* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Cuteness overload in this thread now!

How has it been three months already! Phoebe is doing great, she's been sleeping through the night since eight weeks, she now takes four six oz bottles a day, I went and had her weighed last Monday when she was twelve weeks and she was 12lb 9oz. She's started babbling a little now and you can sit and have a conversation with her and she's always full of the smiles, I love being her Mummy! Second set of jabs tomorrow though which I'm not looking forward to.


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Funny when they jabber on her. Ellie cracks me up I just sit there saying ur I know lol!!!

She talks to her rabbit too

Jabs here tomorrow too I feel so guilty :)

She's now sleeping from between 8pm to 6am then 6.30-9am little superstar! But lucky to get a 45 minute nap during day. She has 5 6oz bottles a day but leaves the odd oz here and there.

Here's latest pics.


I'm on fb Tracey Taylor live in Chatteris :)
We'll aren't these babies gorgeous!

Zachary has his first lot of injections today....eek!

Here's a pic from yesterday


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Hey mummies!!

We're getting on well too!! Iris sleeps through most nights now from 9ish to 6ish :) We went to the beach on Sunday. She loves chatting to her butterflies on her playmat. Here's Iris in her raincoat :)


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Ps.. Nine and a half weeks on and still no period.. I'm not breast feeding - should I be worried?? X
Lovely pics ladies, I must say we have have super cute babies :)
Cherry, I came on 8 weeks pp not breastfeeding, it can take a while to get back to normal I think.
Have been super lucky and my friend has given me (pretty much all) her little boys old clothes that he has grown out of. I am really grateful, just running out of room - I could start my own shop up!!

Here's master Luke today :) 10 wks old now!
I get married 8 weeks saturday!! Eeeek xx


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Know the feeling Lou I get married next Sunday!!!!

I'm so excited and stressed'

Us may mummies do have some super cute mini people lol!!!

Hi ladies, how are we all?

I'm loving all the updates and photos of all your cute bundles :)

Corey has started teething - he's having a tough time of it but I have to admit he is still a brilliant baby and thankfully it hasn't interfered with his routine YET!

He is sleeping 7pm until 7am and is on 7oz bottles every 3-4 hours. Maybe 7 will be his favourite number lol. After getting Corey weighed on Wednesday he is now weighing in at 16lbs 3oz !! I can't believe it.

I was at a nice wedding on Friday and then a Disney themed cocktail party (for adults) on Saturday lol. I dressed as Elsa from the film "Frozen". Corey spend the weekend with his gran, they moved loved it! What have all you mums been upto then? xox
Picture 1 - Friday night wedding with my best friend of 18 years :)

Picture 2 - Corey and his girlfriend Ava

Picture 3 - Disney cocktail party

Picture 4 - Having cuddles in the big bed with his daddy on a very cold morning


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Picture 1 - Corey and Donald chilling on the couch

Picture 2 - Just woke up from a lovely nap


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Aw, Ashleigh Corey always makes me smile when I see his piccies on fb, he is toooo cute :)
I picked up my wedding dress yesterday...I love it. :) grandparents looked after Luke while I did that. Went to my old rental property today as my parents sold it, so I wanted to check nothing if mine had been left - ie crockery/vases etc walked in and the ceiling had come down and water everywhere!! Water pipe on boiler blew!! Such a mess!! Could have been worse though!!

A piccie of Luke in his new hat :)


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Bit of cheeky tummy time....


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2 hrs after arriving home, he is still asleep! Think nanny and grand dad wore him out !!


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Hi all!

Sorry to hear about the ceiling Lou! At least no-one was there when it happened!!

I got my AF yesterday, was actually pleased to see her for once lol - was starting to freak out about having two babies ten months apart which is ridiculous really as we've been very careful. Anyhow, this morning stared off badly as I woke up to find I'd leaked through my pad (sorry tmi) so had to change the bed sheets and Iris had leaked through her nappy (pampers baby dry are rubbish - 12 hours yeah right) so I had to change her Moses basket sheet too! Lots of laundry will be done today and I'm going to have a lazy day (baby allowing) and eat lots of chocolate cos I feel like crap!! Ironically, I was going to join slimming world today as sick of being so fat but will sit in and pig out instead haha..
Don't you just hate days like that!!!! I havnt had any nappy leaks with pampers except a poo escaping on my mum but she had her held funny so it got out the side!!!! First period was terrible I went through a super tampon and a towel!!! Back on pill though and this one was regular.

Ellie is finally doing a bit better on her tummy she is 3 months old tomorrow I can't believe it!!!!!!

I love her so much you can't describe!!!

Ladies I am getting married on Sunday OMG!!!!!!!!

Aww all completely gorgeous babies by the way!

Good luck TT! I hope everything goes smoothly for you! Post a wedding dress picture after! I love wedding dresses! I'm not getting married till 2017!

Ladies I have a question: what do you all do about naps? Do you have a method/routine? Does baby just crash wherever and whenever? Are any of you thinking a bout sleep training?
(Oooops sorry, more than one question!)
I'm asking because I had the most horrendous shopping trip with Zachary last week, we set off just at 'nap time' thinking he would sleep the half hour there - nope, he screamed. Screamed on the park and ride, screamed in next, zara, boots, giraffe. After I fed him he slept for 15 minutes then back to screaming again. I stuck him in the sling and walked around baby gap very embarrassed bouncing a screaming baby around. Eventually he gave in. I blame over tiredness from missing his morning nap due to being in the car.....so my next aim is to sort nap time out!

Oh dear jazzy - I hate it when Iris screams in shops! No nap routine here! She dozes when she wants. If I'm at home she sleeps on me, if I'm out she'll sleep in buggy or the car. I haven't contemplated sleep training.. Sorry I'm no help at all!! Got Iris weighed today and she's 13lb 6oz - little chunk! X
Awww Ellie doesn't have set naps! She hates the car and buggy so were very lucky when we get a non screaming journey!

If I'm home I can normally put. Her down for an hour around lunch time but can take a few attempts! I had a similar thing in tesco she screamed whole journey there carried her and she still screamed! Had to come out do a bottle then go back in for attempt two lol!!!

I will post a pic up of the dress :D x

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