* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Oh - what I can't on here for! Lol baby brain! The snug safe bit in the Graco Evo car seat - what's the crack with that? We looked at instructions but it doesn't say anything? She's far too big/long for it?! It's such a squeeze to strap her in!

Happy August! Eek! Xx
Do you mean the head support bit Vic? If so, we took ours out ages ago as she was waaay too big for it xxx
I've taken the newborn snug fit out of Isabelle's car seat snd she much prefers it as she can move a lot better! Especially as she is such a chunk!!!! Xx
Yes I mean that bit! Haha, I just thought it was called snug safe and was all the way down. The poor thing is so squished as she's so long! Right - it's coming out! Wasn't sure if you had to keep it in for so long x
We took Zachary's out too, he looks much more comfortable in it now! X
Morning all,

Iris was a good girl again last night. Slept from about 8:30pm until 5:30am! Woke at 3ish but I managed to rock her back to sleep without getting up (result) lol. She's now smiling away on her playmat bless her. Me and oh got up together but I should have let him do it himself as he's now laid out on the sofa fast asleep!!

In other news, tmi but we managed to have really good sex for the first time since baby last night. We've tried a few times before but it wasn't feeling right for me. Got a proper achey tummy this morning though! xx
Hi everyone!

How are we all? What's been happening with all you mums? How cute is that bumbo baby :lol:!!

Corey has mastered tummy time without thinking its nap time (picture attached) - woohoo!

I think I stopped bleeding about 3/4 weeks. When did you ladies first have sex if you don't mind me asking? What contraception are we all using and has anyone had their period since giving birth?

Speak soon xox

oh PS. Hubby and I just celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary!


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Just wanted to drop in and say hello! We are doing well. Maia has been doing incredibly well given we were told she has a global brain injury. She's got teeny hearing aids now but other than that she's doing everything she should! She's awesome!

Just wanted to drop in and say hello! We are doing well. Maia has been doing incredibly well given we were told she has a global brain injury. She's got teeny hearing aids now but other than that she's doing everything she should! She's awesome!


she's absolutely gorgeous! Those little hearing aids are very cute! She looks like she is getting on just fine! Hope you are doing alright too xox
We are great! I'm loving being a mummy and Maia amazes us every day!
Maia looks like she's doing fantastically! And I agree those hap earring aids are super cute! Xx
Holy shiz Zachary is teething! His bottom two are nearly through, he has injections on Wednesday, this week is going to be hell! X
I do have Facebook, I'm Emma Sharp and my picture is of Maia in a little basket. Happy for friend requests!

Maia was a community page too to follow her progress and it www.facebook.com/MarvellousMaia - the followers the better :)
Teething wow! How old is he? Ellie has her 2nd jabs this Wednesday last time they really threw her off her food x
He's only 10 weeks! At this rate he'll be sitting down for a full on Xmas dinner with a complete set of gnashers! X
Couldn't find your personal facebook Emma but I liked Maia's page. My link is https://www.facebook.com/Ashleigh5x if you wish to add me.

Aw poor little soul, hope its not causing too much bother. I don't think Corey will be long with his teething either, he's constantly sooking his fists but I think that's more to do with looking for his thumb than anything else (he has had them tucked under his fingers since day 1) little habit he has now lol

Corey has his 2nd jags tomorrow at 11:15 - wish me luck!:roll: xox
Haha!!!! Wow bless him! Ellie has been dribbling and found her thumbs after sucking her fists for weeks but she chews on her thumbs instead not great!!!

She's had white indents on her lower gum since she was born but doubt there's teeth coming yet. She's exactly 12 weeks now! X
Ladies I'm so sorry I haven't got on here for so long, you are all more than welcome to add me on Facebook,

So my 2 little ones are defiantly keeping me on my toes.
Jacob turned 2 on the 4th and we had a party at the local soft play (I honestly couldn't be bothered with tidying up after a party at home this year haha).

He's Thomas mad


Harry is now 14 1/2 weeks (goodness knows where that has gone) he's been a dribble monster and constantly chewing his fists for the last 4 weeks, he's still exclusively bf unfortunately he is still waking in the night but I'm not sure if that is because he's caught a really bad cough off my not so considerate friend who still brought her daughter to Jacob's party even though she was ridiculously ill :-(.

Just had his piks back from pixifotos from 12week shoot, here's one....


We're now in 3-6month clothes, has been for a couple of weeks and was last weighed at nearly 11weeks and was 13lb 8oz, no idea what he'll be now. X
Ahhhhhhhhh, the cuteness of that photo is explosive :lol:!! Loving the cake, looks tasty!

Corey's jags went as well as it could, at least I was prepared for his cries! It's horrible to listen to but he forget all about it after 5 minutes lol. Last jag is 9th September. The little chunk gets weighed tomorrow...... what are we guessing? (pic attached?)

I know its a while away (only 19 weeks) ;) but what are you all planning on getting the little ones for Christmas?

Hope you are all well xox


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