* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Emily's having a sleepy day too - total opposite to yesterday. It's so warm today! I'm going to have a look at the wonder week book now as yes, she's asleep again! X
Iris slept through until 5:30am again last night for the second time ever!! Was brilliant. We walked into the city centre and back and I was really good and didn't spend any money! She's knackered now though - it's hard work being pushed around in a pram all day! Hmmm I looked at the app but it costs £1.49 and I refuse to pay for anything haha xxxx
Iris slept through until 5:30am again last night for the second time ever!! Was brilliant. We walked into the city centre and back and I was really good and didn't spend any money! She's knackered now though - it's hard work being pushed around in a pram all day! Hmmm I looked at the app but it costs £1.49 and I refuse to pay for anything haha xxxx

Here's a screenshot of the chart showing when the fussy periods are (represented by a storm cloud) and the calm periods that come after. If you buy the app, it tells you more in-depth info on each growth spurt, but the chart lets you see when baby sis likely to be cranky lol. The baby's head indicates where your baby is on the chart, as you can see, William is almost at ten weeks and has just finished a fussy period.

Well William is doing 3hr+ sessions at night, which isn't as good as all your babies, but I'm more than happy. He settles right back to sleep after nursing and so do I!

He's been very sleepy today too, it's the heat. Been a bit cranky when he's stayed in one place too long because he's feeling sweaty poor darling. I haven't had him in the sling for a couple of days because it's just unbearably hot. Looking forward to the brief period of cooler weather we're supposed to have this weekend.
Iris slept until 5:30am again last night! She grizzled a couple of times but I rocked her Moses basket and she fell back to sleep. I think I was getting her up to keenly before!

We walked into the city centre and back again today only to find out that Peter Andre was doing a signing! I tried to join the q but it was too late and they weren't letting anyone else :( x

Iris has pretty much slept all day.. Hoping she'll still sleep tonight!

The wonder weeks look interesting. I'm watching the book on eBay.. X
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Well Emily slept between 6:30am and 9:30am then and hour late morning, then 2:15 I drive her to 'watch' daddy play cricket, slept the whole time in the pushchair (good) but I brought her home an hour ago as it was too hot and she was due her next difficult to make up anti reflux feed and she is still asleep! I'll take her out of the car seat soon I promise!!! X
Lol I always leave Iris in the carseat until she wakes up! Iris slept most of the way round the city - except for a brief screaming fit at the cathedral - and then when we got home after about three hours out she had half a bottle and fel asleep! I woke her after three and a half hours and gave her a bottle, two poos and two bottles later, she's just dozed off haha xx
Urgh. We're having a bad day today. Haven't made it out of the house cos she's proper whingey and she just managed to poo all over me, all over her white baby grow and all over the carpet!! Yuk.. I think we may go and pick oh from work just so he's here sooner!! Xx

Ps - buy one get one free pampers @ tescos... X
Baby bedded, hubby working until 9:30, dog fed, living room and kitchen reasonably tidy so there's only one thing to do......... light my candles, pour myself a cup of tea and catch up with you lovely mummies! :smile:

I hope you have all been well, I see our babies are still growing at a very quick pace. Sounds like we are all getting some reasonable nights sleeps too. Routines take time, just like everything else in life. We waited 9 months for these bundles of joy so I'm sure we will all wait as long as it takes for a full nights sleep.

Corey went his first holiday - only a couple of days to Loch Lomond but he loved every minute of it. We went with my dad and step mum, also my little brother and sister - everyone loved spending time with him and I loved getting some family time with the hubby.

Regarding the app, I bought this when Corey was born and you'll be lucky if I have looked at it twice, not because I don't like it, just because I have nappy brain and keep forgetting its on my phone - I must remember to have a little check at his leaps.

As for Corey's updates:

- Still in the same night time routine but he's now getting bathed about 6:45 and down for about 7:15. He rarely see's past 7:30 at nights now.

- He has now dropped his through the night feed and sleeps until 7am. For being such a greedy little baby I really don't know how he manages a 12 hour sleep with no milk but I'm happy that he does.

- He has gone up 1oz of milk and is now on 7oz bottles every 2-4 hours.

- He still wears size 3 nappies.

- He still eats Aptamil Hungry Baby Milk but I can see him being on solids in about 6 weeks (he will be around 17 weeks)

- He is still wearing some 0-3 clothing but there are a few 3-6 things that fit him now too. Some are still huge - I wish all shops were the same bloody size.

- He went swimming for the first time 2 weeks ago - he is going again on Thursday. This helps lots with his head control. It also helps relax him (he almost fell asleep in the water)

- He is now in his own room.

That's all for now - I will post some photo updates for you! Oh.......... I mentioned in my last post about the calpol vapour plug - I just want to say this is an absolute lifesaver! We got it when Corey had a cold and it helped him sleep so much better at night - it comes with 5 refills and at £6.99 you really can't complain. Before Corey had a cold he was very snuffly at nights anyway and I though he maybe had a touch of hayfever but since using this it has actually cleared that up too. He no longer uses the plug (unless he has the cold) and he is never snuffly. STRANGE!

Also regarding tummy time, Corey see's this as an opportunity to go to sleep. I'm having to prop him up slightly and entertain him so he will keep his head up. He has very good head control but we just do this to make him stronger. I suppose its up to you if you want to do this.

Through the day when he isn't sleeping, eating or pooping he will lie on his play mat, I have some Lamaze toys hanging from that which can keep him entertained for up to an hour (depending on his mood). He also has a swing but he only seems to like that when he is very tired (is sends him to sleep). Recently I've been sitting him up against things (again for head control) and just talking to him in funny voices watching him smile at me. I've yet to get a laugh but we are VERY close.

Today I introduced a book which he quite enjoyed, I didn't actually read it to him I just sat in front of him and held it up flicking through the pages and letting him look at the different colours. I have ordered 2 books for him - "That's not my car" think that's kind of a touchy feely book, and also "The Hungry Caterpillar Finger Puppet Book" they should be here in a few days and I think I'll get a book out at least once a day. Its better than listening to doc mcstuffins 24/7 lol!

If I haven't got you on facebook then feel free to add me, https://www.facebook.com/Ashleigh5x

Speak soon xox
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Picture 1 - propped up reading his book - little Einstein in the making lol

Picture 2 - Practicing holding his big heavy head up

Picture 3 - Hanging out on holiday with his auntie and uncle

Picture 4 - Corey and I hanging out on his papa's boat on holiday (sorry about the hamster cheeks, I think his hat was a little tight lol)


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Picture 5 - Going swimming for the first time

Picture 6 - Playtime with mummy earlier on today

Picture 7 - The morning after his first full nights sleep, he looks just as shocked as I was lol :)


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Aw, Ashleigh your little boy is soooo gorgeous. I put Luke in his bumbo today......
IMG he loved it!
Aww lokok at these cuties! Bless!

Just a quick one, anyone else still bleeding? I'm nearly 9 weeks and still bleeding fresh red blood, not loads I'm using lite tampons because I got soooo pissed off with pads. It stopped for a few days at 5 and a half weeks, then at Zachary's 6 week check I had the depot injection. Is it ever gonna stop? Do I need to discuss this with my gp? X
I stopped at 6 wks pp, and came on tuesday, so its possible your bleeding has turned into Af? :( are we ok to use tampons, i hate pads :( xx
Yeah I think so after 6 weeks, I felt like I was back to normal down there so I tried it, lol. First one was a bit uncomfortable but since has been fine! The best bit = normal pants!!! Lol.
Goodness knows, I hope the injection hasn't just given me a super long period! Xx
I stopped bleeding yesterday and am so relieved lol! Pads were making me really itchy in this heat!! Jazzy I'd guess the bleeding is down to the depo.

Wow Ashleigh that's fab sleeping! After several nights in a row of sleeping 9-5:30/6am, last night Iris was up at 1am, 3am and 5am!! According to the wonder week thing she's going through a leap or something.. She's also now finally interested in her toys and wants to be on her playmat or looking at something most of the time! Let's hope she sleeps better tonight!!

Oooh Lou, I nearly got a bumbo of a Facebook selling page earlier but then read they were 4months+? Think I'll give it a try as Luke looks so comfy in his!!
He is not quite ready for bumbo, but wanted to see if he liked it...he needs a bit more head control - won't be far off I don't think. He seemed to love it :) laughing away in it. X
I just got a bumbo but only as it was a bargain on eBay. I don't think she will be strong enough for a couple months maybe x
I stopped bleeding after 4 weeks then had a two day light bleed which felt like period at 6 weeks but wasn't. Then my period started on Tuesday. It hasn't been as painful as it used to be!

Cherry that's still good sleeping though! Emily likes to mix it up a bit too haha!

I've got a bumbo my friend gave us, it's still in the loft and think it will be for a bit longer yet! She's getting good at head control though - the Dr agreed on Tuesday at her check, and said she's also very strong! We knew that! All's well with her, she didn't like the injections though bless her. I don't blame her!!! Xx

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