* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thanks, I sat in the bath watching YouTube videos on breast feeding this morning after posting, and decided to try feeding him in the under arm position, done two feeds like this now, and seemed much better, latch is more comfortable and it seems he finds feeding a bit easier - sounds like he's getting more. He's been wide awake after both feeds for a little while too, which he wasn't doing before.
We shall see how it goes tonight.
I've been changing him before a feed if he needs it, to wake him up a bit.

Sorry emma, I missed your post too. But as others have said hopefully they have just given you a worse case scenario! And babies are really good at surprising everyone! Xxx
Thanks, I sat in the bath watching YouTube videos on breast feeding this morning after posting, and decided to try feeding him in the under arm position, done two feeds like this now, and seemed much better, latch is more comfortable and it seems he finds feeding a bit easier - sounds like he's getting more. He's been wide awake after both feeds for a little while too, which he wasn't doing before.
We shall see how it goes tonight.
I've been changing him before a feed if he needs it, to wake him up a bit.

Glad you've found a position that works for you. :) The football hold tends to work well for mums with boobs on the larger side - it was a godsend when my oldest had colic. The only downside to it is that if you have a fast letdown, it may cause discomfort for baby as he'll struggle to swallow the milk fast enough and will cough and pull off. If this happens, you may need to revert to a position where he's on his side so the excess milk can dribble out of the corner of his mouth.

I tend to change William after a feed (or rather hubby does) as he likes to poop while nursing lol. But if he's really tired a nappy change will usually annoy him enough to wake him up properly. :D
I'm feeling a bit better today. She my little girl and no matter what I love her. She doing everything she should so far and hopefully she'll get any additional support she needs quickly as she is already in the system now.
Awww Emma, I can't even imagine what you have been through the last few days, I love your confident attitude, it is so very important for your little girl, as you say she is now in the system and will get the care she needs, I know it is very different but my oldest son has noonans syndrome and we are yet to find out the extent of how it effects him, but he is also in the system and getting the care he needs.
Stick to it hunny, you're doing amazingly!
Jazzy I'm glad you have found a more suitable position for you and Zachary, as Rebecca said every baby is different they are not all text book so go for a position that works best for you which you seem to have got now :-)

Harry was the same with nappy changes and likes to thank me for cleaning his bum by pooing during the change (monkey) but he's improving now; as for baths, he is now 5 weeks and has only really tolerated them for the last week or so bless him.
When do they have their first growth spurt? Im gonna need new nipples!
We seem to be doing shorter feeds more often today. X
What is it with babies and projectile pooing!!!!! They wait and as the air gets their bum boom lol!!!!

I have the man due to get rid of the bees best outside Ellie's window it's horrid!!!

What are your lo's wearing? Ellie was measuring 8lb9 on Wednesday but most 0-3 month stuff is still too big lol!!! She's really only wearing vests with baby grows day and night but I gues she is only 18 days old xx
I'm not sure Jazzy, Summer seems to be on a constant one, lol! Midwife said as she is a bit smaller her tummy is small and so will need to feed more often.

I hear you with the projectile poking, I actually binned a babygrow the other day as she saturated it and I could face trying to salvage it! Lol

Summer has just started to west newborn and she is 6lb 10oz now. She is quite long though.she has worn a few dresses but often still babygrows. Xx
I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!! Everyone said I bought too much stuff but I still only just turn all her washing around in time!!! She is long too but stuff still drowns her lol!!!

At the hv clinic the other tiny newborns were in outfits and I was like she's just cosy in baby grows lol x
Just a heads up ladies, my midwife told me yesterday that you can get lanolin on prescription (the lansinoh one!)

Zachary is in nexts 1 month baby grows. Or 0-3 months from other shops but you gotta fold the arms up, he's got long legs!
I'm not keen on putting him in outfits while he's so young. I have some soft trousers to put on him but don't wanna try him in them till his cord falls off! X
Those of you with girls be glad - little boys turn into sprinklers every time the nappy comes off lol! We've had a couple of projectile poos, one went all over hubby's dressing gown the other night. Glad I don't do the bum changes (that's our deal - I put stuff in, hubby deals with what comes out). : D

William is still wearing newborn sleepsuits. We've got some 0-3 but they drown him lol. The sizing on baby clothes is rarely accurate - the one he's wearing right now says up to 7.5lb and he's almost certainly above 8 now!
Harry is 5 weeks today, weighed in at 10lbs 5on Tuesday. He usually is in baby grows but his first size are a little snug so moved into 0-3month today, I don't normally like putting them into outfits too soon, but today we have on very light soft dungarees as they were a gift for my oldest son who never got to wear them as he was about 6months before he was in 0-3month clothes and it was winter then.

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Finally posted my (lengthy) birth story if anyone's interested! Xxx
Aww that's a super cute outfit!!!! Everyone bought us massive stuff as gifts lol!!! I got two mini leggings with dresses that looked cosy but not tried them until we go out somewhere nice x
Afternoon all, long time no speak!

I've just spent a good hour and a half catching up on what's been happening, that's what I get for doing a vanishing act for a good couple of months.

Firstly, can I just congratulate everyone on their beautiful babies, my next task is reading everyone's birth stories and finally getting mine posted here too.

Secondly, I would just like to introduce my little boy Corey Antonio Moore who was 6 days late and arrived on the 17th May at 8pm. He weighed in at 8lb 7oz (I was completely shocked) I had a wonderful water birth and look forward to sharing my story with you all.

I hope all you ladies and babies are doing well and I can't wait to get back on here regularly and catch up with everyone :) take care for now, xox


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Congratulations ashleigh!

So much going on today, 1 more late may baby here, and 2 on the way! Only 1 more to go!
I feel like we need to find a way to celebrate after the last one is here!? X
What do you do with your newborn when they are awake and asleep?
What do you do with your newborn when they are awake and asleep?

Good question lol! Not a lot is the answer. :D

When William is awake (which is only for very short periods), I talk and sing to him. When he's asleep, he's usually on my lap on the nursing pillow during the day and we cosleep in the family bed at night. He doesn't really like being out in a bouncer or even his moses basket lol.

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