birthday sproglett - a good day to be born! She was 8lbs 3oz

Hope you're doing well blue flower and thst the boots do some magic soon.

We've just been discharged from hospital - yaaaaaaay! Although it has been nice having a mw at the push of a button 24 hours a day... X
Thanks! The IVF is going well, we got 17 eggs yesterday and 8 of them fertilized!
Hope you and the little one get well looked after when you get home. :)
I ordered some bits from not on the high street for my oh's Father's Day present, beating him to collect the post is blooming difficult! Just wanna get him a personalised phone case, but I have to wait till I get my proper camera out, photos from my phone just aren't the same!
Today we made Zachary official and got him registered! X
Phoebe did 11:30-5:00 last night, went back down. At 6:00 and still asleep now - nice to have some sleep!
Crazy isn't it, Zachary went down at 10 last night and went through till 4, woke for a nappy change refused the boob after 5 minutes and went back down till 6, woke for normal feed.
Crazy isn't it, Zachary went down at 10 last night and went through till 4, woke for a nappy change refused the boob after 5 minutes and went back down till 6, woke for normal feed.

Lovely to hear you got some sleep. :). I assume you're breastfeeding exclusively, in which case be careful letting Zachary sleep so long as it can negatively affect your milk supply. Ideally he needs to nurse at least once every four hours during the night and every two during the day. Was it muggy where you live? I've found that William is quite sleepy when he's too hot and sometimes needs a reminder to feed and doesn't spend very long on the breast. His brother was the same, I live in a household full of males who can't tolerate the heat lol.

William did a 3.5hr stretch last night which I would have been very happy with if I didn't have a stinking cold and therefore kept waking to cough my lungs up. Poor lad still has a cold too, it's usually not bad but sometimes he really struggles trying to sleep with the congestion.

He had his first proper bath yesterday evening and seemed to enjoy it.

We're also having fun with his bowel movements lol. He can spend hours on and off grunting and straining before we finally get a good poo out of him. Typically he likes to do this about 4 in the morning.

I bought him an amber necklace which arrived this morning. I used one for my oldest and it really made a difference with teething pain. I know that's quite a way off, but amber also helps with general aches and pains, so is nice to have on standby. It's a bit big for his little neck, so I'll probably double it around his ankle until he gets bigger.


Tomorrow is weighing day, looking forward to seeing some healthy weight gain.
Iris is what the hospital class as a 'reluctant feeder' and has never got on with breast feeding. Me and lots of midwives repeatedly tried until yesterday morning and the poor thing was getting more and more upset and we were having to express anyway as she was taking nothing from me so we've moved on to bottles. I'm expressing up what I can and then giving the rest as formula. I feel bad about it but happy baby happy mummy and all that.. She's gone from being up all night screaming to sleeping for 1-2 hours at a time which is amazing! Oh was fab last night and had her until 4am so I managed to get some sleep!! Yay xx
Ooooo I wanted to get beads.

Are they the same ones that are supposed to keep baby's chilled out too?? Ellie was 3 weeks yesterday and also getting weighed today so I'm excited to see how she's doing since last week. She seems to understand night time most nights she will feed and go to bed from between 7-8.30 and then be up and feed between 11-12.30 and then up again at 3.30-4.30 and then up again at 6-7am

I feel over tired though as she doesn't sleep anywhere other than on me during the day and we rush to get dinner when she first goes to bed.

I done some fab photos for dad and grandad presents yesterday. Went better than I thought doing it on my own and came in under £20 for both gifts and cards.

Ooooo I wanted to get beads.

Are they the same ones that are supposed to keep baby's chilled out too?? Ellie was 3 weeks yesterday and also getting weighed today so I'm excited to see how she's doing since last week. She seems to understand night time most nights she will feed and go to bed from between 7-8.30 and then be up and feed between 11-12.30 and then up again at 3.30-4.30 and then up again at 6-7am

I feel over tired though as she doesn't sleep anywhere other than on me during the day and we rush to get dinner when she first goes to bed.

I done some fab photos for dad and grandad presents yesterday. Went better than I thought doing it on my own and came in under £20 for both gifts and cards.


I don't know about specifically keeping them chilled lol, but they do ease any discomfort so I guess so. They look lovely too!

Sounds like Ellie is getting a good bedtime routine started. It won't be too long before she drops that 11-12:30 feed and you'll hopefully feel more rested. William only naps on us during the day and co-sleeps directly in bed with me at night. It does feel quite binding at times, but I know it won't last forever.

We're having a photoshoot done on the 22nd. It was postponed from the 7th as the lady had childcare problems. I was a bit annoyed as we were going to send some of the photos to my mum for her birthday this weekend, but I've told her she'll be getting them late.

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